I’m going to reveal to you the top five ways to meet more women, the pros & cons to each way & how to improve your skills/success with women.
The key to successfully employing the principles I teach in my book, my audio course, my videos, my articles and newsletter, is to choose the methods that you feel most comfortable with. Because after all, this is about your journey to improving your life by learning from my example, but not trying to be me. Everybody is different. I have clients who love to walk up to total strangers just for the thrill to see if they can seduce them. I have other clients who don’t have much of a social life, but they love online dating.
My attraction strategy for attracting the perfect woman for my next relationship when I am single is to get very clear and focused about what I want in a woman. That is the starting point. You have to know what you are looking for if you want to find it and attract it, unless you are okay with just taking whatever shows up. Once I am focused on the type of woman I want to attract for my next relationship, then I focus on being the best version of myself that I can be to become the type of person I want to attract.
I know that once I am ready, I can’t help but run into exactly the type of woman I envisioned. It’s always worked. It’s always worked for my clients who have employed this strategy as well. You should download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn the basics of approaching, dating & understanding what women really want in a man.
So here is my first and most favorite method of attracting the kind of women I want:
1) Fate/Intended Coincidences/Synchronicity/Law of Attraction: As I talked about in my article how to attract the perfect woman, once you know what you are looking for as you go about living your life, you will notice more and more women who physically match the criteria you have written down describing your ideal, or future love. This method is very challenging for people who are needy, insecure, unsure of themselves, who have a scarcity mindset or those who believe in the illusion of action. This method boils down to having a clear list of the perfect woman you want, and practicing infinite patience and belief that eventually the universe will orchestrate a divine coincidence or synchronicity. I know this to be a fact and that it works. However, for the novice or someone just now starting to learn and apply what I teach, the fear that they will never meet someone can be overwhelming. You must have also gotten very good at interacting with and seducing women in order to get the necessary experience to realize the truth that beautiful women who like you are everywhere. Not only are they everywhere, but you know exactly what to do in order to seduce them. I would say this method of attracting the perfect woman is for advanced users only.
2) Passive Approach: The passive approach is similar to way #1 above in that you let women come to you, but you put yourself in places and exhibit the proper physiology and energy that will cause women to approach you first. The passive approach works easily for the beginners as well as advanced students. What’s great for beginners is by following the techniques, women will approach you and your group continuously which will give you a steady stream of women to practice honing your skills on. Repetition is the mother of skill and by using passive approach techniques, you will gain enough practice applying my principles that will skyrocket your confidence as you see that they work the more you employ them. This makes you bolder and willing to take more risks; this also makes you more sexually attractive to women! I view myself as a catch. If I’m out in public, I never walk up to women. Why? I know the perfect woman that I like & intended to meet, will notice me and have the confidence to come over and make it known that she is interested. Women like to chase men, and they actually prefer it that way. So why would I want to steal all of their fun? Here’s another another article I wrote detailing a great strategy of what to say to get women to ask for your phone number… so they call you. Its brilliant, you literally do nothing, until they call. Then when they do, you simply plan a definite date. You start out by dating women who chase you from the moment you meet. If a woman is chasing you, she ain’t getting rid of you! This is effortless and will help you meet a lot of women who like you, so you can get the required experience necessary to discover just how sexually attractive and powerful you can be to women. Plus, you’ll be giving women what they really want and need to be happy & fulfilled. This will give you choice with women.
3) Active Approach: The active approach is also known as the cold approach. This is probably the hardest method for most men to master. You can use cold approach techniques in bars, nightclubs, social events, the mall, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. It involves the use of techniques, good pickup lines that don’t sound like pickup lines and losing your fear of women and getting rejected. You also want to be good at playful banter and having good comebacks if you initially get rejected. Most men think they need a good pickup line to seduce a woman, when what they really need is to develop their flirting skills and focus on becoming the most successful man they can become in all areas of their lives. Success with women is your birthright and will come naturally to you as you practice and become better at what I teach.
4) Online Dating/Social Networking: Using online dating websites and social networking websites is another great way to meet women you normally would not meet. The downside to online dating, is meeting women who don’t look like their pictures. Plus, in my own opinion it’s way too much work between e-mailing, setting up dates, going out on dates, etc. Online dating is a numbers game and the better your online dating profile describes exactly what you are looking for, the better it will work for you. Read my article the ultimate online dating profile for detailed instructions on how to set up a dating profile that automatically sends you dozens of high quality candidates that match your desires. If you tend to be a homebody, don’t have a very large social circle or are a busy professional, online dating could be the perfect way for you to meet more women.
5) Blind Dates/Dating by Referral: For the record, I’ve never been a fan of blind dates. In my personal experience, most people are terrible matchmakers. When you ask how attractive your potential date is, and your friend responds with “they’re really nice”, then there’s a good chance you’re probably not going to find them attractive. Women know other beautiful women when they see them. If a female acquaintance of yours is trying to convince you of how nice their friend is… run! However, if you are a social butterfly and know a ton of people, and you’ve taken the time to figure out exactly what you want, then you can tell everyone you know what you are looking for. Tell them everything you want and be honest. Most true friends will think about everyone they know that matches your description. That’s the power of focus and how to ensure your blind dates and dates by referral are pretty close to what you are looking for. Plus with social networks, you can connect with them there and determine if you like their pictures or not.
Those are the five best ways you can use to meet more women. Make sure you click on and read all of the blue links in the paragraphs above that link to the articles detailing the specific strategies and techniques to employ. The idea is to give you as many tools and techniques for your pickup, dating and relationship toolbox. That way you’ll have a lot of options and skills to practice for any situation you’ll encounter in real life.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”-John D. Rockefeller
Tim says
Hmmm, #2, #3, and #4 people always talk about, but it’s interesting that you mention the Law of Attraction as a strategy for meeting women. I always thought of it in context of wealth, but now I see how it could also apply to dating and relationships.