Some possible answers to life’s biggest questions.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who shares a bunch of questions on the purpose of life and the biggest questions of human existence and asks my opinion. He asks questions on my opinion of the Bible, what I believe spiritually, why evil is allowed to flourish and God does nothing to stop it and my opinion on organized religion.
My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
This particular email is from a guy who says he’s a Jehovah’s Witness. He asks a bunch of questions. He’s just got a list of bullet points. He’s asking about the Bible, the purpose of life, why does evil happen, all those kinds of things, so he asks my opinion.
Obviously, for those of you that have read Mastering Yourself, you kind of have a good feel for my outlook in life, but I thought it’d be something fun to talk about. Today is Friday after all, and this is a Members Only post, so this particular guy wanted to know what my views were.
Viewer Email:
Hey Coach,
Hope you’re doing well.
First off I’d like to thank you for your advice and your teachings helping men become better versions of themselves. I’ve read your book several times and have watched hundreds of your videos and in many of them you mention your belief that we are all divine beings living a human experience and how our lives are shaped and connected by the universe.
I’m an American, and one of the things I love about our country and our founding documents, especially the Declaration of Independence, which is the number one founding document that basically created our country, in the second line of the Declaration of Independence, it says that, “All men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” What that means is that it’s assumed that there is a Creator. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re an atheist, you are a believer or not, a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, you believe in the Big Kahuna or the purple porpoise as your God, it doesn’t matter, the bottom line is it assumes there is a Creator, and therefore our rights come from the creator. They don’t come from the state. They don’t come from man. They come from the Creator and the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is written legal evidence of this pre-existing reality that the Creator put us here for the Creator’s purposes. Therefore, since the Creator put us there, we as individuals, divine individuals, are entitled to our lives, we’re entitled to liberty and we’re entitled to the pursuit of happiness. That also includes our natural rights, which includes the natural right of self-defense, which is why it’s part of the Second Amendment.
As the Second Amendment says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It doesn’t say the right of the government to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It says, “The right of the people.” So all of us are supposed to be armed ultimately not only for self-defense, but also if we get called up for militia duty. When it says well-regulated, what you got to understand what it means is back during the revolutionary times, people had all kinds of calibers of weapons, cannons, pistols and rifles. They shot unusual, irregular sources of ammunition because they were all different calibers. So you can understand, like in America, the 5.56 NATO round is a standard rifle round that pretty much all NATO nations use. We also use the nine millimeter round. Also you got the .308. There’s all types of rounds that we have, but regulated order doesn’t mean that the government regulates your guns. It just means that if you get called up for militia duty, it’s pretty important that you’re all shooting the same caliber of ammunition, because if you run out and the guy next to you is dead, well you should be able to pick up his ammunition and use it to keep fighting. If he’s got a different caliber then and it’s not going to work in your gun, then you’re kind of screwed.
When you listen to what Richard Henry Lee said, who are the militia? He said the militia, “Are in fact the people themselves and include all men capable of bearing arms.” I can’t remember which Founding Father it was, but, “The only ones that should be prohibited from owning arms are those who have been in open rebellion to the state.” The bottom line is, the people are supposed to be armed, safe and competent with pistol and rifle, and if shit hits the fan and the governor of, in my case, the president of the state of Florida, because we are not a democracy, we are a democratic constitutional republic. In other words, a union of 50 individual countries. Each country has its own legislature and has its own president, also known as the governor of that particular country or state, as we call it. The idea was that the Founding Fathers understood when they looked at Rome, when they looked at Greece, when they looked at the democracies that existed in the past, as Thomas Jefferson said, at some point they all murdered themselves. These democracies all deteriorated, became tyrannies and then dissolved. Their goal was to prevent, at all costs, the concentration of all power in the federal central government. Therefore, everything was spread out to the individual countries.
If something was vague in the Constitution, in other words, if a power was not given to the central government and explicitly stated that it belonged to the central government, then it’s assumed that the right actually belonged to the individual states, just like Roe v. Wade is an individual state issue. It’s not a federal issue, and that’s what the overturning of Roe v. Wade did was it said, “Hey, this is not a federal government issue. These are for the individual states to choose and vote the people that live in those states/ those countries, for them to decide when it was appropriate or not to have or allow abortion so the people could decide for themselves, because this is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.” So with that little tidbit of info in mind, that’s what I think it’s so great about our country, is that it’s designed to allow the Creator’s creation to flourish.
As someone who has followed you for a few years now, I’m really interested to hear more about this and your views, opinions and beliefs on certain spiritual topics but also learn more about your views on God, religion and specifically the Bible. So this email may be a little different from the usual ones you receive, but would appreciate you answering it.
