Here’s some common & subtle mistakes to avoid that ruin the sexual attraction a woman has for you! With women when it comes to creating attraction, most men simply do not know the little subtle signs and tests women use to screen out men who understand attraction, from most men who are totally clueless. A simple thing like waiting too long after meeting a woman to ask for her phone number, or to ask her out on a date will communicate to her a lack of confidence on your part. Confidence is usually the number one or number two things on most women’s laundry list of must-have qualities in a man. If you communicate to her that you have no confidence or are unsure of yourself, she will reject you even if she finds you physically attractive. Most men are saying and doing things constantly that communicate to the women around them, that they are not very successful with women romantically. Women know that the more inept or unprepared a man is for the dating world, the more work she will have to do on her part to maintain a good relationship with him. It may be cute at first, but after a while she will tire of always having to make up, or make excuses for his shortcomings. Women have to move into their masculine to do this which they resent. That is why women watch you like a hawk for signs of weakness from the moment you start interacting with her. If she sees enough bad behavior, she will deem you to be unsuccessful with other women, and therefore, reject you. They would rather wait until a guy who gets it comes along. Besides, men who exhibit needy and insecure behavior are always the guys who turn into stalkers or abusive boyfriends. The following is an e-mail I got from a reader. He met a woman through work who he believed had the hots for him. However, he said and did too many things that communicated he was weak, and therefore, unworthy. He became pissed off at her when she did not do what he expected and accused her of playing games. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
This story stretches from last summer to now. This woman at my job just moved here from another state. She is totally out of my league. (Never say things like that. Never think like that. Otherwise, women must agree with you and act accordingly.) She’s extremely beautiful and highly educated. So she would come to my location on occasions because she had meetings here. (Some kind of sales rep or account executive I assume.) When she would see me, she would smile from ear to ear. (She could just be doing her job.) The 1st time she told me to come to her office for lunch, she did this like 3 times. Mind you I had no intentions of going after her. I was going to admire from a distance since she is out of my league. Then she started kissing me hello. I thought nothing of it because I have seen her do that to other people as well. So one day I am in the hallway and we pass each other. She touches me. It was touching telling me come get her. (Really? How do you know?) So once that happened, I start to go for it because I got the sign I was looking for. (You should have made a date with her on the spot if you were so sure she liked you romantically. Women love men who are direct and who get to the point.) So I call her office and talk to her. (This makes you look weak. Why? Confident men would have asked her out on the spot. Instead you called her later at her office. Confident men ask for dates and phone numbers in person. They don’t call their office later to ask for their number. Any woman would assume you lacked the confidence when you failed to ask her out on the spot. You hesitated. This communicates you are unsure of yourself.) She asked me if there was number I could be reached at. I told her I just got a new number, and I don’t know it yet. I asked her to give me hers and I’ll call, or text her later.
So now that I got the number after patiently chasing her because we work together, (You should never chase women. The problem is you waited too long to pull the trigger and take action. You looked gun shy and timid. This causes women to judge you as weak and needy. They also assume you probably are not very successful with women. Your responses are awkward and clumsy. Men who are successful with, and who understand women, know exactly what to do; and they do it when a woman shows signs of high romantic interest. Women prefer men who act fearless and go for what they want.) I call her and she picks up. Only because she didn’t know the number. (Again, this reveals you are unsure of yourself and that you are not very experienced with women and how attraction works when done successfully.) We talk for like 2-3 minutes and that’s it. So I am trying to talk to her and she would barely respond unless I say something extreme. (She obviously did not want to talk to you. You had already lost at this point because you did too many little things to communicate that you felt unworthy to be with her. You put her on a pedestal she had not earned and treated her like a celebrity.) So I tell her I am starting to look like a fool because it seems my efforts are futile. (Totally weak! Now you are backsliding hard and revealing to her you have no idea how attraction works, or what to do with a woman like her when she shows some subtle signs of interest.) Because I’m trying to get to know her, but she is making it extremely difficult. (You can’t use logic and reason to force a woman to feel attraction for you, or to make her act like you want her too.) In her response she says she has been busy and things are starting to settle down now. (She’s making excuses.) Usually when a woman says that she has no interest. I understand because her pops just died and she just moved here. (That has nothing to do with anything.) So I leave her alone for about 3 weeks.
Then she calls my office about some work related things, and then tells me she has something to talk to me about; and it’s not work related. So I call her a few days later. She doesn’t pick up or text me back. (You were impatient and did not wait for her to call you back. This shows you have no emotional self-control. You come unglued at the slightest hint of failure or rejection. This type of behavior will destroy any attraction a woman may have had for you. It also lets her know you are needy and insecure and not very successful with women. Therefore, you’re not a good catch in her eyes.) So I got fed up of the games she was playing and asked her “what’s up with the childish games?”(Totally inappropriate! You must let women come and go as they please. If you don’t, they will reject you.) She dodges it. So she tells me I’m a great guy and all that shit, and tells me she only wanted to flirt. She has no interest in me. But her body language says different. (It does not matter. Even if she initially felt attraction for you, your failure to get her number/set a date early on, and behave with some emotional self-control communicated beta male behavior.) She calls me on valentines day to talk about work related stuff. So now she avoids me when she has no reason to. (She has every reason to. You made her feel awkward and uncomfortable. You are bringing unnecessary drama into her life.) I have no problem talking to her like nothing happened, but she is acting weird for no reason. (She is acting weird because you have creeped her out.) She brought my attraction for her to a fever pitch, now that she is avoiding me, I want her more. (You brought your own interest level to a fever pitch by projecting your own high level of interest onto her, and ignoring if she actually had any in you. I can’t see any signs you have mentioned here that have me convinced you actually had a chance with her to start with.) Help me!!! (You want help? Read my book so you can be prepared next time you meet another girl like this. You should also practice what it teaches on as many new women as you can find to improve your skills, and sensory acuity. Repetition is the mother of skill. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage.” ~ Thucydides (471 BC-400 BC)
You are here: Home/Attraction/ Subtle Mistakes Ruin Attraction
Published on February 24, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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