Here’s how to take baby steps to slowly lose your fear of approaching women to build your success and confidence. Some guys get really overwhelmed when they actually contemplate the thought of walking up to a beautiful woman and striking up a conversation that leads to exchanging of contact information, and an eventual date that leads to sex. People will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure. For many guys the potential pain of rejection, embarrassment or awkward situations outweighs the potential pleasure/reward of succeeding with women. Therefore, they create stories and white lies that they tell to themselves to justify the fact they are unwilling to do anything to help themselves. The following is an e-mail from a reader who is terrified of talking to women so much, that he’s had my book for year and it appears he hasn’t even opened his mouth once to take any risk to better his situation. Therefore, he is suffering tremendously. Emotional and/or physical pain is life’s way of communicating to you that something needs to change. What you resist persists. What you look at… disappears. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hi Corey,
I actually purchased your book about a year ago. However, I was stuck on the part where you instructed me to go out somewhere and joke and banter with about 100 random women. (Actually, I teach you to go to the mall and start talking to store clerks, old people and other random strangers by simply asking their opinion or advice on things. You could even say “I got this Life Coach Corey Wayne who says I should start talking to random strangers so I can lose my fear of approaching women.” and say “So this is my homework. He says I will find that most people are kind and friendly and willing to offer their opinion, advice or have a short chat with a random stranger. So I came up to you to test his hypothesis and see if he’s right. So are you nice friendly people and do you think most people are willing to be friendly and chat with a random nice stranger?” Let them answer and then ask normal things that strangers ask each other: “Where are you from? Where did you grow up, etc.?” Then when you are ready to move on, say “thanks for helping me in my field research lol. You folks have a great day!” and then move on to the next person. Go in the stores and ask the clerks and sales people their opinions on things. Ask beautiful female clerks their opinion on what they “think the hottest look for guys is? The kind of dress style that makes you think to yourself… Wow, he’s really hot I like what I see.” Cologne they like to smell on men they like, etc.? Go up to women and tell them your “coach says I should ask women how they prefer to be approached by men who want to take them out for a date?” and then you can ask them what they “don’t like or what creeps you out about the way some clueless guys go about asking you out? They’ll give you an ear full of good female intel and insight. They will confirm everything I say in my book. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.) It is a major investment of energy that simply overwhelms me. (No it’s not. You are simply looking at the invisible mountain you think you have to climb in order to succeed and trying to knock it out of the park on your first try. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You must walk before you can run and do what is easy for you at the level you are at. Go to the mall and just walk around making eye contact and smiling at the people who look at you when you look at them. About half will just ignore you and walk by you like you’re not even there. Only smile at and make eye contact with the ones who look at you. If you’re really bold and daring when this becomes easy and boring, you could even muster a… “Hi! Hello! How are ya? etc.” as you walk by random strangers. Just do what you can at first. Succeed at your own pace. It’s a marathon. Not a mad dash to the finish line. ) In that situation, I can’t “tease and banter” a person at all. (Forget that for now. Just start with the baby steps I detailed above and in the YouTube video.) I actually work part time on every Saturday. I see some badass people, like 1 in 100, but that’s already enough number of people to discourage me trying. (97% of all men do not understand women. You have no competition dude.) Maybe I was seeking help from the wrong person. (I can only help people who are willing to help themselves. You must participate in your own rescue.) I may need help from specialized psychologist, (I can’t help you with that.) but it will be financially demanding. I think it is getting harder to get better on these things as I age. (Yea, because you are becoming lazy and set in your ways. “Inaction breeds fear and doubt, action confidence and courage.” ~ Dale Carnegie.) It’s too discouraging to see most of my colleagues are set in their relationships. Just can’t bear it. (That’s the story you tell yourself so you don’t have to risk anything by making an effort to improve your skills. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Keith Cunningham. If I did it, you can too, but you have to take action and start talking to people in order to get better and improve your skills. You’re bullshitting yourself just like these guys. Look what happened the first night this guy went out and actually tried what I taught him to do instead of whining and saying it’s too hard like he did for 6 months before he actually put himself out there. You miss 100% of the pitches you don’t swing at. Hmmmm… something to think about.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Success depends upon previous preparation, & without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” ~ Confucius
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Published on May 3, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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