What the root causes are that led to the Pulse Nightclub terror attack in Orlando, and what can be done to prevent similar attacks in the future.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss the Pulse Nightclub terror attack in Orlando, Florida, USA, on Sunday morning, June 12th, 2016. I discuss how understanding self-help and self-reliance principles can be applied to understand why the shooter chose to commit mass murder, what his belief system was and how his worldview and model of the world influenced his decisions to become a jihadi. I also discuss why this problem of radical jihad has been with us for over 1,300 years, since the founding of Islam, why it persists and what needs to be done going forward to eliminate the scourge of radical Islam from the face of the earth, once and for all.
I also discuss some key history and military battles of the Crusades, Middle Ages, Ottoman Empire, and how the USA has been fighting jihadists since it’s founding, during the Barbary Wars.
These are the key points I cover in this video, starting with the gun control debate, which is raging on TV as a supposed solution, while the real causes of the problem are ignored:
• Prohibition did not work.
• The war on drugs is not working.
• Banning guns won’t stop criminals from using them to the break law. See my article and video, “The Right To Keep & Bear Arms.”
• Criminals do not follow the law.
• 3D printing advances means, in the next 10 years, any criminal anywhere can print out guns in unlimited quantities.
• We must focus on the elimination of jihad preachers, teachers and purveyors, and in their place offer a positive, loving, more compelling vision for those who have lost hope, those who have no hope or those who need a purpose in life.
• The Sanford Mosque preacher preaching all gays should be murdered as the compassionate thing to do.

• Self-hating/self-loathing suicidal failures, who can’t get laid or succeed in life, seek a belief system that justifies projecting what they feel inside onto others to absolve themselves from any personal responsibility for their lives and inability to succeed in life.
• The Pulse nightclub jihadi was a closet homosexual whose religion did not allow him to be who he was. This tormented him. He was probably mentally ill also.
• Radical Islam gives them a belief system that justifies their worldview or model of the world.
• Tyrants, and those who think like tyrants, believe they are superior to their fellow human beings, that people are too stupid to know what is good for them and fulfill their need for significance, by convincing themselves they and people like them should be telling the rest of us how we should live our lives and what we should and should not be allowed to do.
• Tyrants do not respect the freedom of the individual or their divine birthright guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the right of self-determination.
• People who feel out of control and fearful, seek to control others and impose their will and belief systems upon them.
• People who truly care about the safety, security and welfare of their fellow human beings are focused on eliminating the reasons why killers kill and stopping them before they kill. They are not focused on punishing law-abiding citizens. CLICK HERE to see an article that discusses what law enforcement is doing to stop mass shootings.
• There are 400 million guns in the US. You are a fucking idiot and delusional if you think it’s a good idea to not know how to handle them responsibility when you encounter them or people who have them or your kids encounter them when you are not around. It does not matter if you chose to own them or not. You should be prepared and you should be able to prepare your children. Again, see my article and video, “The Right To Keep & Bear Arms.”
“Life’s tough pilgrim, and its even tougher if you’re stupid.” ~ John Wayne
• 9/11 was a call for help. Love should be our response, but it must be balanced with tough love at times and with certain people.
• Why you must name your enemy.
• Make jihad and their radical belief system a pariah like kiddie porn is.
• Form a Congressional Committee, like we did during WWII, to root out the Nazi’s who were in the US.
• We must delegitimize the Islamic state and all those who believe in this savage ideology. Obama gives them credibility, because he allows them to exist.
• The preachers are so easy to track down, and so are those who are susceptible to buying into jihad, if you know what to look for.
• Like it or not, the world is at War with radical Islam, and has been for the past 1,300 years. Until the ideology is defeated and has no legitimacy, this will not go away.
• We’ve been fighting jihad since our nations founding during the Barbary wars.
• It’s a 1,300-year long war with only slight lulls in the fighting, which happens only when the radicals are weak, and moderates are strong. We must offer a more loving, successful, inclusive, peaceful vision.
• We will find peace through strength.
• Separate the reconcilables from the irreconcilables
• The irreconcilables either get put in a cage or put in the ground. Only 5% of any movement is really the hard-core believers. The rest are there for money, trying to survive, or because they are simply the strongest tribe, and it’s the best way to stay alive and to protect and provide for your family.
• Most human beings will choose unconditional love if their needs can be met.
• In the Palestinian territories, Israelis place the square root of 1% of the population in a perpetual state of peace to help quell the intifada and make it safer for moderates.
• Taqyyia: As long as it furthers the cause of Islam, you can lie, cheat and steal.
