How to create the lifestyle and life conditions that enable you to attract and keep the girl of your dreams effortlessly.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has been following my work and applying what my book teaches over the past two years. He shares how his life used to be: getting rejected, avoiding dating and getting friend-zoned when he did date. He read the book fifteen plus times. He met the girl of his dreams nine months after he started applying what he was learning. He and the girl of his dreams have been dating for about a year now. They get along great, she adores him and they never fight or argue, because he chose his girlfriend wisely, and because he treats her properly.
It’s another great success story that perfectly illustrates why past failures, lack of success and lack of experience do not matter when you master and apply what my book teaches. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hi Coach Corey,
I just wanted to say thank you a million times over, because your work has definitely changed my life for the better. My whole life I never thought I’d get a girlfriend.
(Imagine somebody thinking this way as they go through life, especially as you get into your late 20’s or early 30’s. If that’s your mindset, which I’d say the majority of the people in this world have that kind of mindset, not only about their personal life, but their career, their job, or the dreams they to achieve, because of the story they’ve convinced themselves, “Well, it’s just not in the cards for me,” they settle for mediocre in every area of their life.
Then, once you lose hope, it’s like why eat healthy? Why go to the gym? Why work out? Why continue to take care of your body? Life sucks anyway. You have one foot in the grave, and it’s just sad. There are way too many people in the world that have that life path.

That’s what I love about getting these emails. It changes your trajectory. Not only does it help you, but it helps everyone in your life, because you can be a beacon of hope for everybody that knows you.)
I remember having so many opportunities to have a relationship, but backing away from them because, all I saw was my parents fighting, and I never thought things could actually turn out to be happy.
(You became emotionally conditioned to expect your life was going to suck, just like the relationship you saw with your parents.)
I first picked up your book because I had lost “the girl of my dreams,” or so I thought. I liked her a lot, but never pulled a move for over a year, and I was friend-zoned.
(That’s like my late teenage years and early twenties. That was the perpetual state of my romantic life. It was all because of the story I told myself. And because I was convinced of it, I did and said things that were constantly communicating I wasn’t worthy, and I didn’t deserve to have what I wanted. Of course the women were like, “Okay, you’re right. You don’t deserve me.”)
After going through that, I decided it was time to make a drastic change, and that’s when I came across your work. I followed exactly what you said, I read your book 15-20 times, taking notes every time, watched hours of your videos every day for 3 months and began to apply your principles.

(That’s somebody who’s a serious student. That’s somebody who said, “I’m tired of living my life the way I’ve been living it. It’s no longer acceptable to continue on the same path.” The common thread you hear in all of the the best success stories is someone reading the book 15-20 times.
The idea is, when you read it 15-20 times, you don’t have to think about it anymore. Guys that only read it 2-3 times, when they hit a rough patch dating somebody, and they don’t know the material too well, they start to act like a robot, because they never took the time to understand the principles and fundamentals. Instead of acting naturally, they start trying to use techniques and manipulation to get the woman to do what they want. They make mistakes, then they get friend zoned or rejected, and it’s totally preventable.
The reason this guy has such a great success story, and why things went so well, is because he spent the time. He read the book 15-20 times, and for three months he was watching videos and taking notes. He went above and beyond what was expected and learned the stuff backwards and forwards.
If you understand the principles and fundamentals, you’re going to get results. Once you understand patterns and what to look for, you can read men and women like a book. It totally gives you the upper hand in all of your negotiations and personal interactions with other people.)
About 9 months later, I met the real girl of my dreams. Literally every quality I ever wanted in a partner, she has surpassed.

(Remember, it’s about becoming the kind of person you want to attract.)
We’ve been together for a year now and haven’t argued or fought. We both love each other very much, and the funny thing is, I already know what’s going to happen before it happens, because of the principles you teach in your book.
Ever since we started dating, I saw the tests coming from a mile away. I could read when she wanted to “jump in daddy’s lap” and feel loved. I let her do 80% of the pursuing and talking, let her chase and pinched myself so many times not to over-pursue. After all, women are like cats. And whenever she came closer to me, I knew it was time to make a move. It worked every single time.
Fast forward to today, and she buses 4 hours round trip just to see me and wants to Facetime every day.
(Notice, “she” wants to Facetime you every day. If a woman is chasing and pursuing you all the time, you’re not going to get dumped or rejected. Imagine the sense of peace, contentment, joy and certainty you get from that. When you feel good like that, it makes it really easy to focus on your purpose and mission in life and take care of the little things.
If you’re in a fearful state, not only does it make your personal life difficult, it’s going to have a negative effect on your purpose, your mission, your career, your business or whatever you happen to be involved in for your life’s work. You’re not going to be as effective and efficient if you don’t know these things. You’re always going to do your best work when you’re relaxed.)
She writes me letters saying how much she loves me and is the chillest girl ever.

I just want to say thank you Coach Corey, because without your work, I definitely would have blown this golden opportunity. That book works miracles.
(Well, it works miracles when you read it 15-20 times, and you actually apply what’s in there. You followed what you’re supposed to do and you got repeatable, predictable, consistent results. And obviously you made a good choice in the woman you met.)
A wise man once said, “Women are like cats, they come and go as they please.” That line has saved me from over pursuing so many times, ha-ha!
Thanks a ton,
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“You are the captain of your ship and master of your destiny. Nobody is born being great at anything. It takes hard work, sustained self-discipline, a life-long commitment to learning, constantly refining your approach, knowing what you want and having an emotionally compelling reason why you want it. Everyone has the same amount of hours in the day. Successful people spend their time in a directed, focused and purposeful way, while unsuccessful people invent stories they tell themselves which justifies the status-quo and doing nothing to change and shape their destiny. You’re either a person of action who gets things done or a person who makes excuses and does nothing to move their life forward.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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