How to determine if you are bullshitting yourself and if you are acting in subtle ways that come off as being needy, approval seeking or subtly doing and saying things that turn women off due to subconscious limiting beliefs.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss four different emails from four different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who is a male model and considers himself to be a good looking man. His perspective of how he has been showing up in his dating experience with his ex-girlfriend, who he is trying to re-attract, is not consistent with many of his actions. He’s bullshitting himself because his belief system blinds him to reality. I point it out to him so he can become aware of it, and see things more for what they are and not for what he wants them to be. He’s not realizing how he’s sabotaging his own success. The second email is from a viewer who thought he was doing everything right according to what my book teaches. He also has a mental blind-spot due to his irrational fears and limiting belief system.
The third email is from a viewer who is wondering what to do about his ex who finally contacted him after a month of no contact. He failed to take the initiative and set a date when she finally called him because he feared that he would appear needy. He wonders if he should contact her for her birthday or valentines day that is coming up. The illusion of action and his irrational fears are now starting to override his judgement. His fear is the greatest thief of his happiness and success. The fourth email is from a viewer who saw a cute girl at a party who seemed to like him from across the room. His fear caused him to not approach her. What did he do? He contacted her on facebook and she wondered why he did not approach her at the party. He said a few more things before she stopped responding. His creepy and confidence lacking approach has definitely turned her off. Crash and burn.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“You should always be aware of your own self talk and how you tend to perceive things. Most people are constantly saying and repeating things to themselves internally that are depressing, negative, limiting, expecting of fearful outcomes or automatically expecting that things won’t work out for them. Your brain is like a computer. It is forced to give you results to focus on that are a match with whatever you are thinking about and feeling internally. You get what you focus on in life. Our thoughts produce emotions. Our emotions cause us to move towards what feels good and away from what feels bad. If your mind is subconsciously or unconsciously focusing on what you do not want, or want to avoid instead of what you do want, you will literally take actions that drive yourself away from your goals, desires, dreams, needs and wants without realizing it. If you are not mindful of your thoughts, focus and actions, you’ll end up somewhere you don’t want to be and unaware of how you put yourself there. You’ll also be like most unconsciously conscious people who are unwilling to admit to themselves how they are the source of their own struggles, hardships and failures.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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