Here are some of the fundamentals and most important things you should focus on when trying to improve your pickup, dating and relationship skills as quickly as possible.
I put together of list of things you can focus on that will help you rapidly improve your success and confidence with women. Not only will your success with women improve, but your overall quality of life, health, happiness and sense of well being.
Make sure to click on the blue links embedded in the text below to other related articles that further expound upon the topics and fundamentals discussed in the video that accompanies this article.
Be friendly to everyone you meet
Go to the malls, public places, social events, etc. to practice regularly
Move close or closer to places that have a great social scene
Instead of trying to sell or prove yourself, ask questions & become a good listener
Ask for people’s opinion on fun places to hang out, things to do, dating topics, etc.
Focus on making good eye contact and smiling a lot
Do things that make you happy
Join clubs, organizations, social groups, etc. to meet like minded people
Get good at learning people’s names at places you frequent
Practice at losing your attachments to outcomes, women and success
Become focused like a laser beam on your purpose and mission in life
Do something you love for a living or start that business you’ve always wanted
Become a goal oriented person
Work at discovering your purpose if you don’t already know it
Listen to your heart, curiosity and intuition
Hang out with positive, fun and uplifting people
Hangout with people who are more successful than you
Ditch negative, pessimistic and drama filled people
Take care of your body by eating an alkaline diet, detoxing, lifting weights & doing cardio
Dress in ways that are congruent with your personality
Become aware of your posture, body language and physiology at all times
Get regular network chiropractic adjustments
Stop talking about yourself and your accomplishments
Use the phone, email, messaging & texting ONLY for setting dates
Be a leader by gently leading women to where you want them to go
Practice infinite patience
Give women the time to call, text or message you back when they feel like it
Start out by dating women only once per week until they start contacting you
Let women bring up the topic of being exclusive first
It takes 7 weeks of dating on average for women to start to fall in love
Hangout, Have fun & Hook up. Rinse, Recycle, Repeat
Don’t tell women what your going to do on dates, let them discover it in real time
Stay in the present moment on dates. Get out of your head and thinking about the future
Be funny, positive and uplifting at all times
Save your sad stories, dating disasters, fears and weird hangups for your buddies
Go for the kiss & get physical when she’s showing the proper signs
Never end a first date without going for a kiss on the lips
Be aware of & observe her body language
Focus on what people do, not what they say
NEVER argue with or confront women… EVER!
Remain centered even when women don’t meet your expectations
Be willing to walk when they mistreat you
Be direct & get to the point by asking for dates or phone numbers
Assume all women want you & act accordingly
When she calls, texts or messages you, assume she wants to see you
Treat her like a bratty little sister at times
Joke around 10% of the time & 90% of the time be a charming James Bond
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“One of the most important skills you can develop to succeed in life is overcoming what you fear. Fear is the single biggest thief of people’s dreams. Therefore, what you fear, you attract. What you look at and face will disappear as the illusion that it is. Your fear of something is always greater than actually doing what you fear. Fear only exists in the mind. Most people let their fear of success, fear of failure or fear that they don’t have what it takes, hold them back from taking the action they know they need to take in order to accomplish their goals and dreams. Go for what you want, and especially go for it if it terrifies you. Your playing small serves no one.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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