How to develop yourself and embrace “the true me,” so you can reach your full potential in your personal and professional life.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a twenty-one year old viewer from Sydney, Australia who has been following my work for about six months. He details his personal journey and shares a “goose bumps” moment he just had with a woman he met while on vacation in the USA. He shares how he noticed her natural attraction to him and what he did and said to seduce her effortlessly.
He explains why this success would have never been possible with the way he used to think before incorporating my work, and how he has finally embraced, “the true me.” He hopes his story will inspire others to do the same in their own lives. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
I see a lot of great coaches get their players focused on the next play. It helps them get focused in the present moment and what they need to do right now, because being upset about what they did in the last play is going to emotionally hijack them, which causes the next play to be just as bad or even worse than the last one. The only thing that matters is what you do from moment to moment, because the reality is, there is only one moment, and that is the present moment.
The only thing you can do is show up and give the best version of yourself that you’re capable of in the present moment, and then let the chips fall where they may, without any attachment to outcomes or things being a certain way. If we get attached to circumstances being the way we want them to, or we get attached to a certain person showing up in our life the way we wanted, or hoped or expected them to and they don’t, we’re going to be disappointed.

The reality is, when you just click with somebody, it’s easy, it’s effortless. They’re thinking and feeling the same thing you are. This is why you prepare. That’s why I say all the time, repetition is the mother of skill. That’s why you read the book 10-15 times, so when somebody comes along like this, and you just click, it’s like the love stories are supposed to be in the movies that present a good, healthy archetype of what a masculine and feminine type of relationship with a healthy sexual polarity is supposed to be like. It doesn’t matter how long it lasts, just as long as you get to have the experience that lasts as long as you want to stay in it. It gives you control over your life and your destiny, and gives you choices.
When you have choices, you stay in an abundance mentality, and you don’t worry about certain things working out with certain people, certain circumstances or other job opportunities, whatever it happens to be, because you know another one is going to come along. If you have a scarcity mindset, you’re going to be in a place of fear, and you’re going to try to hold on to things and force things that really aren’t meant to be. You’re just going to frustrate yourself, and make life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. As the saying goes, “Let go and let God” if you will.
Hey Coach,
I’m a 21 year old from Sydney, Australia that has been following your work for about 6 months. I’ve just started my fifth read of your book, but had to put it down and write you this message due to a ‘goose bumps moment’ I just had.
(Those are really awesome, because they’re powerful emotionally as well, and you never forget them. The older you get, those become a lot of your best memories. The reality is, life is just collecting a lot of great memories and experiences – hopefully, if you’re doing the right things.)
This relates to a trip I’ve just come back from in the United States, fucking unreal country you have mate. I was part of a tour group of many young people around the same age as me. One of the Aussie women on this tour was a solid 9. I was traveling solo and made an effort with everyone to ask questions rather than talk about myself, something I later found out was a turn on. Although she’d shown various signs of attraction, I was genuinely surprised one drunken evening at the hotel when her friends explained exactly how attracted to me she was. I’m still not sure if she put them up to it, but everyone left the hotel room when I strode over and sat next to her on the bed.

(I suspect they may have been helping her.)
She did seem nervous, so I loosened her up with casual banter, heavy on the humor. We had a few more beers, laughed and cuddled. It wasn’t long after that she received a warm beef injection. Hang out, have fun, hook-up.
The next few nights ended much the same way. She’s one of the most fun girls I’ve met, and when the tour ended and we said goodbye, I just felt so grateful for the awesome experience we’d had. I’m smiling ear to ear as I’m typing.
(What made that easy is, she was really into you as well. Therefore, the love story flowed naturally, just like she had probably been fantasizing about since she was a little girl. When you really like the other person, you’re enthusiastic, you never seem to run out of things to talk about, because you’re fascinated by them. You want to know about them, and they want to know about you. It’s beautiful.)
We still message every couple of days, and I keep it brief and fun. She’ll be coming home soon and doesn’t live too far from me, so we’ll see what happens.
(That’s the right attitude. You’re not attached to the outcome. You’re going to live in the present moment and enjoy her while she’s here.)

Rereading through that feels like an allegory for the wider transformation I’m still going through to get closer to the true me; the me that you’ve helped awaken. The reason I find all this so important is that this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened to me 6 months ago, because of my incorrect attitude and mindset.
For the last 6 months, I’ve been putting myself first, really enjoying my work and studies, playing sports, training frequently, reading, eating healthy, seeing my mates as often as possible, and reaping the amazing results in the process.
(You’ve become the kind of person you wanted to attract. You’re raising your vibration, and that makes it easy for somebody else with the same vibe to just flow right in. Without looking for it, you just live your life, and you encounter amazing people in the process of that.)
I’d love for you to include this email in a video newsletter, and if you do, I would like to let all the gentlemen listening to this now, regardless of circumstance or the stage of their journey they’re at, that like me you’ve made an active choice to change your life for the better.
(In other words, you decide. You decided that the way you were living, the standards you were holding yourself accountable to, were not acceptable, and you chose to raise them. You sought out some information that led you to my work, and you decided to take action and do something about it. You’ve got to participate in your own rescue. You have to at least take action. You did that, and that’s why you got better. That’s why it’s such a great success story, because you prepared. Remember, as Confucius said, “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”)

Good luck to you all on your journey. “When we let go of who we are, we become what we might be.”
Mr. Wayne, I’ve got a fuckload more work to do on myself, but I’ve never felt better about where I am in this present moment.
Thank you sir,
(Thanks for being awesome, because you make the world a better place just by everybody you interact with. You’re happy, you make the people around you happy, and you make everybody feel good.
It’s interesting, they’ve done scientific studies, and when a person does something nice for somebody else, their endorphins are raised. The person receiving a random act of kindness also starts to feel good, but what’s really interesting is, somebody observing an act of kindness between two people, their endorphins are raised as well. You literally make the world a better place by just doing nice things for other people, giving other people great experiences, being the life of the party, or being the captain of the football team, the kind of person everybody wants around, because you make them feel good.
We all want to feel good because that’s a natural state to us. Feeling miserable, upset, angry and unhappy takes energy. When people are stressed out is when they tend to get sick, but when you’re really happy, you’re healthy and you feel good, you hardly ever get sick, you need less sleep, and you’re mentally sharper. There are just a lot of benefits, so set your life up in such a way, you don’t feel like you need a vacation from it.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“It’s not easy embracing the true nature of who you really are. Our fears literally rob us of great opportunities to take the next step in our evolution. However, the beauty in life is that the universe already knows exactly what we need as the next stepping stone in our journey to reaching and experiencing our full potential. If you are still here, then it means you still have time to make another attempt and overcome any fears or previous failures. Even if you fail to take action today, tomorrow or shortly thereafter, the universe will bring you another opportunity to begin again and stretch beyond your current comfort zone. So relax, don’t beat yourself up. Just prepare and get ready to capitalize on your next opportunity!” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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