Below I have written a list of questions I would like to hear your personal take on as someone who is interested in learning more about your worldview of things. I myself am a Jehovah’s Witness, so I am constantly looking for and teaching people the answers to these questions.
Well, as Confucius said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance,” because a lot of people that are into organized religion are very fucking arrogant, and they think their way is the right way and is the only way. Jehovah’s Witnesses are no different. So when I see somebody saying, “Well, I teach people the answers,” as if you have all the answers. You don’t have all the answers, dude. You can have your opinions and you can have your views and you’re welcome to share them, but it doesn’t mean you’re the authority, and it doesn’t mean that I’m the authority or the Bible is the ultimate authority. We have the right to determine for ourselves. If you talk to a Scientologist, they are convinced that their way is the right way. If you talk to a Muslim, they’re convinced that their religion is the one true religion and they’re worshiping and living in the right way. Same thing with the Jews. They believe their way is the right way. They don’t believe in Jesus. They don’t believe that he was the Messiah. They don’t believe in that spiritual tradition at all. So that’s the beauty of a democratic constitutional republic. It just says a Creator. It doesn’t say what religion you’re from, it just says there’s a Creator. You’re a precious individual entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, we’re not a collectivist nation, because when you think of communism, Marxism, socialism, Leninism, it’s the good of the collective, but the problem with Marxism as a whole is the individual doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is the collective.
So what you end up with in Marxism, socialism, communism, collectivism is you always end up with a ruthless mafia elite that you can’t ever get rid of once you voted in, because they always take your guns away as well, because that prevents you from rebelling to the state, and the Founding Fathers were like, “Hey, you’re all supposed to have guns, because if for some reason the government becomes corrupt and lawless, well your last resort is to take them out.” That was their intent. It’s in their writings. It’s in their words. That’s what they did. They basically told the King of England, “Go fuck yourself. We’re going to do things our way, and we’ve been doing it our way ever since.”
- What are you most thankful for that our Creator has given us?
Well, life is pretty cool, so how could you not be grateful for life and this planet and all the beauty on it? Where I live, I got an incredible view. I got a view of the water. Especially in the morning when the sun glistens on it, it’s just like golden, glistening. It’s so beautiful. Coconut trees everywhere, warm weather. I mean, obviously right now, it’s been raining so much and it’s like in the 90s. So when you walk outside, it’s like walking into a steam sauna outdoors, so you’re going to be sweaty and sticky if you’re outdoors a lot, but hey, I love the hot weather where I live. I’d much rather be like that than freezing my ass off in Canada or somewhere up north where, especially when it gets real cold in the winter, it’s nice to have snow and to visit and to go skiing, but man, there’s no place like South Florida. I think it’s the best place in the world.
2. Why does our Creator allow evil and suffering to exist on Earth?
Well, I believe in the journey of the soul. If you study any of Edgar Cayce’s work on this, he was a Christian minister, and he had this gift that allowed him to, in essence, kind of be hypnotized or to kind of go to sleep. They could ask him questions while he was in this state, and he said in his readings that the information was coming from the Akashic Records, which is the universe’s records of all history of everything that’s ever happened. There’s a record of it there. So he said he was tapping into that.
I believe in karma. I believe that what you do in one life, in other words, if you don’t experience the karma in this life, it might be the next life. If you’re a the killer in the next life, you will be the innocent person that gets killed, because the goal of the soul is to experience all of its karma. Whatever you do unto others, you do unto yourself, so to me, that’s what that truly means. If you do something bad to somebody, well in the next life you get the opportunity to experience something being done to you that you did to other people.
I believe the soul is not gender specific. In one life, you might be a woman. The next life you might be a man. We come into this world to experience our karma, to grow as souls and to ultimately get to the place where we have an awareness of our oneness with all life, the Creator and the universe, whatever you want to call it. That’s the goal we’re all striving for. In other words, to be Christ like, because he was the ultimate. So if you’re trying to be a good person, it’s like, I don’t believe in organized religion. I know this is one of the questions he asks, so I’ll kind of try to keep these in order. In other words, why does the Creator allow evil? Well, that’s people experiencing their karma. Then the rest of us, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is what? It’s for good people to do nothing, so it’s an opportunity for good people to intervene and to stop it, but why do these things happen? Well, I look at that as souls that are living out their karma. So all the people, especially you see in this life that are doing evil things, eventually in some life in the future or in this life, they’re going to experience their karma. They’re going to reap what they sow, which again, it’s in the Bible, you reap what you sow in life. You live by the sword. You die by the sword. You sow good deeds. Good deeds get done unto you.
Why do good people have to suffer and die? Why does our Creator allow good people to suffer and die?
