When a woman likes you, and when it comes to getting what you want from her, either you sell her on why she should do what you want, or she sells you on why she shouldn’t. Once you cave and go along with her wanting to be friends only or her male girlfriend if you’ve screwed up and made too many mistakes, that’s all you’ll ever be. Nothing personal, it’s just business in the game of love. Either you stand up for yourself and what you want to EARN IT by walking away and never looking back if she turns you down, or you cave and go along with her friends only agenda, and NEVER get what you want from her, or other women in general. Act like a beta male, get rejected. If you say you want something or are going to become something, and she does not believe you, you must persevere and live your truth anyways. Anything else gives her reason to doubt your masculine core, and therefore, reject you as being weak and unworthy. If a woman is going to potentially submit and give herself to you, she wants to know she can trust you and your masculine core. That she can trust you to do what you say you are going to do. Otherwise, she feels fearful and moves into her masculine to take care of things herself… without you! The following is an email from a reader. He’s been spending time with a woman who tells him she wants to be friends only, then he walks saying “no thanks,” but then she chases him and convinces him to go along with the friendship BS hoping he’ll get a shot at kissing & dating her. 3 separate times he’s walked after she rebuffs his attempts at kissing her. He writes asking what can he do to get her to finally throw in the towel and kiss him and date him, or leave him alone for good. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his email:
Hi Corey,
I hope this finds you well. I have read your book a couple of times (You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.) and got a good level of success going with women, but I find myself baffled by my current “project.” She is about 24, and I’m 33; we have known each other for about 5 months now, and have gone on a number of dates together. Each time I tried to kiss her, she would refer to the Bible and how we as Christians are not supposed to do all these things before marriage, and that she can’t go out with me because I’m not her type. (Translation: “I have low romantic interest in you.”) She reckons we are not compatible and all that load of crap. (You should pay attention to that, not ignore it because you’re ego can’t handle the truth.)
What baffles me is each time I decided to move on, she would phone me, send me chat messages excessively and beg me to talk to her to a point where I would give in and start chatting with her again. (That is why you fail. You cave in and go along with her friends only agenda. That is weak bro! That is NOT what you stated you wanted from her. This shows a total lack of respect for yourself. If a woman does not respect you, she will NEVER LOVE YOU. That’s beta male behavior, not alpha male behavior.) However, she would not agree to kiss me or let alone go out. (You should have said, “Well give me a call if you change your mind, I’d love to kiss your sweet lips! I’m not interested in being your male girlfriend. I want a woman who will kiss me and love me with no weird social hang-ups or holding back her love. I want a woman who is driven from her heart, not her head or what she thinks she should do or what others want her to do.”) She has done this on three occasions. (Stop being such a pussy and giving into to her! Tell her to give you what you want, or to get lost in a sweet and charming way that leaves the door open to her coming back if she changes her mind.) On each she would phone and send messages begging me not to cut her off. It’s getting boring. (Every time she tests you, you cave. Women bluff to test your strength. When you cave you confirm your unworthiness for her to submit and give you what you want. Therefore, you get rejected. You’re too easy. You’re not being a challenge to her.) I have finally cut her off. Did it today actually. It was in the morning and believe me, I’m still getting messages and missed calls from her right now. I’m writing to hear how you would deal with such a case. (Just keep responding to her phone calls/messages/texts/emails/etc. with the same simple text message reply: “Stop being so difficult and just come kiss me if you can’t leave me alone. Otherwise, you need to find some other guy to be your male girlfriend. I want you, but I’m not interested in friendship.” Stick to your guns, don’t cave. She’ll either throw in the towel and give you what you want, or leave you alone so you can focus on meeting and dating as many other available women as you can find, and perfect your skills of seduction.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“As a man, you should always make sure your words are congruent with your actions if you want to pass a woman’s test of your strength, and, for her to trust your masculine core enough to submit to you in relationship and let you have your way with her; to take her and ravish her sexually where she opens to receive you fully and completely. All because you demonstrated your worthiness by breaking down her barriers with relentless and persistent humor, charm and infinite patience.” ~ Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
David Louissays
MAN, you do pick em.
You should hang out in clubs, not churches.
However, if you dig her as a friend why not keep it that way and carry on looking for a partner?
It’s always good to have women friends. You get seen out together and it does no harm to your reputation and expierence with communicating with these delightful creatures.
She may also have a friend that’s a real wild one. A devil women! Humm?
David Louis says
MAN, you do pick em.
You should hang out in clubs, not churches.
However, if you dig her as a friend why not keep it that way and carry on looking for a partner?
It’s always good to have women friends. You get seen out together and it does no harm to your reputation and expierence with communicating with these delightful creatures.
She may also have a friend that’s a real wild one. A devil women! Humm?