
My Woke Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Because I Support Trump

Sep 19, 2024 by Coach Corey Wayne
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Some things to consider if your woke girlfriend broke up with you because you support Trump.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who recently got dumped by his woke girlfriend. He’s been following my work for a couple of years. He was dating his now ex for the past year. He says she always got mad because he wasn’t an NPC and didn’t have the same wacky positions that are pushed by the media and far left. She sometimes yells and screams at him about democracy ending while standing on the couch. He wonders if there is any way to get past this and for her to see things his way. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter on the topic of today’s Members Only Newsletter is, “My Woke Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Because I Support Trump.”

So this is an interesting video and I thought it was a good one because obviously in this day and age these things happen. And especially if you look back all the way to like 2015, the shit that has happened in the last ten years, I think everybody watching this would be like, if I was to go back in time, the conception of what was about to happen when Trump came down that escalator in June of 2015 to everything that’s happened now.

I never, ever in my life would have expected things to become like they are. They’ve become so polarized, and it’s kind of nuts to me. Like, especially when you look at “The View” the show, “The View” with all the women. Donald Trump was on The View, I think it was in 2014. It was about a year before he announced, and of course, all of them are gushing over him. They all loved him. Whoopi. All the ones that are so out of their minds, “Ah. Ah. Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, he is protecting democracy.” And they drooled over him. They were like, “Oh, Donald, we’re so hoping you’ll run. That would be so great for the country.” And then he runs and then they just whoop.

They completely flipped. “Oh, it’s a threat to democracy. It’s the end of the world. He’s a horrible, racist person.” And then you watch all this video with all these people that are hyperventilating on TV all the time. Ever since then, before he announced, they loved him. They were like, “Oh, Donald. Oh, we’re so glad you’re here. Oh, you’re so great. Your family is so great. Melania is so great. All your kids are amazing. Your businesses are amazing.

Your show is the number one hit show. It’s so amazing. We love you so much. We’re so glad you came by.” And then now they’re just out of their mind. “Ah, he’s a racist. Misogynist. He’s a fascist. He’s never gonna leave power. Uh, we’re saving democracy.” It’s amazing. You know, the other thing you got to consider is that 95%, 97% of the people in the media are all Democrats. All you have to do is look at their campaign contributions. I mean, Elon Musk was saying that the old version of Twitter, I think it was like 98% of everybody that worked at Twitter, all of their campaign contributions went to Democrats.

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So when you have like 97%, 98% of the people working in your company all support one party, and it’s pretty much like that across the board in the news and the media. It’s understandable. It’s like they’re incapable of being unbiased. They like to claim that they’re unbiased, but they can’t see the forest for the trees, man. And it’s just pretty nutty. And so this particular guy is dating a woman that’s a liberal. And it’s pretty clear she believes whatever the TV says. That’s the other interesting thing. When you look at trust in media, you see that Republicans and independents, their trust is just like falling off a cliff over the last ten years.

But Democrats, their trust in media is something like 78%. And it went up. Like when Trump was in office, their trust was down. And then when Trump was out of office, their trust went up. And so when you got closing in on 80% of the people on the other side of the aisle believe whatever the TV says. You know, what is the back of My Book say? It says, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”

And what I’m grateful for is, number one, Elon Musk buying Twitter because he kind of cracked the door back open to where you can get true information because the past regime, anytime something came up that was contrary to what was on TV with the unveiling or, you know, the people in power with their view was they just blocked and banned and deleted everything. So you really couldn’t get the truth. And unless you have good information and truth and like, I love the community notes that he’s added, because especially it’s great to see the president and his aides post something that is absolute bullshit.

And within hours it gets totally debunked with links and sources, and then you see them delete the tweet. Whereas in the past, the old Twitter regime, they would put out bullshit, the media would parrot it and the whole country would hear the lie. They wouldn’t know what the truth was, because the truth wasn’t allowed to get out, because it went against the prevailing narrative, especially. You look at all the lockdown stuff and all the Covid stuff, all the doctors and Harvard, the world’s foremost medical experts were all getting banned on Twitter, because they were saying things that went against whatever the CDC said or Fauci said.

