How to go from consistently crashing and burning with women in your personal life, to being able to attract and seduce the kind of women you really want.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss three different emails from three different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who was married for 24 years and split with his wife a year ago. He got his own home and started his new life this past summer, and started dating women whom he met online. He wasn’t having much success, and then he met a woman who was a few years younger than him and was able to seduce her successfully. However, he says he started acting like a needy asshole and got himself friend-zoned.
The second email is from a viewer whose partner of 7 years cheated on him. He left her and found my work. He shares his success story of how he went from having no confidence 10 months ago, to being in a relationship with a new woman who constantly tells him that his confidence is very sexy and turns her on. The third email is from a viewer who shares what he did to successfully seduce a woman he really liked on his second date using my two steps forward and one step back philosophy I teach in my book.
Seduction: Crash & Burn To Success
1st Story:
Hey Corey,
I have read your book three times now and I’m still freaking learning, but love it. I had been married for 24 years, and last January we split. I moved into my own house and started my new life this past June, and have now starting dating women from an online site. What a nightmare. Are they are all nuts or is it me? (There are quite a few messed up women in the world. A lot of really super-hot, beautiful women are some of the most fucked up women out there. People treat beautiful women as though they are special and different, which can blow up their ego and make them miserable to be around.) I live in a small town that is mainly a retirement community. I’m here because my daughter is here with her mom. I have her 50% of the time, and to make matters worse, I work from home full time as project manger.
Anyway, I starting curling, and met this girl who was 42, I’m 49. I played it very cool, teased her, and played the James Bond 90% and brat 10%. We hooked up and had a great night. She then ran for the wind, wasn’t ready, and didn’t want our relationship to screw up the curling, so I once again backed off, just playing it cool. She came back to me a few weeks later and told me, “I’ve made a decision. I want to be with you. It was a fucking amazing feeling, and I became a needed asshole, but I feel out of my center.” She said she really wanted to be part of my life, but only as good friends. I got friend zoned. So I looked at her and realized, “yup, I fucked up,” even though it had only been 10 days, but I cared for her. However, I was not interested in another female friend, and I walked out.
I stopped going to curling as we are on the same team. I wanted to walk away and completely ignore her. Did I do the right thing man? (Yes. When a woman says, “I can give you friendship, but not romance,” say “No, I’m not interested in that.”) This dating shit in my late forties really sucks. Chicks are so picky now! (It’s not that they are so picky. You need to improve your game. Read my book and you will improve by applying the fundamentals of what I teach.)
2nd Story:
Hi Corey,
You don’t have to reply back. I just want to tell you that you have transformed my life. My partner of 7 years had cheated on me so I left her and found you. I read the book 15 times or more and still read it. I smashed the gym and kitted myself out. I’ll be honest, before I perfected things, I messed up about 6 potential girlfriends by doing the wrong things, but what do you say about repetition? (Repetition is the mother of skill.) I now have an amazing, beautiful woman who tells me every day that I am so different. She often says things like “Wow, where did you come from?” Your book also let me know why my ex cheated on me, and I know not to make those mistakes again. I’ve given your book to any male down at the gym that will listen to me. As for the ones that don’t listen, well I just watch them fail and fail again. (The reality is, 95% of the self-help books on relationships are bought by women, not men. Men want to feel successful and don’t want to admit that they aren’t good with women, so they aren’t always open to looking for help.) It’s amazing to witness the neediness that I once had myself. I was not a confident person 10 months ago. Amazingly, my girl tells me the confidence I show in myself turns her on so much, it drives her crazy. She wants me all the time and any place. I will challenge anyone who says your work is not great. (If you just apply the things I teach, you’ll see it works. The positive feedback I receive speaks for itself.) Like you say, “apply the things you teach.” I owe you a lot. You are an absolute gentleman, and if you are ever in my town, look me up, and dinner and drinks are on me. I would still not say I am a 3% man, but I’m getting there. You never stop learning.
Thank you again Corey Wayne. I will keep giving your book to as many people as I can. Life is easy.
3rd Story:
Hi Corey,
Photo by
I want to share a success I just had, thanks to your work. I had just met this girl 3 days ago. She messaged me on Facebook saying she found me attractive, and so did I about her. (When you’re focused on being awesome and doing what you love, like-minded women are going to find out about you.) We sent a few messages, talked on the phone, and then I set a time to meet. It was so ironic that we stayed literally across the street from each other. The first night I spent with her, we were just on the couch watching movies and playing around, bantering. I went for the kiss, and there we were, making out. (Hang out, have fun, and hook up. It’s a perfect formula if you follow it.) I didn’t sleep with her on the first night though because there was still some fear there, which stopped me from making a move for her clothes. However, last night she invited me over again. This time, I fueled up on a few of Corey’s videos. We did the same routine, but this time I used his patented two steps forward, one step back technique to seal the deal. I rubbed her on her pussy and she closed her legs. So I just pulled back and said, “Okay” with a smirk on my face. She started initiating contact again, so I made a different approach by kissing her, went for her neck and started sucking on it. While doing so, I attempted to finger her, and this time she opened up. Thanks to you Corey, I had sex with a girl I was actually very physically attracted to, and it was just three days after meeting her. You are the man!!! Thank you! (This guy has watched the videos and read the book. He applied the fundamentals, and found success.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Success is a process that happens slowly over time by consistently practicing, rehearsing, and refining your approach to getting to where you want to be. Most unsuccessful people in life have either convinced themselves that success is not possible for them because of the self-created disempowering stories that they tell themselves to keep from taking any action, or they simply give up at the first sign of difficulty that they encounter. You can become great at anything in life that you truly love and have a passion for through time, repetition, learning from your mistakes, and modeling the success of people who are already achieving what you would like to one day achieve.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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