How to learn and apply the 38 best secrets of success so you can achieve all of your grandest goals and dreams in the shortest time possible. How you can live an exciting, happy, peaceful, effortless and relaxed life full of an abundance of all of the blessings that life has to offer.
1) You must know what you want
2) You must know and understand why you want it
3) You must have a compelling vision, purpose & mission for your life
4) Create a life of your own design, not one that other people or society has scripted for you
5) Think for yourself
6) Learn to use pain & pleasure as motivators
7) Learn to use fear as a motivator instead of allowing yourself to be hijacked by it
8) Measure your results: Notice what’s working & what’s not
9) Adapt your approach & try something else after analyzing your results
10) You MUST become ok with failure
11) Try to get a little better each day
12) Big goals are easily accomplished by breaking them down into smaller goals that can be accomplished daily. Long term small efforts equal big time goal achievement and successes
13) Take care of your body & eat an alkaline based diet to balance out and neutralize the metabolic acids produced by the cells of your body as they metabolize the foods you eat. It takes 80 parts alkalinity to neutralize and balance out 20 parts acid that comes from protein, carbohydrates, sugar, meats, breads, candy, beer, pizza, mac and cheese, fried food, etc.
14) Juice green vegetables
15) Read “The PH Miracle” by Dr. Robert O. Young
16) Get Network Chiropractic Care. Here’s who I recommend: Dr. Dominick D’Anna
17) Practice, practice, practice. Repetition is the mother of skill
18) The more you have the freedom to spend your life in your own way, the happier and more prosperous you will be
19) Your revenues must exceed your expenses
20) Keep good records
21) Say what you mean and mean what you say
22) Find a way to take time to be grateful for what you have everyday
23) You time is limited, don’t waste a second of it living someone else’s life
24) Read any of Tony Robbins books or watch any of his DVD’s, CD’s and other self help products
25) Read or listen to Steve Job’s Biography
26) Read or listen to Marcus Luttrell’s book “Lone Survivor” or see the movie so you can learn to think like Navy SEAL’s think and apply their success wisdom
27) Like attracts like. Become the kind of person you want to attract
28) Work at building your confidence
29) Talk to strangers
30) Be bold, ask and go for what you want. You miss 100% of the pitches that you don’t swing at.
31) Plan your work and work your plan. Use proper time management & prioritize your activities in relation to their importance & their proper order of priority on your list of goals
32) Schedule your goals, big and small
33) Take action
34) Avoid the paralysis of analysis
35) Look for the gift and positive meaning and lesson from every challenge, setback or failure you experience
36) Model the success of others to speed up your success
37) Eat 1 Worlds Best Salad every day for the next 30 days. You’ll look and feel different and have more energy. It will make you feel better.
38) If you can do something consistently for 30 days, you can do it for six months. If you can do six months, you can do it for 2 years.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Being and becoming successful can be boiled down into a few dozen simple success principles. Successful people tend to take action while other people stew over excuses as to why they can’t or don’t think they can. Successful people are too busy taking action to achieve and create what they want to create in their lives, than to let themselves get caught up in unresourceful thinking, acting and feeling. Success is having the freedom to spend your life in your own way with the kind of people who you want to spend it with. The more your life is of your own design and choosing, the happier and freer you will feel to be yourself and be surrounded by the kind of people who cherish and celebrate you instead of merely tolerating you.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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