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It’s just absurd. And now we all look at that and go, well, it’s like the ivermectin thing. You know, if you ever saw the Joe Rogan video that was on CNN where they changed the color to make him look darker, and it made him look like he was really sick and pale. And, I mean, they altered the video to make it look like he was really sick or like what they did with Donald Trump. They altered the tone of the video to make him look really orange, because he’s the orange man. He’s got spray tan. Well, so they make it look like he really looked orange and they’re fucking with the video.

I mean, these are news organizations doing that. But you know, when you have the narrative, he’s a fascist. He’s saving democracy. And the other thing about fascism. Mussolini, who you should know he was the guy who founded fascism. He said fascism is the perfect merger of state and corporate interests. And so, especially this election cycle around there’s, um, I don’t know, a couple of hundred fortune 500 CEOs are all coming out against Donald Trump. So if he’s a fascist, why do all the corporations hate him? The corporations love Joe Biden.

Why is that? Because he’s more the fascist. That’s the crazy thing they’re projecting. They accused Donald Trump of everything that they were guilty on. All that Russia, Russia, Russia crap. That was Hillary Clinton’s dirty campaign tricks. It had nothing to do with it. And when you look at Putin, he wanted Hillary to win. He didn’t want Trump to win. Anyways. But those are just a few things. So this is an interesting email. I thought it’d be fun to go through. And just because people in the regular, you know, will get really upset.

And so that’s why I like to put this one behind the paywall, because we can have these intelligent conversations behind the paywall with other people that don’t get triggered and don’t get so butthurt. So this particular guy is, I mean, you might as well just go. Because his girlfriend, like, gets on the couch and she’s like, he’s a threat to democracy. She’s like gets on her soapbox. She stands up in the couch just kind of freaking out. And he’s like, who is this woman? What happened to my girlfriend?

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Viewer Email:

Hey Coach,

I have been a student of yours for a couple of years now, and have seen my dating life get much better over this time. I have been dating my current girlfriend for about a year now, and she was completely in love with me in about 2 or 3 months. I tried to somewhat avoid politics at the beginning because I knew she was far left, and although I’m more of a libertarian than a republican, I much prefer Trump to be president over a leftist like Biden or Harris.

I mean, Harris, her dad was a known, admitted Marxist, and so is she. And so what is it? You know, what is the difference? Marxism, Leninism, Communism. It’s “The Group’, it’s ‘The Collective’ is what they view. And therefore everything is perceived through the lens of The Collective. And in the United States, under the free market capitalism and The Constitution and especially the Declaration of Independence, the second line of the Declaration of Independence says, our freedoms are assumed to come from the creator.

In other words, they come from God. That’s why you hear Republicans say all the time, it’s like our rights come from God. And then people on the left go, “oh, it’s not true. It’s nothing to do with that.” It’s like, yes, it does. It’s in the second line of the Declaration of Independence, which is one of our founding documents, is the first founding document, is The Declaration of Independence. It says, “All men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” That means they cannot be separated from you.

They are preexisting, the Constitution. In other words, the creator gave you the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, you own your life. You own your body. You’re an individual. You are here because the creator deemed it necessary that you be here. And so therefore every individual is precious. But under Marxism, Collectivism, you’re basically a disposable drone. All you got to do is look at the war in Ukraine and you look at Western tanks versus the Russian designed tanks, the Russian designed tanks. You’re a disposable drone. And so therefore the gunner is sitting underneath all of the ammunition. And if you’ve watched any of the videos, when those holes of the tanks get penetrated, the whole tank blows up.

They call them pop tops. I mean, they call them. During the first Gulf War in the early 90s, they were known as the pop tops because when the tank’s hull got penetrated, the ammunition all detonated, it killed everybody in the tank and the top. The turret would blow off. I mean, if you ever I mean some of these, it’s spectacular. It’s throwing these multi ton turrets hundreds of feet into the air like they were little toys. Whereas the Western tanks you look at the M1A1 Abrams tanks, all of the ammunition is stored in a blast proof cabinet basically behind the gunner behind the loader.

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And so if the ammunition gets detonated, there are explosive doors that blow off. And so the force of the explosion goes up and out the back of the tank. But the crew and the compartment, obviously they’re going to be a little shell shocked. They may have concussions or whatever, but they’re going to survive. And the next day you can just give them a brand new take and they can be back in the fight. Whereas the Russian tank, because the individual is irrelevant. They’re drones. They’re disposable drones. That’s why when the tank hull gets penetrated and everybody dies, it’s like, “Eh.” That’s The Collectivist mindset.

