Here’s why you only ask a woman out on two different occasions & delete her number if she rejects you both times. A big reason why a lot of men who hire me to coach them as well as guys who send me e-mails are failing with women, is because they are expending too much energy and time with women they have little to no chance with. If you are new to my work, or if you have not yet developed your sensory acuity to the point where you can be 100% certain when you look into a woman’s eyes that she wants you, then you must understand that the objective of talking to women is to find out as quickly as possible if she likes you enough to want to date you, or not. You simply want to know when you meet a new woman who you like, honey, are ya in or are ya out? Without actually saying that. If she’s out, then you need to forget about her and move on to the next lovely candidate. So the question is, at what point do you move on and forget about women who are rejecting you? When it comes to asking a woman out, you only want to make two attempts. If she rejects you both times, it’s not worth your breath of air to ask her a third. The more women you interact with which will improve your skills and success with women, the more you will start to interact with women who you have a chance with, and the less you will interact with women who you don’t. As you get good at learning to recognize the right girls you should be approaching and talking to, your pickup and seduction success will skyrocket. The following is an e-mail from a reader who blew it previously with a girl he really liked. He walked away after getting shot down twice, but now she’s initiating contact with him and since she rejected him twice, he’s not going to ask her out again unless she brings it up. That takes some balls! My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Hi Corey,
Thanks for publishing my story in walking away to get her back. Good insights and I hope it helps other guys in my situation. I did finally walk away and stopped contacting her. Within 2 days she contacted with me via skype, asking me how I was and stuff. Now what I didn’t explain before is that I’m 45, living in the UK and she is 24 living in Portugal. So it’s a long distance thing and its been going on for 9 months with lots of mistakes on my part. I know now that I’ve read your work to try to set up a definite meeting/date. I tried and she kind of avoided the subject. I only spoke to her for 6 mins max. The next day she contacts me again. So I say “let’s meet up” and she dodges it again. So I kept it very brief to 5 minutes or so, and left it at that. 2 days after that she contacts me again. I say, “hey how are you? blah blah blah for 5mins, and I have to go because I’m busy doing some stuff, nice talking to you and keep in touch.” After I said that she had a face like a fucking slapped bulldog. The next day she contacts me again and goes, “are you ok?” Me, “Im cool and you?” Then she sends one of those smiley faces like she is undecided. I said, “whats the matter?” She replied, “nothing I’ve got to go.” I said “ok, bye.” (She’s purposefully walking away here. It’s like someone calling you to tell you they won’t call you anymore. This tells me she is getting frustrated and is unsure of herself. Your being indifferent is confusing her. When she can’t take it, she will reveal more of her cards. Then you make your moves based upon what she does. It’s like when she’s a little girl and doubts daddy loves her. When the tension in her heart becomes unbearable, she goes and sits in his lap for reassurance and his love. When she’s an adult and you are indifferent and busy being focused handling your shit as a man and your purpose, she’ll try harder to figure you out and where she stands with you. It allows a woman to FEEL your strength and contemplate and FEEL internally the possibility of not seeing you anymore if she does not do something to help you create an opportunity for sex to happen. She’ll put herself into your orbit in hopes you make a move and invite her to your place or out on a date. 97% of the time she won’t ask you out for a date or to ask you out directly because she needs you to do that to confirm you want her. It’s as if she shows up naked in your bed spread eagle ready to receive you, but you must still go mount her and fill her up physically. She won’t do it for you so she can submit to your strength and feel it COMPLETELY. It’s about doubting you want her to build sexual tension inside of her. Then she puts herself back into your orbit so she can be penetrated by your love to dissolve her fears and doubt; replacing it with the presence of your love instead. The next day you go off to slay the dragons once again possibly forgetting about her because you are so focused on your purpose. When she starts to worry you will become distracted from her for too long, she will contact you to dissolve her doubt PHYSICALLY in person. When a guy chases excessively, he never gives a woman the space to FEEL her FEELINGS for him; or for her feelings for him to develop and rise. That’s the only way attraction in her towards you can build. No space = no attraction. Hmmmmmm, something to think about.)
I’ve walked away and made the two date setup attempts max. Her interest level is obviously low because she doesn’t want to meet up. I’m keeping the electronic contact with her very brief, and not being an asshole about it. I always tell her that it’s nice to hear from her and to keep in touch. I’m watching her actions which tell me she has very low interest. However, the amount of contact from her is weird. (She may be bluffing to test your strength and to see if you really are different. If you stick to your guns long enough, she may throw in the towel and bring up getting together since you do not anymore. If she still has 51% interest, she will bring up getting together when she becomes afraid that if she does not, then you won’t either and then she will never see you again. If she does not like that possibility, she won’t take the chance and will bring up getting together. If she does, then try and make definite plans again. Only invite her to your place. Don’t go out of your way for this girl. She has not earned it through her actions yet.) I don’t even want to focus on her. (That’s why you need to get busy improving your social skills and learning the easy ways to meet and date lots of different women so you can practice and master your skills of seduction. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.) It’s like the race car driver analogy. I’m focusing on my life. I’m back in the gym. I want to move to London. I’ve been out practicing my skills trying to improve them and have a little business plan that I want to launch. What’s with all this contact? (She may be testing you or there may be another guy in the background she is unsure of also. When you walk and never look back, that other dude will usually chase and drive her right back into your arms. Keep doing what you’re doing.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Patience is power; with time & patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.” ~ Chinese Proverbs
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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