Well, that’s part of life. It’s the circle of life. What did Jesus teach us? He said, “I am in this world, but not of this world. It’s the spirit that gives life. The flesh counts for nothing.” Life is eternal. The soul is eternal. Ultimately, your soul cannot be harmed, even though we’re in this realm, in these physical meat bags that are basically vessels for our souls to inhabit and get the experience of life on planet Earth.
What Edgar Casey said, which I thought was interesting before humans started incarnating in this world, we came across this planet and this realm, if you will, and saw this amazing life, the flora of the fauna and all its diversity and we wanted to be in those animals and those beings that were there, but there was already a presence there. So at some point, a way was made available to where our souls could incarnate into our now human bodies and experience life on this planet, to experience our divinity, but also to experience separation.
What is good vs evil? Evil really is good gone wrong. When you look at all the most evil people that existed, they all believe that they were doing the right thing. Hitler believed that he was doing the right thing, that he was righteous. Mussolini believed that he was being righteous. Stalin believed that he was righteous. So did Mao. So did Pol Pot of the Khmer Rouge. They all thought they were being righteous, even though they treated their fellow human beings like cattle.
If you’re an eternal being and you cannot be harmed, if you live over and over and over again, you can sow bad things in this life, but in a future life, you’re going to experience the karma of it. So it’s not like you’re going to escape it. If we’re allowed our free will, we’re allowed to create as we choose to be. In other words, another thing Casey said that I love is, “You have set before you each day good and evil. Choose what ye shall serve.” So it’s a conscious choice. Why would the Creator intervene? It’s that we have free will. The Creator allows us to do whatever it is that we want, and it’s the people around us in society that either allow us to do those deeds, or they stop us from doing those things. So it really is up to us. In other words, we’re created in his image and likeness, right? That’s what it says in the Bible. Therefore, why would the Creator intervene? We have all the skills to create what it is that we want on this Earthly plane while we’re here. If we do bad things, we will reap bad things, whether it’s in this life or in the next.
3. Is our Creator responsible for all the wars and global conflicts happening on Earth and all the corrupt politicians, congressmen and leaders that make human lives miserable?
No, I would say collectively it’s our fault for not doing anything. It’s our fault for just standing there and letting it happen. If you ever read The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn, in the beginning, when the communists took over and there was just a handful of them going to door to door intimidating people with their guns, he was like, “All it would have taken was one of us to stand up,” but we’re like, “Oh, I don’t want to get involved. I’m busy. I got to live my life. I’m sure this will blow over. I’m sure people higher up in the government aren’t going to let this evil continue.” Nobody stood up. Nobody did anything. Then eventually, everybody ended up in the gulag. He ended up in the Gulag. The things he saw, if you’ve ever read that book, it’s just human beings treating their fellow human beings like cattle. It was horrible.
4. Why do you think our Creator allows wars and human divisions to continue? Why doesn’t he put an end to it, do you think?
Because it’s up to us to do it. It’s like at some point, if you’ve ever been a parent or a step dad or step mom, at some point all you can really do is, especially as your kids get older, is you can advise them, you become a trusted advisor and friend, but sometimes you got to let them fail. Sometimes you got to let them crash into the wall if they’re not going to listen and experience pain.
5. Do you believe Satan the Devil exists? What are your thoughts on the topic of Satan?
Honestly, I don’t really think about it at all. To me, it’s just not something I focus on. What I do know that since I was a kid, I’ve always had an energy around me that’s protected me. There’s a lot of things that have happened. I’ve discussed it a few times in my life where I should have been dead, and there was some energy, some force around me that kept me safe. I firmly believe that, because I’ve experienced this my whole life and I’ve seen it in other people, until you’ve accomplished what you were put on this Earth to do, you cannot be harmed. There will be an energy and a force around you that will protect you.
Just look at what’s been going on with Donald Trump. I mean, at the last second, he turned his head and the bullet hit his ear instead of going through the back of his skull and killing him, so it wasn’t his time. You just had this recent this second assassination attempt. Apparently the guy didn’t get any shots off. The Secret Service saw him, started shooting at him and they stopped it. Once again he’s being kept safe because his purpose is not finished yet. It’s not been complete. He can’t be harmed. That’s why he survived, just like Joshua Chamberlain survived during the Civil War in his charge. If you read about that and what he pulled off, Andy Andrews did a really great talk on it, and Joshua Chamberlain, it’s interesting. When he was later governor of Illinois, I can’t remember which state, you guys can probably fact check me in the comments. I can’t remember at this point.