That’s the Marxist mindset versus the Individualist mindset. The Free Market Capitalist mindset. An individualism, every life is precious under Collectivism, Marxism-Leninism, Collectivist principles, you’re a disposable drone. That’s why you look at the Chinese. That’s why when people are to be executed, they harvest their organs. Because again, you’re just a disposable drone of the state. They can do whatever they want. If you look at the meat assaults, the Russians are riding on motorcycles. They’re riding on fucking motorcycles towards the Ukrainians because they have numerical superiority.

They simply have more people than they can throw more bodies at the Ukrainians and the Ukrainians. Obviously, I really have to conserve their troops because they’re a much smaller country, whereas Russia, it’s like, who cares? It’s still the Collectivist mentality. And that’s the difference. That’s what Harris and Biden look at, is that they believe that people like them, the experts should be running and regulating every aspect of our lives. That’s why they don’t want us to have guns, because guns are a threat to them. And to see her in the last debate go, oh, I own a gun. And Tim Waltz owns guns.

Nobody’s coming to take your guns. And the very next day she’s doing a rally going, we’re going to ban the AR15 and do mandatory buybacks, meaning that’s gun confiscation. Even though she lied to the nation. And none of those assholes that, you know, both the moderators are both leftists. They didn’t fact check her on that. But I mean, she’s still just the other day was in the campaign trail talking again about banning the AR15 mandatory gun buybacks. In other words, if you don’t allow the government to buy your gun for probably $0.10 on the dollar, they will lock you up and throw away the key. Because you’re a drone, you’re a disposable drone. You’re not a precious individual of the creator.

And that’s the beauty of The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence. Doesn’t matter if you’re an atheist or it doesn’t matter what you believe. The whole country is based on the premise that you’re a precious individual put here, for whatever reason, by the creator. And you’re entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that includes the right of self-defense. That’s why we have guns. Has nothing to do with hunting. That’s just a fact of life. We’re supposed to be armed, safe and competent with pistol, rifle cannons, for that matter. Machine guns. Because if the governor of your state.

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Because we’re a union of 50 individual countries, if the governor of the state calls up the militia, well, regular. In other words, a well-regulated army means regular working order. Because when you look at back during the revolutionary times, you had lots of people who made their own weapons and you had different ammunition calibers. And so if you’re going to have a militia, you can’t get a militia together where there’s 100 different calibers of bullets then whereas like, you look now you got standardized nine millimeter, you got standardized 556 or 223 most typical rifle rounds. You have a handful of rounds that everybody uses. That way all of the ammunition is interchangeable.

And that’s what you want. That’s what well-regulated means. It does mean regulated by the state. It doesn’t say the right of the state to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” I think it was Patrick Henry Lee, one of the founding fathers, he said, “who are the militia? The militia are, in fact the people themselves and include all men capable of bearing arms, all men capable of bearing arms.”

Everybody is supposed to be armed, safe and competent and ready to go. If you get called up for militia duty. And obviously under natural law, you have the right to self-defense because you’re entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That means if somebody tries to take your life, you have every right to aerate their face with your bullets. That’s what it means. That’s a fact. It doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with hunting or deer hunting or target practice or sports. It has everything to do with protecting yourself and also militia duty. Those are the facts.

The Founding Fathers were very clear about this. It doesn’t matter what the people on TV think. Doesn’t matter what leftist judges think. This is just the law of the land. The Constitution is written legal evidence of this already existing, but it put it on paper so we could all have these rights. That means everybody. It doesn’t matter what color you are or where you’re from. If you’re a citizen, you’re supposed to be armed, safe, and competent with pistol and rifle. That’s just the way it is.

Things started to get worse over the last couple months.  She would always get mad at me for not siding with her on social causes like “Transgender Rights, BLM, DEI, etc.”

Photo by Breeze

You know, DEI. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Didn’t earn it. And then BLM, you know, BLM. What’s her name? Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders who resigned in disgrace and shuffled off with millions of dollars and a bunch of mansions. She said, she’s on video. “We’re trained Marxists.” In other words, they’re collectivists. They want the state to run and regulate every aspect of people’s lives. And in reality, what came to find out she’s just a fucking scam artist. All those big corporations gave hundreds of millions of dollars to BLM.

