Some guidelines you should follow to master the art of texting and make your text exchanges effortless, as your texting and digital messaging increases and evolves over time with your girlfriend, wife or women you are dating in general.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who says, only using the phone to text and set dates worked great in the beginning. However, now that they are “official,” as he puts it, she is starting to complain that he does not text her to tell her about his whole day at length. He wants to know what he should do to keep her occupied until the day of their date.
The second email is from a 24 year old viewer who found my work after he badgered his ex-girlfriend so much, she told him it was over for good. Eight months later he has convinced himself his experience with two new women, since he got dumped, makes him such a superior expert on texting, he thinks I need to embrace incessant, unnecessary texting when dating women, so they don’t get pissed off and feel like the man does not care. I discuss the art of texting, how to master it and what the real reason is why women reach out in the first place. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hi Coach,
What are the rules on texting your girlfriend? (That statement tells me you haven’t read my book yet. It tells me you’re watching videos and cherry picking advice. If you don’t understand the principles in my book, eventually you will fail.) The keep it minimum approach and using it to mostly set dates approach had worked wonders at the beginning, but now that she’s official, she’s starting to really complain about me not texting her often and not telling her about my whole day in length. (You shouldn’t be texting a girl and telling her every single thing that went on in your day, because if you get together for a date, you’ll have nothing to talk about.) So what I’m asking is, can you provide us with typical text templates or general ideas on rules for texting your girlfriend and keeping her occupied until the day of the date? (You don’t know the principles in my book. You are looking for a quick fix, but you need to read the book 10-15 times, because you’re sticking to one principle without understanding the rest of the stuff in my book. The idea is to have plenty of time and space between your dates, so she can wonder what you’re up to. Most guys will pursue a woman, but if she hasn’t heard from you, she will be thinking about you and wondering when you will call again. This makes her attraction level go up. The idea is to facilitate her pursuing you. At the end of the day, women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.)Kind Regards,
Second Viewer’s Email:
Hi Corey,
I started following you after my girlfriend and I split after 3 years. I pushed it to that point, then after, she said okay, we’re done, and she said she had to move on. The rejection made me want her back immensely, as you say. (Rejection breeds obsession.) It was tough, but that’s how I found your and others work. That was about 8 months ago, and in that time, I’ve been very successful with women. While I still miss her, (That tells me you still haven’t gotten over her or met anybody who knocks your socks off), I’ve never been one to let a girl get me off my path. I am in my mid-twenties, living in NYC with a good career, where the opportunities are endless. A lot of what you write and talk about has been instrumental to my understanding women.
I have been an athlete my whole life and played multiple college sports. The athlete’s mentality is ideal for picking up new content and implementing new practices. With that said, the reason I’m writing you is to challenge you, because that is how we get better. Also, you haven’t posted as much content for women in a while, so I figured I’d spawn some new thoughts for you. (I can tell you think pretty highly of yourself.)
I have had a couple girls that I was dating casually, and I used your method of not texting more than 2 or 3 messages and focusing on setting dates. It made sense to me and works really well with some women. (It works with women with a healthy self-esteem who are busy professionals, comfortable in their own skin, have a good attitude and are flexible. It doesn’t work with women who are insecure, controlling and structured.) However, in some cases I truly believe, and they told me explicitly, my lack of communication made them think I don’t care. (That tells me you were either being a cold fish and weren’t implementing the texting protocol properly, or you were dating an incredibly insecure woman.) To this you may say, that isn’t the type of girl you want. I do feel that, is a cop out though. (If a woman asks for it, then surprise her with it once a week. She misses you and wants to see you more. You want to make her feel special, wanted and desired.) We can also say that she just wasn’t that into me to deviate from the “should be’s” within a relationship. There may be 100 reasons why we didn’t work out, and I recognize that, but I do want you to revisit your take on texting and how maintaining contact can be a good thing. (There’s nothing wrong with what I teach. It’s simply your understanding of it that is the problem. You either don’t know it well enough, or these two particular women were insecure. If a woman is reaching out and pursuing you, you’re not going to get dumped.)
I think it is a generational thing, and while that may seem a cop out to you, my empirical experiences prove it to be so. I know you’ve gotten emails like this before, but I think being dogmatic in your ways is detrimental to your overall success. (I’m not here teaching theory. I’m teaching things I know work.) Also, New York City may pose a challenge in and of itself, given the absolute grind everyone here is in. Mysteriousness is a good thing, but I think you can build attraction by maintaining a texting relationship while not overdoing it. (It’s completely unnecessary. You’re a young man, and you’ve become emotionally addicted to your device, like a monkey. You should be having experiences.) I’m in a prime position in New York, and I’m happy to send you anecdotes about my trials and growing experiences if it helps you continue to hone your understanding and craft in the ever-changing world, especially given our different contextual settings. (Since you think you’re such an expert, perhaps you should write a book and start your own YouTube channel.)
I appreciate what you write, have read your book over 10 times and think it can be an asset for men everywhere. I’m hoping to help you continually refine your expertise and help more people. (Two interactions with two different women is not enough experience. You need to take what’s in the book and move it from pickup and dating into a relationship.)
Kind regards,
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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Edward Harshman says
You’re right about Bob and his thinking highly of himself. You are not the only person whose views I follow closely based on their being tried and true, but I respect them greatly all the same. A recent collapse of a bad marriage and the psychological fallout from it have left me unwilling to seek female company for now, but your analyses make excellent sense.
Like Bob, I have some ideas about human relations that you don’t seem to explain. Unlike him, they do not at all conflict with what you teach. I already have a YouTube channel and do uploads from time to time. I am working on a book.
Ernest Ferguson says
I’m 41, devorced(aftr4yrs), have had problems with keeping the relationships going after few months I get put in friend with benefits category. Recently (year & half ago) my best friend & former 12step sponcer died. He said to booth his wife & me at different times if he died (from diabetes) that we would be perfect for each other. I found out he told her some pretty private stuff about me to her. Well, 4months ago we hooked up. I’m just discovering you 2wks ao& want to get your book. But here’s what happened almost3wks ago I got told. I don’t think I’m ready for a commuted relationship, which we were, let’s just be friends wt benifits & see how it goes. Wish I knew about you before. I think I messed up first by not being alpha male & shareing exactly how much I felt about her. If I did something to make her mad l caved. If she wanted to go to a friends w/o me & was gone longer that she said I ask a bunch of questions & wt guys too being insecure. Then when friend zoned I got worse. Recently tried the I can’t just be friends & had sent some txts about a dare about something sexually that she had done with ex’s before that she was gonna try wt me backed out so I ment it as a dare bt looking back sounds like an insult. I had it really good she has 3 girls youngest 6months remember waking up & she’d leave me wt bottle for youngest (so I got to feed baby in my arms) while she took kids to school. I love them all. What do I do. She’s got so much in common that I want & what I’m into. Fishing, camping, hunting, family, music, organic farming church & a little freaky sometimes. But I think I’ve lost her. I would buy a couch sesion but that’s another thing broke… She don’t care about that. Family got money & I’m trying to get carear back on track(videographor) . . that’s not the problem. I think I just looked too weak, too nice guy, and recently she flat out tested me by flirting with a guy in front of me & taking off for 45min well I found out he was her cuz & it was a jealous test & I caved. Well now she won’t return calls except that she’s pissed over a txt etc. Now I’m getting your book & these videos are gold by what do I do?
Ibrahim Patwel; says
hahaha so funny! Come on, you’re talking to Dr. Corey Wayne here this guy knows his shit. You have to take a leap of faith and get out if that texting scenario and follow Corey’s advice. Only to set dates.