My Girlfriend Has Many Guy Friends

Jul 15, 2014 by Coach Corey Wayne

How you should handle situations where your girlfriend or women you are dating tend to have lots of guy friends, and even some guy friends who you know have romantic interest in your girl, but are too shy or weak to do anything about it.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer whose girlfriend has more guy friends than she has girlfriends. One of these guy friends has had a crush on her for five years and is constantly texting and reaching out to her. He says they should not talk because he knows that she has a boyfriend, but he still can’t stop himself from chasing her. The viewer often gets irritated at this guy, but since it’s obvious the guy is clueless, he does not feel too threatened.

She also has an overbearing control freak father who is not supportive of their relationship. He feels deep down he will not be with her long term, and asks my opinion on the situation. He originally started following my work after they had a breakup. Things are now better than they have ever been between them, even though he thinks eventually he will end it with her on his terms.

My Girlfriend Has Many Guy Friends

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“It’s incredibly unattractive to women when men they are dating or in relationship with feel threatened by their guy friends, male co-workers or male relatives. Women don’t like to have their integrity, faithfulness, honesty and loyalty constantly questioned, not because they give men a reason to doubt them, but because the men feel so insecure within themselves that they feel threatened by other men potentially stealing their girl. The reality is, most women are surrounded by a sea of horny men who desire them. If a woman wants to cheat on you, there literally is nothing you can do to stop it. If you are a guy who gets insecure or jealous of other men being around your girl, the smart thing to do is to see what she does so you can determine whether or not she is a good girl and trustworthy before committing. Good honorable women will constantly tell you about all guys who are hitting on them out of respect for you and your relationship. Bad girls, cheaters, liars or women who have lost interest and respect for you won’t. All a guy can really do is to be his best self and put his best foot forward, and sometimes that will not be enough to keep a woman faithful. Only keepers will stay faithful. Acting like a needy jealous insecure controlling jackass will universally repulse all women.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

Published on July 15, 2014

Reader Interactions


  1. I love your newsletters and usually you are right on, but I watched your video on girlfriend with a lot of guy friends and I think you were way off. My girlfriend had a guy friend who was into her, I told her that I don’t date girls with guy friends, I told her that she can choose to keep her guy friends or she can keep me. I didn’t guilt trip her or anything I just calmly explained that she has a choice to make, because my feelings on this matter are set. She broke it off the friendship and we have had no problems since. Just my opinion

  2. Got to get rid of that bullshit fear by any means like the coach said your past fears will show up in your present time get rid of them.

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