Where did all the money go? Who did it benefit? It benefited the people like her. She was just a gangster criminal. That’s all she was. Now, the transgender thing. I have a lot of transgender clients over the years, and they’re not a fan of this shit. They’re not a fan of, especially people in elementary school trying to come in between the children and their parents. Again, we have individual rights here. So what it means is if you’re born to a specific family, well, that was the creator’s will. Again, it doesn’t matter if you’re an atheist or not.

The creator put you here for a reason. Your children are there because the creator put those children with you, and therefore it’s up to you to raise them. And so these people in elementary school and middle school and even high school for that matter, they’re trying to convince people they were born in the wrong body. I don’t agree with that at all. But because God doesn’t make mistakes, the creator doesn’t make mistakes. I believe we choose our parents. I believe in reincarnation. It’s a fact of life.

And I believe that we chose these bodies. Our plumbing is our plumbing. Now, if somebody’s born into a man’s body, feels more effeminate and girly, and they want to shave their legs and get rid of their beard and take estrogen and get a female shape and get a boob job, but they’re still going to keep their lower unit, which is what typically almost 100% of my trans clients are. That’s their right. But they do that as an adult. And every one of them I’ve talked to are like, they don’t agree with any of this bullshit that’s being pushed in the schools and trying to convince kids that they’re born in the wrong body.

Now, if you get to be an adult and you want to go from being an outie to an innie and you want to, what do they call it, there’s a neovagina, I guess is what’s created. It’s your body. You’re entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But you have to be an adult to make those decisions, not somebody in middle school. You know these idiots that run around going, “oh, the kids know. They know if they’re a girl or a boy, even when they’re in elementary school.”

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I mean, kids, when they’re they pretend to be all kinds of things. And if you create the conditions where it’s cool and hip and you get acceptance of your peers to be a part of a certain group, then you can brainwash kids into thinking there’s I mean, if you look at any of the kids that have de-transitioned, they’re not happy about it. And you even have the top medical body in the UK said it’s quack science trying to convince kids that they’re born in the wrong body and they’re outlawing all that shit there for children. They’re outlawing it. So that should tell you something.

And when you really look into the science behind it, there really isn’t any science. It’s a bunch of people that came up with ideas and they’re pushing it and they use it as a wedge because it’s a way to get in between the relationship with the child and the parent. Because when you look at Collectivism, it takes a village to raise a children. In other words, the way the Marxists and the Collectivists think is that your kids aren’t really yours. They belong to the state, and therefore it’s up to the state to decide how they’re raised and how they’re treated and what they’re taught.

They don’t believe in the rights of the parents. Now, granted, there are some cases where parents become abusive and you have child protective services in some cases does have to step in. But, I mean, there are things happening in this country now where you get kids in elementary school are convinced by their teachers that they’re trans, and then they’re hiding it from the parents, and then they’re going, because the laws in those particular states. Because again, we’re a union of 50 individual countries. We’re not a democracy. We are a democratic constitutional republic.

That means we are 50 individual countries that have joined into a democratic constitutional republic. Each country, each state has its own constitution and legislature. And the governor of each state is the president of that State. That’s just the way. Why did the Founding Fathers design it that way? Because when you concentrate all power in Washington, DC, it becomes corrupt. And so their goal was to take all the power and spread it amongst the individual states. That’s why the Roe vs. Wade. It’s a States rights issue. Because some states, the people in that state can decide they want to be able to abort kids up until or even after the time of birth.

And then there’s other states where the majority of the population is more conservative, and they only want to have that available for maybe the first 6 to 8 weeks. So it’s a states rights issue has nothing to do with banning abortion. It’s what Roe vs. Wade being overturned with the Supreme Court did was said this is not federal jurisdiction. This is something the individual states need to come up with their own laws and decide how they want to handle this issue. And that’s all it was.

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Had nothing to do with banning abortion, had everything to do with the fact that these rights belonged to the states. And as the way the Constitution is written, anything not specifically given to the federal government as far as powers is reserved for the states. In other words, if the Constitution is vague, if a power is not given to the federal government, then it’s assumed it belongs to the individual States, the individual Countries. That’s just the way it is. That’s the Law. That’s 200 years of settled Law. Anyways.

She always said that I have white privilege.

