Self-Improvement & Sexual Attraction

Mar 13, 2017 by Coach Corey Wayne
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Why focusing on self-improvement and becoming the best version of yourself increases your social status, creates sexual attraction and attracts women naturally and automatically.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares his success story of how he went from being ignored and overlooked by women, to being approached and pursued by women automatically. He used weed to escape from life, and says he was lost mentally, physically and spiritually. He details what he did to work on himself to become so awesome and proud of himself, that women are naturally drawn and attracted to him automatically. He shares how other men he encounters turn women off and literally drive them to approach him, which makes picking them up effortless. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.

Self Improvement & Sexual Attraction

Viewer’s Email:

Hey Coach,

This is a success story that I would like to share with you. I use to be a pussy, and women walked all over me. (Women will never love a guy they don’t respect.) I had no game, and I was a beta male. I didn’t go to the gym. I smoked weed, and I was lost mentally, physically and spiritually. (In other words, you were missing an emotionally compelling reason to get up every day and do something that was exciting. You were escaping from life. You weren’t participating, partly because you didn’t have the right success strategies to get what you want. And obviously, a book like mine will give you that, as long as you read it 10-15 times and apply it.)

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Like you in ways, my parents neglected me, and I was sexually abused. I was fucked up emotionally. I’ve read your book 6 times, and have noticed big changes in my mindset/life. Women that are “10” approach me, talk to me and notice me in the gym. I don’t do anything. Others at work won’t fuck with me. They seem intimidated by me.(Another great article and video to look at that I did years ago is “Body Language That Attracts Women.” When you love yourself, and you love your life, your chest is just naturally going to be popped out, your head’s going to be back, your shoulders are going to be relaxed, you walk like you’re proud of yourself. The only people that walk like they’re proud of themselves are people that are happy, people that feel attractive, people that feel sexy, people that love their lives, people that are expecting to get what they want, expecting to attract what they want, and they’re not worried about when it happens. It just happens perfectly, right on time. There’s not reason to force things. Force is an illusion anyway. Control is an illusion.)

I have owned my presence. I feel it inside of me, and I carry it with me everywhere. It’s a great feeling. I had no social skills, and that’s where I started. I was insecure, and was letting my past take control of me – fear. Now I own it. I watch guys in the gym chase women. You see it through their body language, and I notice how women respond back.

(If you’re kind of new to my work, maybe you’re a little shy, maybe you’re a little intimidated to go up and do some of the things I talk about in there, maybe it’s too bold for you, it’s great to just learn that stuff, and just people watch for awhile. When you people watch, you start to to see the patterns that I talk about in my book in other people. You can tell who’s got confidence and who thinks they’re awesome and sexy and who thinks they are a steaming pile of dog dung.

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Just seeing those patterns in other people, that I talk about in my book, gives you confidence to believe in what I’m teaching. That gives you confidence to practice more of it, because at the end of the day, confidence is doing what you know how to do, and doing it really well. The only way you get to doing something really well is by time and repetition. My book will give you the tools and the specific things you need to practice, do and say, in order to get the things you want.)

It’s funny to watch, because all of them come to me. I couldn’t believe it. (You make women feel safe, because you’re giving off a vibe of peace, relaxation and ease. When you have more than you need, you have choices, and you have to be discerning. Just like the really super beautiful women pretty much have their choice of the guys they can go out with, so they have to test and weed out the guys to determine who’s really strong, who really knows how to act like a man and who doesn’t.)

All those dudes led them to me, the guy doing nothing just being himself. (Women can pick up on a guy. They can look at a guy, and they can feel and sense that confidence. If you ask most women, they don’t really encounter that many men that give off that vibe, hence the reason for my book, “How To Be A 3% Man.” Only 3% of the people of this world have the kind of success in every area of their life that other people want. The other 97% of the people are walking around, living lives of mediocrity and quiet desperation. As I learned from Tony Robbins, “Most people tend to major in minor things.”)

I just want to say thank you for your information, and I am definitely going to send you a donation. Keep doing you! (Donations are definitely appreciated. If you appreciate my work, please click the donate button on the toolbar, or just refer a friend or family member.)


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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“Men who are successful at getting what they want in life have a vibe of abundance and success. They have high standards and do not settle for any kind of mediocrity in their lives. They easily brush off criticism from weaker people who seek to impose their beliefs, opinions and worldview by using shame or guilt as a tool of manipulation and control. Once you decide what you want in life, you must resolve to pay the price to get it and tune out the countless people you will encounter along your journey who think they know better and have the right to dictate and determine what you should and should not be. When someone tries to impose their limitations onto you, they are telling you their story, not yours.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Published on March 13, 2017

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How To Be A 3% Man

Mastering Yourself

Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations

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