Here’s how to get lots of phone numbers, go on dates & hook up with women more beautiful than you ever thought possible! To go from being unsuccessful with women, to being able to walk up to women anytime, anyplace and anywhere, strike up a conversation and either set a date in the future, or continue hanging out with her until it leads to sex in your bedroom several hours later… is a process. It’s different for every guy. Some guys just need a little bit of help and tweaking, and then they are good to go. Other guys like me, spend a lot of time overcoming negative programming, limiting beliefs and simply overcoming their fear of talking to the opposite sex. It starts with the realization and honesty that the reason the results you seek are elusive, is because your approach is bad and it needs refinement. Guys who are already successful, have an easier time applying what I teach and succeeding with women. Guys who hate their jobs or careers, also have to work on getting a better job in addition to improving their success with women. Why? We spend most of our time working in our careers. If we hate what we are doing for a living, it will be infinitely more difficult to work at improving our success with women. Why? If your job or career has already made you miserable, you have a lot less reasons to get super excited on a daily basis. Guys who love what they do for a living and are succeeding in doing it, already have an abundance of happiness. Changing their approaches with women simply involves learning what they did not know or understand about women, and applying it in their lives. That is why I focus so much on finding or creating a career or business that is emotionally compelling and exciting for you. The more successful you feel as a man, the easier it will be for you to do the right things with women.
The following is an e-mail from a phone coaching client of mine. I’ve been working with him for about a year now. We usually talk once a month. He has been relentlessly applying what I teach over the past year. At this point, he’s talked to hundreds of women. He’s asked out dozens and dozens of women. He’s also gone out on dozens and dozens of dates. Plus, he’s been getting laid pretty steadily now for some time. He’s dating lots of women and having fun. He’s constantly having breakthroughs and waking up to the fact that every day he gets closer and closer to realizing his FULL potential as a man. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Coach Corey,
How goes it my brother? I hope all is well on your end. Well things are going great for me since our last coaching session and the advice that you gave me. I must admit things have been looking up. I remember that quote that you said “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” (I originally heard that from Dr. Wayne Dyer. He is brilliant!) So true, that quote is money! I’ve had some recent developments in my life that are for the better I think. I’ll tell you all about it during our next coaching session.
Well on to other news in the women department. I’ve been out there just doing my thing, getting numbers, going on dates and hooking up. (That’s because you’ve got several ways to meet more women, you know the three best ways to seduce women, you know the best pickup lines & you’ve got the best comebacks ready for anything women can throw at you. You are prepared and squared-away-Ajay. You are still a good soldier. You’re getting it done as usual. Patience, persistence and perseverance pays off eventually. Repetition is the mother of skill. You do the work, this gives you experience and your experience builds your confidence as a man. I am sorry if I am not surprised at your success. The effort you make is your guarantor of your success. So your success is… as I have always said…simply a matter of… time.) It’s freaking awesome because I am able to distinguish now, well, at-least I think I can, the levels of low vs high interest. I know I’m still making mistakes, but overall I think they are minor. When we talk you can give me your opinion since you always give me an objective look on things, as opposed to what I want to hear… LOL.
Dude Corey, I sometimes stop and think of where I am now. (I’m proud of you! You apply what you learn, and therefore, you get expected/predictable results.) Especially since you’ve been working with me and where I was then. I can definitely see changes that have taken place all for the better. I am definitely more confident, more aware and overall just better at understanding women and making decisions. Not only with women, but in other aspects in my life as well. (I told you that would happen. I also stated that in my book. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.) I’ll tell you of some breakthroughs that I’ve experienced lately. Thanks again for the guidance my brother. I better be closing for now. I just wanted to drop in and give you an update on how I’ve been. BTW, fucking awesome newsletter my man, thanks again for the nuggets of knowledge! (Thanks! I try to pack each one with as much good info and links to my other related articles as possible. It’s all about adding value to people’s lives. More than anyone else. Even when we’re not talking, I’m still helping you thru my newsletters and videos. Total immersion.)
Thanks again brother. Have a great week 🙂
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“What you seek, you already are.” ~ Deepak Chopra
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