This again, is more cultural Marxism. And what this does is it gets people hating each other and pissed off at one another and creates a friction in society. And what you do is you get the different victim groups fighting amongst each other. It’s divide and conquer. It’s the world’s oldest strategy. When you read Marx and Cloward Piven, what you see is you get the different victims groups fighting each other, and you can divide and conquer that. You can break up the States, you can balkanize the Country. You can eventually.

And when you look at what happened in Russia, what happened in China, what happened with the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, they use all of these things now, the faults in society, if you will, to I mean, just look how polarized things are. And if you can’t get everybody to agree on anything or agree on what the truth is. I mean, again, just back to Kamala and the shit about the guns. Oh, well, nobody’s coming to take your guns. The very next day she’s out doing rallies saying we’re going to ban the AR15 and do mandatory gun buybacks. And mandatory gun buyback means confiscation.

That means we’re confiscating your guns. And if you don’t give them back voluntarily, we will send the Police or the Swat or whoever to kick your door in and murder you, if necessary, to take your guns and put you in jail for the rest of your life. That’s what it is. So she’s lying. She’s absolutely lying. And because why does she lie so casually and callously? Because in her mind, she’s doing the right thing. She’s thinking about the good of society. She again, she’s a Collectivist. She doesn’t care about the individual rights.

She cares about people like her bullying you and running and regulating every aspect of your lives. That’s just. In other words, she’s a fucking Karen. She’s a Karen that wants to tell us all how to live and what we can and can’t have to defend ourselves. But this is settled law. Her fucking opinion doesn’t matter. And any law that’s passed that outlaws certain weapons is unconstitutional. Anyways, that’s why these things are all getting overturned. And so this white privilege is just, again, another thing that the Marxists have come up with.

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To get black people hating white people and white people hating black people, it’s again. This is divide and conquer. It’s the world’s oldest military strategy. Because when I was growing up. Nobody gave a shit. Even now, most people, you see mixed race couples all around with their kids. Nobody thinks anything of it. It’s not a big deal. But on TV, everyone and everything is racist. Especially white people. It’s absurd. But again, this is how the Marxists create problems in society and get everybody fighting and hating each other because we’re so busy fighting and hating each other.

And then the politicians just keep passing laws and stripping us of our rights because we don’t know what the hell they’re doing, because the media is certainly doing their job. The way the media works is one person creates a story and they all parrot it. It all, either through Reuters or the Associated Press. The stuff comes across their teleprompter, and they just read it. Nobody verifies anything. It was like the stuff about the Haitians eating dogs and cats. I mean, I live in South Florida. We have lots of Haitians. We’ve always had lots of Haitians down here.

We have a Haitian family that’s been part of our family business for decades now, and they love our family’s businesses like it’s their own, and they take care of them like it’s their own. But what’s well known is especially if you grew up in South Florida, a lot of Haitians, they practice voodoo in their culture. So animal sacrifice, it’s like that’s just that’s part of the culture. And so you had all these people going on the local news stations, going all the there’s no stray cats anymore. All the cats have disappeared, people’s pets have disappeared. And they’re seeing this stuff.

And so what does the media do? They call one of the politicians and the politician just goes, “oh yeah, this is not happening. Okay, well we verified. Oh, we checked with so-and-so and this is not happening.” Well, what about all the people that are on TV and and now with Twitter, there’s these videos are all over Twitter. People that actually live there are going, “this is what’s going on in our neighborhood.” It’s like a town of like 60,000 people. They imported 20,000 Haitians into there. That’s a lot of people that were not vetted. They were just flown over here and flown into this specific area and dumped into their city.

And all the people of all colors and stripes that lived there, like, I don’t feel safe. And then you get the, the politician, the Governor, like, “oh, everything’s fine.” And the media just goes, “okay, well, that’s good enough for us.” They’re not doing anything to research it. They’re not doing anything to verify. They just talk to a politician who’s a Democrat and he says, “it’s not happening.” “Okay, well, that’s good enough for us.” It’s like, come on, they’re not even doing their job.

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And that the patriarchy holds women back. Basically take any current subject, and she aligns with the most rabid leftist on Twitter.  

She yelled at me for awhile the other night about Donald Trump, and that if I still supported him she would have to break up with me. 

