The art of having fun, so you can enjoy your life and be open enough to take advantage of personal and professional opportunities when they present themselves and reach your full potential.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has been following my work for about three years. Like many, he first found my work after a devastating breakup. He shares how implementing what he learned helped him to overcome his own limited view of his capabilities, attract a woman who knocks his socks off and how he successfully launched and opened two new restaurants that gross several million dollars in annual sales.
It’s another great success story that perfectly illustrates the importance of decisions, taking action and going for what you really want in life in a directed and focused way. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
I was talking to a friend about the art of having fun. Having fun and enjoying life really is an art. When we decide something is happy or fun it’s really based on what it means to us. What I like about the following success story is he had things in his life, like most of us, that he wasn’t satisfied with, yet he wasn’t really doing anything to take any action.
Like this viewer’s email, my friend knows it’s time to move on from his girlfriend. She’s a great girl and he has a lot of fun with her, but because of their lifestyles, how he has ownership of his time and likes to travel, and she just simply can’t do that since she’s on her phone a lot and married to her business, he wants to move on. Unless she undergoes a radical career change, it’s not going to work.
My buddy wants to move on and experience something new, but who wants to go through a breakup? It fucking sucks. You feel bad, you feel guilty and you break the other person’s heart. But when you get to the other side it can work out great for you. And that’s the key. As you’re making changes, taking action based upon the decisions you make, and you’re working to make your life the way you want it, you want to enjoy the journey, because the reality is, as I talk about in my second book, “Mastering Yourself,” you’re at a minimum of a decade to get to where you want to be from where you are right now.
My name is Bob. I’m a huge fan, but that wasn’t always the case. I found your work after a devastating break up in 2015. It was because I was weak and needy. I was made fun of a lot as kid and young adult for having Gynecomastia, (man boobs, and not the kind you can work out to get rid of).

(I imagine you got teased a lot, and what does that do to a person’s psyche? You probably heard you’re not attractive, you’re not good enough, you’re not worthy, you don’t deserve to have what you want and no girl’s going to want to be with you, because you’ve got fucking man boobs. So obviously, a story gets created in your head that you tell yourself. You live your life with that story in your head, and it affects everything in your life, not just your personal life.)
This often caused me to be afraid of getting intimate with women, made me feel weak in front of other men, and kept me from going after my true purpose in life.
(Again, because of the story you were telling yourself.)
Now I fucking LEAD!!!
I was 33 at the time. I started with your videos, which coaxed me into your book. I’ve since listened to “How To Be A 3% Man” over 15 times and have physically read it once. I still go back and listen to chapters about once a month to keep centered. I also have purchased your new book and have listened to it once. My morning routine always involves some Corey Wayne.
Since 2015, I said FUCK IT.
(So what does that mean? You made a decision. As Tony Robbins says, “It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” You got to a point in your life where you were like, fuck it, I’m tired of living this way. Remember, the art of having fun. I want to enjoy my life, I want to have fun. I’ve always wanted to do this. Fuck it. I’m going for it anyway.)
What’s the worst that can happen?
(If you fail, guess what… you’re always going to learn something.)
Well… let me tell you what does happen. This guy with a total dad bod makes women’s legs shake and scream his name during the Indoor Olympics. I’ve dated and slept with many women, caught ridiculous red flags on the first date, deflected tests with smiles and smirks, and kicked my jealous beta male tendencies to the curb. Women I get serious with always stay in the 8-10 range,

(This is from the attraction table in my book, in the chapter “It’s All In The Numbers”),
and I can easily gauge their attraction. Thank you for that.
Also since then, I have opened two restaurants, and am striving to open more.
(People may look at this and go, “Oh he’s an overnight success,” but really you’ve been preparing for this your whole life, whether you realized it or not. You had a dream, a vision and it was in the back of your mind, but you always said, “There’s no way I can do that.”)
One restaurant hasn’t even been opened for a year, and we have over 30,000 likes on Facebook,
(I checked, and he has a 4.8 out of 5 stars on Facebook out of almost 2,000 ratings. People said the food was amazing and the service was amazing. That’s what happens when you love what you do and you’re exceptional at it. You have high standards for yourself, everyone you’re involved with and obviously your employees),
and is doing about $4.25 million a year!!!! WOW! People now see me as a confident alpha male. Women want me, and guys want to be me. I get asked for business advice.
(Remember the art of having fun. You’ve got 4.8 out of 5 stars, 30,000 likes, over $4 million a year in gross sales so far and a second location already. You’re smiling a lot because things are going well. You’re happy because you’re enjoying your life. That makes you attractive. Just like you said, women want to date you, and guys want to hang out with you and go into business with you.)
I had a State Representative ask me if I wanted to enter a restaurant partnership with him and his group. Twelve years ago, I was working at a fast food chain.
It’s crazy. I bought a car that only a Bond villain would drive, I’m completely in love a woman who knocks my socks off and her socks have also been knocked-the-fuck-off. I’ve included a donation once a month because you are the fucking man!

Corey, I found you exactly when I needed to and couldn’t be more thankful for you and your experiences. Here is a picture of me and my girl. Thanks man! Please consider using this in one of your videos to help encourage other dudes that might be struggling with issues I had. People need to know, when you do the shit that Corey Wayne talks about, DOORS OPEN!
(You are doing a great job at the art of having fun, because now you’re going for the things you want with the attitude of “Hey, what’s the worst that can happen?” And look how it’s paid off for you. When preparation meets opportunity, passion and heart, and you can do something that sets your soul on fire, everybody is going to take notice. What that means is a lot of opportunities are going to come your way because of it.)
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Get the Book “Mastering Yourself”
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Being successful is the result of the continuous application of the science of high achievement fundamentals. Having fun is an art; it’s the conscious choice to continually assign positive and empowering meanings to the majority of what you spend your time doing. Happiness is the art of consciously choosing to be happy, no matter what happens or where life takes you.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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