Here’s why you should never ask a woman you like if she has a boyfriend. You should never apologize for being sexually attracted to a woman who pushes your buttons. If you don’t see a ring on her finger, then it’s a 50-50 shot of whether she has a boyfriend or not.
Women who are taken, happy in a relationship and off the market, will usually try to avoid looking men in the eyes, or doing anything that could be misconstrued as meaning that she is single and available. These women tend to be in the zone so to speak, and going about their life and business. Women who are single and available, and who find you attractive, will make eye contact and look you in the eye. They will make it obvious to you that they are single and that they like you. Women help you when they like you. They make their interest obvious in hopes that you will be a man and invite them to come and play with you.
Today when I was having lunch, I looked over to my left and about three tables away a woman was staring right at me; and she did not look away. I looked away first because I did not think she was attractive, plus she was with a boyfriend who looked like an MMA fighter. I never looked in her direction again. However, when she and her boyfriend got up to leave and they were walking side by side, she was looking right at me and I believe she was having many impure thoughts. She was making it obvious that she liked me. She did not care or seem concerned about her boyfriend noticing. So what does this tell me about their relationship? She’s unhappy, and looking to meet somebody new. She has already left the relationship emotionally. I don’t think he has a clue. He’s lowered her interest level, and she is looking for his replacement while he thinks everything is fine. I see this all the time. I can’t help but overhear other people’s conversations and look at their physiology anytime I am in public. Most people I see have weakness and fear in their physiology and body language. Even successful and strong looking people. So when I see an amazing alpha female Goddess, she stands out like a 1000 suns. As you grow and become more successful at applying what they teach in my book, you will see the same things as I see.
The two main reasons why you never ask women you like if they have boyfriends are: 1) She may be unhappy and ready to do him in, but she won’t break up with him until she has several replacements lined up, or one perfect replacement lined up. 2) It communicates that you have absolutely no fear and are unconcerned with potentially being rejected. Even if she has a boyfriend, you will light her up and make her day. This will make you feel good, her feel good and anyone who observes the two of you interacting feel-good. Who knows, maybe another hot woman who was close by when she heard you express your interest without fear will come over and introduce herself to you, and let you know she is single and available. Women instantly recognize a man who gets it when they see and hear one. They will pounce on you when you publicly exhibit these qualities that I talk about in my book. You can download the Amazon Kindle version to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE.
That’s what’s fun about learning to apply what’s in my book. Before a guy reads it for the first time, he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. But once he acquires the knowledge and starts to use it, the more women he talks to and interacts with everywhere he goes, the more he starts to see the patterns I talk about. Beautiful women are everywhere in public. Beautiful women with alpha female confidence… are not. If you focus on being at your best personally as you chase your grandest and greatest dreams, these amazing women will recognize you for the catch that you are. They will come and find you and make you their boyfriend or lover. The hotter they are, the harder it will be for you to resist. It’s a different way of thinking and showing up in the world. Instead of chasing after women, you realize that all women are dying to chase a man who is charming, funny, confident and fearless. The more you can exhibit an unattached and authentic version of who you are, the more women will go out of their way to get your attention. The more inwardly focused and attached to outcomes you are, the less your life will go with the flow, and the more women will ignore and not notice you. Be great at you, and the ladies will come running! “When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“What you seek, you already are.”-Deepak Chopra
Mat Duheme says
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