It’s like, well, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And the next girlfriend I have will be conservative. Never, ever let a woman intimidate you over that.

She told me she was so embarrassed that I could support him, that she wouldn’t even tell her family or friends why we broke up, because to acknowledge that she had dated a Trump supporter would be too embarrassing. 

Whatever. At the end of the day, she’s still fucking you and you make her pussy dripping wet. That’s why all those leftist women can’t stand the very effeminate girly guys that are on the left, and they hook up with conservative guys, even though they piss them off, because the conservative guys act like men.

It’s because attraction is innate. Doesn’t matter what the propaganda says. Attraction is innate. It’s biological. You can’t undo what the creator has done. Sorry.

She left the other night and I was very busy with work so I didn’t see her or reach out to her for four days.  She sent one text over this time telling me I was an “Incel” because I have “misogynist” views of women.   

She called him an incel. Okay, so incel stands for involuntarily celibate, meaning the dude can’t get laid. So that’s absurd. She’s calling him names that she doesn’t even understand because the TV said so. Or maybe she found it on Twitter.

All of a sudden, after four days, she came home and pretended to pack up her stuff. I told her she was welcome to stay, but that I wouldn’t change my views just to please her.

Good job dude.

Long story short she started crying that she didn’t want to leave me.

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Because her feelings and emotions are all that matter. All this propaganda that she’s memorized doesn’t fucking matter. The only thing that matters is how she feels about you. And she’s crying because she cares. She can’t help the way she cares. It may piss her off because it goes against the propaganda she’s consumed on the mainstream media. The problem is, she believes a bunch of Democrats on TV that don’t do any verifying. That’s why the trust in media for independents and Republicans is next to nothing. Now. Nobody believes them.

If you really want to learn about any topic, you can be on Twitter. The beautiful thing is, there are great, credible reporters all over the world that report on any kind of topic that you’re interested in. And what’s beautiful about Twitter is when you see a reporter constantly posting bullshit or things that turn to not be true, you can either unfollow them, you can block them, or I still follow like Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper, who are constantly wrong about things. I still listen to what they say on Twitter, I still follow them, and I just see how ignorant and incompetent they are at their jobs.

But most of the people on the left are listening to these guys who are constantly wrong on everything and lying through omission about everything. But at least I know what they’re saying. But because of Twitter, I’m able to find people that report on topics that I want to know about that are pretty accurate. And that’s what’s beautiful about it. The longer you’re on there, eventually you accumulate enough good sources where you get good information and you can really tell.

Because you can’t solve any problems in life unless you can talk openly and honestly about them. And like I was talking about earlier, the old Twitter regime, they prevented those conversations from happening. Because anything that went against the prevailing narrative, those people got blocked, they got shadow banned, or their posts got outright removed. And now the stuff is there so we can see and examine for ourself. Plus we have community nodes.

How much she missed me for four days, and that if I could only change my views and not support Trump, we could have a happy life. We ended up having sex and she stayed the night cuddling me.

Yeah, this is why he wasn’t changing his opinion to match hers. And so what’s happening is she’s submitted to his strength. So the propaganda had no fucking effect. Yeah. She complained about it and cried. But at the end of the day, he still made her pussy dripping wet because he acted like a man. He stood up for his principles, and the fact that he stands up for his principles is what cracks the foundation and causes her to go. Hmm. Maybe I’m wrong.

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There was a great video I did years ago called, “I Was A Man Hating Feminist, But Corey Wayne Changed My Life!” That’s a great Video. I think it was the girl that wrote in about her boyfriend who was a cop. I think he was a detective that she met. And in the course of a case that she had, and once everything was finished, he started dating her. She got rid of the green hair, grew it out, very feminine, very girly, totally submitted to her man. Trusted his leadership and adopted his positions. That’s what submission is.

Part of me always holds out hope that once she sees that I’m not an evil person.

You don’t need to prove yourself to her that you’re not. You just have to be the great example of a man that you are.

She will accept that regular nice people can like Trump too. We have such fun times together, I don’t really want it to end. Is there any way to reason with people like this? 

Just keep giving her the truth and keep mocking her when she says stupid things, and come at her with facts.

Is it even possible to make her see how brainwashed she is to believe all of the nonsense? I don’t think I can handle another screaming session about woke stuff, it’s beginning to drive me mad. Even when I am calm and quiet, she ends up standing on my sofa screaming about how democracy is about to end.



