What it means when a woman you are dating tells you she wants a manly man, and how you should respond so you can date and seduce her successfully.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares some recent successes he has had with a woman he has been on two dates with after I did some email coaching with him. In his first email to me, he was dithering, hesitating and basically waiting on women to make all the moves to escalate things physically, make dates, etc. He was also asking them to call him, so they would start chasing him, instead of following what my book teaches about getting women to chase so it happens naturally.
On their last date, this woman told him she wants a manly man. Obviously, he is still dithering, hesitating and giving off a vibe that he is unsure of himself. This is slowing down his success and delaying a successful seduction. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
She Wants A Manly Man
I recently sent you a “Friend of a Friend” email I needed advice on. I have moved on since then and met a blonde bombshell in one of my classes. I got her number Tuesday night in class and called her that Saturday to set up a date, following your guidelines. (I would have called her on a Thursday. What does it say about your life if you call to make a date on a weekend? That tells her you don’t have anything going on in your life. The higher a woman’s attraction level starts out, the more mistakes you can make before she recognizes you don’t know what you’re doing, and she ditches you.) She called back within an hour and told me she was free that night. I picked a time to meet and took her out, doing a couple of different things. The night went well, and we made out at the end. (That’s good.) I didn’t contact her from Sunday until Tuesday when I saw her in class. I then waited until Thursday to call and set another date for Sunday, yesterday. (When you’re this age and thinking about sex happening, keep in mind, if you know what you’re doing, you can seduce a woman on the first night.) I picked her up, and she even asked me if I didn’t like to text. I assumed because I was acting different. (Yes, because most guys would be sending her tons of messages. However, if you talk too long to a girl before asking her out, you can get friend-zoned.) We went out again, did a couple of things and ended the night drinking some wine in her driveway; making-out a few more times. Her sister was inside, I don’t think she felt comfortable inviting me in, and I didn’t want to invite myself in. (That tells me you’re not really thinking about the logistics of sex happening. The idea is, you’ve go to create an opportunity for sex to happen. You have to think about that ahead of time and schedule dates that are close to your place. You have to arrange a place where you can have privacy, intimacy and where sex can happen.)
Photo by iStock.com/g-stockstudio
My question is this: a couple of times during the second date, she mentioned she wants a manly man, someone who is a man 110% of the time. (Women help you when they like you. She’s basically saying you need to be a little more masculine and go for it more. This tells me you’re coming across as a little too timid, shy and unsure of yourself. She’s telling you she wants you to make the move. She wants you to create an opportunity for sex to happen. You’re not completely being the leader 100% of the time. You need to read my book 10-15 times, so you can fill in your knowledge gap. Look at my article and video, “Women Who Make It Easy,” for an example of a guy who found success by reading my book 20 times and doing exactly what I instruct men to do. This guy also used my article and video, “How Men Can Have Multiple Orgasms” as a guide, so he wouldn’t blow his wad the first time he had sex. He came off as a guy with tons of experience, because he read my book, followed what I teach and was comfortable with his own body.) I confirmed this by saying someone in his ‘masculine.’ This made me believe I was not completely in mine. She’s a very feminine woman. Your advice is always respected by me. (You don’t seem to be lining up a place where sex can happen. You’re depending upon her to invite you into her place, but you’ve got cockblockers there. You need to figure that out. You still have a dependency on her to be the leader.)Bob
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Sexual polarity is created when a masculine man interacts with a feminine woman. Sexual polarity dissolves and dissipates when a masculine man acts more like a woman instead of a man. This also applies to lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships. Sexual polarity and attraction evaporates in any type of adult sexual relationship when partners do not behave congruently with their natural masculine or feminine essence. Sexual polarity is created by the differences between masculine and feminine essences and neutralized when they become too similar. Masculine energy involves being direct, decisive, being bold, taking risks, breaking through barriers, being strong, overcoming challenges, purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, etc. Feminine energy involves opening up to receive love, bonding, being soft and submissive, connecting, relationships, feelings, emotions, commitments, etc.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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