
She Stopped Having Sex With Me Because Of Her Religious Values

Aug 7, 2024 by Coach Corey Wayne
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The real reason why a woman stops having sex with you and blames her religion.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who was seeing a girl he met on Instagram for about a year. She lives 2 hours away. Recently she said she didn’t want to have sex anymore because it went against her values and religion. However, she had sex with other random dudes before him and they have been having sex since they started dating. Now they are broken up and he asks my opinion. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter and the topic of today’s Members Only Newsletter is, “She Stopped Having Sex With Me Because Of Her Religious Values.”

Sure. So this particular email is from a viewer. He says he met a girl on Instagram about a year ago. She lives two hours away. And recently she cut off access to the box and said, “it goes against my family values and my religion.” Despite the fact she’s been given it up to him for the past year. And on top of that, she’s had one night stands and hook ups with other guys that random dudes, as he puts it.

So he’s like, ah, something doesn’t feel right. So he says they’re now broken up. And even though they were having sex in the beginning because he’s like, I’m not down with this. So he asked my opinion typically if a woman’s having sex with you and then they stop and then they blame it on their religion, it’s the reality is they lost attraction and respect for you. I had a family member that was in a situation like that, and he was dating this girl for six, eight months, I think it was.

And she was going through a divorce and he was just acting like such a pussy, such a beta male, so soft. And then so she goes, oh, I’ve decided to start going back to church and get more into my religion so we can’t have sex anymore. So he continued to get all dressed up and go to lunch all the time, and then get a nice little peck on the cheek. And this went on for like 6 or 8 months. And so first the excuse was, well, my husband ex-husband to be he’s got a private investigator.

And, uh, you know, I don’t want him to see us together because that could create problems in my divorce. And it’s like, this isn’t a state of Florida. It’s like, that’s bullshit. He didn’t listen. And then the excuse became, oh, I’m going to church more now, so I’m more religious. I was like, that’s bullshit, too. And so this went on for like eight months and I was like, you’re getting all dressed up. You’re going to lunch, putting your best shoes and slacks on and taking her a nice, expensive lunch. And then you got a peck on the cheek. It’s like you’re in friend zone. “Oh, no, we’re more than friends.”

Photo by Calsina

I was like, no, you’re not. She cut you off. She put you in friend zone without telling you it, and you’re too stubborn and pigheaded to admit it. And then eventually, about after eight months of this, he finally, you know, his balls dropped and he finally told her that this is not normal. It’s dysfunctional. And if she’s not interested in sex and romance, he’s out. And she gave him all the excuses about, “my religion and this and that.” He’s like, “I’m out. Good luck. Best of wishes to you.”

And then he dipped, started dating again. Started getting laid, blowing the barrels out and I don’t know eight, nine months later she kind of came back in the picture, had a completely different attitude, started sleeping with him right away and they lived happily ever after and got married. But it’s like it’s 6 to 8 months of a dry spell, a pussy embargo.

And so that typically is what happens. And again, the reason why this particular woman friend zoned this family member of mine was because he was acting like a bitch. He kept trying to make her the man, and she eventually got tired of it. And he would only go to lunches. Wouldn’t do dinner dates or anything like that. And he just wouldn’t listen to me because he’s older, know it all. But he finally did and lived happily ever after.

Viewer Email:

Hey Corey,

I hope you read this email and reply because I’m dealing with a breakup that’s been incredibly painful, and your help would be a lifeline. Here’s the story. I met a girl on Instagram a year ago, and we clicked quickly, even before meeting because she lived two hours away. Eventually, we had our first date in her city, which went well. Two weeks later, she came to my place, and we spent the weekend together. I then went back to her city for our third date and stayed the weekend at her place. However, traveling to see her started to feel exhausting.

Yeah, “Trains, Planes and Automobiles” gets old after a while. That’s a great fucking movie. One the greatest movies ever with the late, great John Candy, one of the funniest men to ever live. Highly recommend that movie. But when it comes to dating, Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a pain in the ass.

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However, traveling to see her started to feel exhausting, so I ended things. But after two weeks, I realized that was a pretty harsh move.

He didn’t like the pussy embargo being reestablished on himself.

So we got back together. Our relationship went great, and lasted over 9 months, we were intimate often and even traveled to Eastern Europe together. Then.

And then.

Then, two months ago, she told me she wasn’t comfortable having sex anymore because she felt she was betraying her parents’ values (we both come from Arab backgrounds).

Yeah. It’s not the background. It’s like she was giving it up long before it was an issue. What’s really going on is she’s lost attraction and respect and just like my family member. And so you got to have the balls to stand up there and say, yeah, unilaterally changing the terms of our relationship to a platonic romance when you’re two hours away is like, I’m not down with that. I’m going to pass.

I don’t need a virtual or digital pen pal, and I’m certainly not going to drive two hours for a girl that doesn’t want to have sex anymore when she’s clearly was having sex for a whole year and she’s had sex with other dudes. So don’t give me that crap about religion and family and all this stuff. It’s an excuse. Because it’s an excuse because she doesn’t want to blow you out of her life completely, because she likes the attention and validation and probably the free meals.