Well, what I said in the beginning of this video about fascism and what Mussolini said, “Fascism is the perfect merger of state and corporate interests.” And there was a famous article that came out a couple of months ago about, I don’t know, a couple hundred fortune 500 CEOs all signed it, saying they hate Donald Trump and don’t want him to be president, that they’re voting for Harris and Biden. Well, fascism is a perfect merger of state and corporate interests. So if the corporations don’t like Trump and they love Biden, well, guess who the real fascist is? The person that is the perfect merger of state and corporate interests, which is Biden, and Harris. That’s what they want.

They’re the actual fascists. That’s a fact of life. Even if your girl doesn’t like it. So when all the corporations or a lot of the big corporations hate Donald Trump, that should tell you something. And her going, “oh, democracy is about to end.” You got to say, “number one, democracy is not about to end because we’re not a democracy, sweetheart. We are a democratic constitutional republic. We are a union of 50 individual Countries. I live in the Country of Florida, and my president is Ron DeSantis. Plain and simple.”

Photo by

That’s how the country operates. And the reason why is because, as Lord Acton said, “Liberty exists in the distribution of power, tyranny in the concentration of it.” The Federal Government. The people in the Federal Government, the politicians in DC. Everything they do is about plotting and planning to concentrate as much power and control in the Federal Government as possible. And so it’s a constant battle. The Federal Government is always trying to vacuum up power, and the states are always trying to keep it. The Roe vs. Wade thing just returned to power that belonged to the states, back to the states.

It was not a federal government issue. It’s a states rights issue because the states have a the population of each state is different. And so what people in California want is going to be a little different than the people in the Country of Florida want, and those are our rights. I don’t have to live the way the assholes in California want me to live. Sorry, I’m in a different State. If you don’t like it, you can fuck off. Cry all you want. But again, everything is about the individual in this country, not the collective.

And so your girlfriend is basically become a Communist, a Marxist or a gullible Fascist supporting liberal. So if you explain to her what fascism actually is, the perfect merger of state and corporate interests, according to Mussolini, who invented Fascism with Gramsci, I guess it is how you say his name. It’s the corporations and the politicians and a perfect marriage, running and regulating every aspect of society. Therefore, rules and experts, the World Economic Forum, those type of jerkoffs are the ones that think they should be telling humanity how to live.

But we have this thing called the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and especially the Second Amendment that says, get off my fucking lawn or I can shoot you. That’s the bottom line. We have those rights. People violate those rights. Again, if you ever use a gun, you’re going to get sued. The police, especially if you live in a blue state, you’re going to try to put you in jail because you look at there was just a shooting just last week that happened in Massachusetts. And so you have a Democrat attorney general in the area that doesn’t support the Constitution.

She doesn’t support the Second Amendment. And she does everything she can to criminalize defensive uses of guns. And so there are two groups of protesters on one side of the street. You had a bunch of conservatives that were supporting Israel and waving their flags and stuff. And on the other side, you had a bunch of liberals and leftists, and you have this guy who looked like he was pretty fit and in shape, a liberal. I think he was wearing a mask. Comes running across the street and charges and knocks down one of the Israel supporting conservatives, who’s also an Iraqi war vet.

And he looked like he was kind of fat. He was overweight. Let’s be real. And so this guy tackles him. And if he’d had tackled him and the dude had hit his head, he could have died. So he’s committing assault and battery. In other words, he threatened him verbally. And then he went over and committed battery by actually attacking him. And it’s all in Video. And so the obese guy is on the ground, he gets his pistol and he shoots the dude in the stomach to stop the attack. And so what happened?

Photo by Sevryukov

What did this liberal, I forget her name, but she’s prosecuting the guy for using. And she even said in her news conference he has a concealed carry permit. He’s legally licensed to have his pistol on him. He used it to shoot the guy that was on top of him in the stomach to stop the attack, and a couple other people, pulled the guy off of him. So he stopped the attack. And so she’s prosecuting the guy that defended himself. Why? Because The Collectivist believes that only the state should have guns.