• The world is waiting and ripe for a leader. Russia wants to get the band back together that destroyed the Nazi’s. A lot of American Military guys are happy Russia stepped in to help in Syria. Their attitude is, “Get Some!”
• ISIS is using Hollywood style quality in their propaganda videos, good enough to convince people to kill themselves and others in the process. Every day ISIS is allowed to exist, it has credibility to influence suicidal, self-hating, self-loathing people to kill, turn against their families and countries and become traitors. That is a weapon of war.
• Guns need to be anywhere and everywhere, because the federal government and Obama admitted they can’t catch everyone in his June 16th speech. All vets and responsible gun owners should get concealed carry permits and be ready. It’s the prudent thing to do, since Barack O’Ganja does not want to do what’s necessary to fight and win the war or stop crazy people from murdering. He is an ideologue. He believes in ideology and not letting a good crisis go to waste, because you can do things you normally would not be able to do.
• Do what the NRA has been advocating will work: No guns for people on terrorist watch list, but there must be a system of legal due process to get your name off of list if you have been put there by mistake. It happens all the time with the no-fly list, and there is no legal recourse to get off of it.
• According to the FBI: 60% of active shooter events are over before the police arrive. They almost always are over in 10 minutes or less. The best police response time is 5-7 minutes tops. FBI says your choices are: Run, hide or fight. They say the best option is to take the shooter out. You have a 1 in 2,000,000 chance of getting shot. You have a 1 in 700,000 chance of getting hit by lightning.
• Moderate Muslims must always be the strongest tribes and be supported, trained, equipped, mentored, by the US Military; and educated in our schools. Like Casper the friendly ghost working in the shadows, with a light military footprint. That’s what kept Egypt together and secular to overcome the Muslim brotherhood during their revolution. The US military and US type of values were adopted by their military leaders and much of their staff. Most people have no idea that even happened.
• Egyptian military is the most respected institution in Egypt. Our troops and the troops of our allies should be proud of that achievement. That’s why Egypt didn’t implode like Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
• There’s an evil force loose in the world that has to be dealt with.
• We need a Marshall Plan for the Middle East. Money circulation, property ownership, and competent local, state and federal governments and security must be facilitated.
• We must have a Muslim face as the leadership of reforming Islam to get rid of radical Islam once and for all. King Abdullah of Jordan, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt.
“It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” ~ Harry S. Truman
• Radical Islam is a Theo Political belief system that has been fighting to rule the world since 622 AD. That is 1,394 years.
• In 732 AD, Charles (The Hammer) Martel repelled the Moors, which came up through Spain from North Africa, and saved Europe and Christianity from radical Islamic invasion. CLICK HERE for more information on this historical event.
• The Fall of Constantinople: Constantinople is now Istanbul, because they lost that fight in 1453. CLICK HERE for the information on The Fall of Constantinople.
• In 1571, the Christian Venetian fleet at Lepanto fought and decisively defeated an Ottoman Empire Muslim invading fleet. This decisive battle took place on the northern edge of the Gulf of Corinth, off western Greece. See the video below, and CLICK HERE for more information on the Battle of Lepanto.

• The Battle Of Vienna: Germanic and Austrian knights fought at the gates of Vienna in 1683. CLICK HERE for the history of the Battle of Vienna.
• The Barbary Wars, 1801-1815.
• Read the Quran, Sunnah, Surah and Hadith to better understand the ideology of the radicals.
That is my two cents on why it happened, why it continues to happen and why we, as humanity, have to deal with it. We cannot turn away from this. Like it or not, you’re either part of the solution, or you’re part of the problem.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Human beings have six basic fundamental needs they are always trying to meet through their thoughts, words and deeds. The first need is a desire for Certainty. This means you are “certain” you have a roof over your head, a job, money, know where your next meal is coming from, etc. The second need is Variety. In other words, we like to have a variety of different experiences and people in life, instead of every day being exactly the same. The third need is Love and Connection. This is simply bonding with, connecting to and loving other people. The fourth need is Significance. This means you are important, you matter and your life has meaning. The fifth need is Growth. This is growing as a person, expanding your knowledge, skills, etc. The sixth need is Contribution. This is doing things for other people. By focusing on helping and contributing to the welfare of others, you actually meet all of the six other human needs in the process.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Anthony says
Please don’t tell me Corey Wayne is for legalization of illicit drugs! That model has failed miserably in some European countries. Although problems will always remain, the solution is not to concede defeat and condone the use of life destroying drugs. The war on drugs is the best solution we have.