One of the biggest dating mistakes guys make is treating women they just started dating or are trying to date, like they are their girlfriend. What women are really thinking about and how they approach dating in ways that are different from the way guys do.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss two different emails from two different viewers who are struggling with the subtle nuances of seducing the women they are dating on a continuous basis. The first email is from a viewer who had several really great dates with a woman who was really into him at first. Fast forward a few weeks in and she is canceling dates and now mostly ignoring him. He wonders what he did that caused her to lose such an intense attraction for him so quickly.
The second email is from a viewer who is temporarily living in a new city for a few months. His new roommate? She’s smoking hot and seemed to be really into him… at first. He almost seduced her successfully the first night they were together. Things have really cooled off now, but she is still reaching out to him. He is unsure of how to get things back romantically to where they were the first night when they were starting to hook up.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“One of the worst mistakes that guys make when they start dating new women, is trying to treat them like they’re already their girlfriend. They often start acting dopey, submissive and like a teenager in love for the first time. Women approach dating differently than men. Women go out with the attitude of “let’s just see what happens,” and are looking to determine if the new guy is a good match for them. When a guy starts acting like they are already in a relationship, she is thinking, “We don’t even know each other yet!” This makes the woman feel like she is losing her freedom and she will back away. Predictably, when the woman starts to back away, this usually causes the guy to think he has to do something to get things back to the way they were. He will then start to call excessively, not wait for the woman to call back or return messages, become impatient, have “the talk” with her about where he stands, try to force himself into her life instead of allowing her to come to him at a pace that feels comfortable to her, etc. This needy and desperate behavior usually leads to being friend-zoned, the woman ignoring him or her giving him an outright rejection and not wanting to see him anymore. Guys simply need to focus on hanging out on dates, having fun together on their dates and hooking up when the signs are there that she’s ready to be kissed and escalate things physically. Men are much better off if they leave the relationship labels and boyfriend/girlfriend talk to women to bring up.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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