And since an individual an individual citizen, even though he’s a War Veteran and served his Country honorably because he wasn’t an agent of the state, she doesn’t like him using his gun. And so she’s prosecuting that guy to make an example out of him. In other words, she wants to make an example. Hey, look what happens when you use your gun to defend yourself. We’re going to put you in jail and try to ruin your life and bankrupt you financially. And the guy that attacked him, not a fucking thing happened to him. She didn’t file any charges against that dickhead.

Assault and battery was committed. It’s all on video. You can see for yourself. It was all over Twitter last week. And what happened? She’s prosecuting the guy who exercised his constitutional individual right to defend himself because she’s a fucking dirty, filthy ass Communist, Marxist, Leninist, Socialist, Collectivist. And so that’s what they do. If you ever saw during the BLM riots those attorneys, the guy that was very famous, he had an AR or actually it was like an M16 style rifle, and she had a pistol and they were pointing it at the BLM people.

These two were attorneys. And this Democrat attorney general prosecuted them for pointing their guns at the people that were threatening them and were going to burn their house down. Because, again, in her world and her mind, the Collectivist mind, those people should have just stood back and let the BLM people riot, break into their house, steal their artwork, and burn their mansion down that they spent years renovating and restoring and put their life’s fortune into that. And so, in her mind, the Collectivist mob was doing a good thing.

And so therefore they should have been allowed to burn their house down. But since they had guns, the people didn’t fuck with their house. But she prosecuted those people for defending themselves. I forget the guy’s name. They’ve been all over the media the last several years since they ended up pleading to something less, but they were attorneys. Can you imagine the average citizen that lives in a state like that? I think it was Minnesota. It’s just absurd. But that’s what they do, and that’s what we have to deal with.

Photo by Kopka

If you got leftists in government, they don’t give a shit about your individual rights. If they can use the boot of the state to prosecute you and make an example out of you. I mean, you just got to look at Daniel Perry in New York, the guy who put this homeless guy, I think he had mental health issues. He was on drugs. Drug addict. A rap sheet a mile long. Guy’s a former marine. The guy’s threatening women in the subway, threatening to harm them, threatening to kill people or stab them. I think he did attack some of them.

And so Daniel Perry puts him in a chokehold, and the guy ends up dying. And so the Democratic Attorney General, I think his name is Alvin Bragg, if I’m not mistaken, the same one that’s going after Trump. It may be him or may be a different one, but it’s another Marxist. I think George Soros helped get this person elected. They’re prosecuting Daniel Perry and trying to put him in jail for murder. And then you see these other women getting beat up and punched, and they’re all going, “where are all the men? Why aren’t the men doing anything to defend us women?”

Well, what you see on Twitter, whenever you see somebody on the left doing that, they always post a picture of Daniel Perry in handcuffs saying, this is why. This is why nobody stands up for you. Because when it happens and something happens to the criminal, the person that is being the hero is getting prosecuted. That’s ridiculous because he’s a former marine and because he’s Conservative. That’s why he’s having an example made out of him. And that’s how these people think.

They don’t fucking care about the Law. They care about doing what they believe is right. To them, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, it’s toilet paper. They don’t fucking care. They don’t care what it says. They only care about their ideology. And that’s the world we live in. So even though we’re all armed, safe and competent, or should be. You live in a democratic and a blue state, you’re probably going to get fucked. If you ever have to use your pistol, you’ll live, but you’ll probably get bankrupted and you may get put in prison, especially if you live in a blue state.

Anyways, that’s my rant. Those are some things that you should share with your girl. And don’t stop. Don’t back down, don’t give up. And just say, “when you get on my sofa and you scream like that, it makes my dick shrivel up. It makes my balls go back up into my abdomen. It it drops my balls. It’s disgusting. And you need to knock it off. You sound like a brainwashed idiot. You need you need to do your own research.” So give her some research to do and tell her if she’s close minded, that you’re going to dump her. If she doesn’t knock this shit off and you’ll find a girl that’s conservative.

Because again, if your goals and in this case, your values don’t really align and she doesn’t eventually submit to you, it’s like, yeah, you’re just getting to the point where you’re sick of it and you should tell her that. It’s like when you behave this way, it just makes me not want to be around you because you just sound like an idiot. You sound like a brainwashed moron that believes whatever your TV says. You’re like an NPC, non-player character in video games. It’s like if you guys have seen those memes, that’s unfortunately how a lot of them operate. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I hope you guys really enjoyed this.

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Corey Wayne
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Published on September 19, 2024

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