I was confused since she had been intimate with other men before me and later with me without any issues. I told her we either go back to how things were, or we break up. She’s very stubborn, so she chose to end it. We had an emotional final night together, cuddling and knowing it was our last.

That sounds real fun.

The next week, she came to get her stuff, and when I asked if she was sure about her decision, she flipped the script, acting like it was my fault and blaming everything on me.

Well, sex always has to be the man’s fault. I would have just said, well, you decided you wanted a platonic relationship, and I signed up for sex and romance. So if there’s no more sex and romance, then there’s no more me. I’m out. I don’t want that. I’m going to pass.

I told her it was my way or the highway.

My way or the highway woman.

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And questioned her sudden concern about religious values

It’s called low interest, low attraction and low respect.

Considering she slept with some nobodies she’s not going to marry. She left and never looked back.

Yeah, because by that point she had all the power.

I deleted her from my social media, and she blocked me in response. Two weeks later, I emailed her.

That’s weak dude. The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it. And when a girl puts you in friendzone and cuts you off and institutes a pussy embargo, you don’t say, that’s it, I’m out of here. And then two weeks later, go. I’m really leaving. I just want you to know, this is the last time I’m going to call you. This is the last time I’m going to email you.

Two weeks later, I emailed her saying I sent her remaining things and that I was leaving the country because my mom had surgery.

The only reason he reached out is he’s hoping to cause an interaction.

She unblocked me and messaged me, asking why I was leaving. After I explained, we stopped talking, and I applied the No Contact rule. It’s been two months since then, and today she deleted my phone number. Now I’m wondering if I should block her completely.

I wouldn’t do anything.

Do you think that’s the right move?

I would do nothing. I wouldn’t have even noticed.

Do you think she’ll ever come back?

Flip a coin? It could go either way.

I still have feelings for her, but I also love myself enough to stick to the no-contact rule, even if it costs me my life.

Your perspective would mean a lot right now.


Well, you got to read the Book backwards and forwards because you got to figure out where you went wrong. Why did she lose attraction and respect for you? Now, my family member, the reason that happened is because he was such a pussy. That’s why. He was raised by a domineering mother. His ex-wife was domineering and he just likes to be told what to do. Not going to change him. He’s too old, doesn’t listen.

Photo by Tita

But when it came to sex and romance and dating, he had to listen because he had a pussy embargo imposed upon him, and the woman wanted to keep everything else. She wanted to keep the nice lunches and the occasional dinner and stuff that he would buy for her and some of the bills that he was even paying for because she was broke as a joke, which was, that was a whole other story. He was acting like a fucking chump, and I called him out constantly.

And eventually, after about eight months of me ripping on his ass and pointing out the obvious and him going, oh, that’s not true, we’re in a relationship. I was like, no, you’re not. You’re her gay male girlfriend now, and you’re paying her bills and buying her lunches, and it’s like, you’re a sucker. And finally he was like, yeah, I’m being an idiot. And then he cut her off. But it was like eight, nine months before he heard from her again. And then they started dating and she came back with a completely different attitude because he walked away and meant it. It took him a long time to work up the courage, but he meant it.

And you need to be congruent with this. And sending that email was a mistake. You were just trying to get her to respond because you were hoping that within just two weeks she completely changed her attitude. And so I wouldn’t do anything. You should assume it’s over forever. You’re never going to see her again. You should be following the script and 7 Principles To Get An Ex Back and you need to read the Book and fill in the blanks so you can figure out what other behavior you were exhibiting. That turned her off to the point where she didn’t want to have sex with you anymore.

She stopped having sex because she didn’t feel safe with you, and that’s because she probably didn’t feel heard and understood, and you weren’t being man enough and masculine enough and acting like the leader in the relationship. You probably became soft. And, you know, this particular family member, you know, because they’ve been together so long now, at this point, he’s reverted right back to the way he was. She runs the show and he likes it that way. He’s like, he just doesn’t care. But when he was single and when they were dating, it’s, so they have a decent relationship, I would say.

But she definitely runs things and that’s what he deep down wanted. He wanted to be told what to do, like his mom used to tell him what to do. But because they’re so old, she ain’t going to leave his ass. But if she’s 20 or 30 years younger, she would’ve left him a long time ago. But it is what it is, man. You got to act attractive and you got to be congruent with your words. And if a woman sticks you in friend zone and tells you it’s because of her religion, it’s bullshit. That’s what it is. If she was having sex with before and it was never an issue, and having sex with other randos and goes, oh, I’m gonna get into my religion now, it’s like, no, I’m going to pass. I’m out. Call me if you change your mind, I’d love to see you.

And so in this particular case, you can flip a coin. It could go either way. I’d say more than likely he might not hear from her just because he put up with it for a long period of time, and he probably acted unattractive for a long period of time. And I would have to say he probably doesn’t know what he was doing to be unattractive, because I don’t think he’s read the Book. There’s no shortcuts to success. You got to learn the fundamentals if you want to have sustainable success.

So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.

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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

Published on August 7, 2024

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