Eventually, after the end of the war, he became governor, it gives me goosebumps telling the story, he got this letter from a guy who was a Confederate soldier, and he said during that time that he’s most known for, because Chamberlain was told if the the Yankees get through you, they’ll catch the rest of us on a downhill charge and they’ll wipe us out. Historians say that if Joshua Chamberlain hadn’t held the line that day, then this country would not exist. So he got evidence of that years later, he said, this guy that he wrote to him, told him the story and he said, “I saw you. I could tell that,” I can’t remember what his rank was, but he could tell he was high up in rank. He had his gun pointed right at him, and he was like, “Man, it’d be a good thing to take that guy out,” but he said right as he’s about to pull the trigger that something came over him and energy came over him and he just pulled his gun away and didn’t pull the trigger. Then for a second thought, “What am I doing? I’m being a coward.” Then again he pointed the gun at him, was going to pull the trigger and then in some energy came over him. He just didn’t do it and he didn’t understand why he felt bad about it, but there was some kind of energy that just told him not to shoot, not to shoot Joshua Chamberlain. He didn’t know it was Joshua Chamberlain. He just knew that it was a high ranking guy that he should have taken out, but he didn’t. So in his letter, he tells him this story of how this energy came over him. He basically said that, “I’m really glad that I didn’t pull the trigger that day, and I hope you are too,” and he signed it, a member of something in Alabama or whatever the regiment that he was from. I think another time, he got shot in a belt buckle. He had this big belt buckle, and he was kept safe and that one dude saved our country, so that’s pretty amazing.
To me, when you study enough history and you hear things like that, it’s clear there’s an energy, there’s a Creator, there’s some kind of force around us that is making sure that we get to accomplish and we get to experience what we’re here to experience.
6. Do you believe the Bible is our Creator’s way of communicating to us humans? Is it really the inspired word of God as many Christians believe?
7. If you don’t believe the Bible is our Creator’s way of communicating to us, is there a way our Creator can communicate to us humans? And us to Him?
I believe it’s definitely inspired. I also believe that probably a lot of those mystic verses in the Bible and other spiritual traditions is probably because people were dropping acid, smoking weed or taking some kind of ayahuasca or something like that, because anybody that’s done that stuff will say that, “That stuff kind of makes more sense when you understand it.” As Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is within.” In other words, God speaks to us through our heart and our intuition, just like I believe the Creator was speaking to that member of the Confederate Army who had General Chamberlin in his sights fair and square. That energy just basically made him not shoot him, because he eventually was going to become governor, and he was a great governor, and this guy later on in life was like, “I’m really glad I didn’t shoot him. Now I understand why that energy kind of came over me and I didn’t at the time.” He felt like a total coward, but he didn’t understand at the time what that meant, but it was only as he got older he was able to connect the dots. So he wrote that letter to Joshua Chamberlain. Like I said, it gives me goosebumps when I tell that story.
8. What are your thoughts on religion? Do they unite and bring people together? Or further divide humanity? Should religion be fully omitted from society?
Thank you Coach! I appreciate your input and you sharing your thoughts on these questions. Keep up the great work!
I’d say absolutely not. I think in my opinion, religion gives people structure and there are some human beings that need that kind of structure. I think the Christian religion, I mean, I was raised Catholic. You’ve got Methodist, you’ve got Baptists and Evangelicals. You’ve got all these different facets. You got Mormons. Everybody thinks that they have the correct interpretation of it. So I think as a whole, they’re good because anything that teaches people to be more like Christ is a good thing, but organized religion, if you look at the history of the church, selling of indulgences and things of that nature back during the middle and the Dark Ages and all the corrupt things that were going on, anytime you concentrate power in any institution, even if it’s a religious one, it becomes corrupt. I mean, the Pope now, he’s a fucking socialist, he’s a communist, so he’s not really, in my opinion, a good person. Doesn’t respect the individual. He’s more of a collectivist. I’m not a fan of the Pope. Especially growing up and now all the stuff that’s happened with the kids being abused by the Catholic Church, again, concentrated power gets abused. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, so I think it’s much better if people in the community try to follow what’s in the good book and try to follow Christ’s example. I think that’s the ultimate example.
Even in Islam, even Muslims, Jesus is very important in Islam and so is Mary. They’re revered. They have a different perception on what the story and the purpose was, but Jesus Christ obviously he was the only. Especially now when you look at the Shroud of Turin, when I was a kid growing up, they were like, “Well, we did radiocarbon dating and it looks like it’s not legit,” but now they’ve have new technology that’s analyzed it. When you look at it, it was clear. Remember, Jesus said, “It’s the flesh. It’s the spirit that gives life. The flesh counts for nothing.” So when you look at that, he laid his life down because he was basically saying, “I am in this world, but not of this world. The body is not important. Watch me pick this body back up again after being dead for several days.” So when you see the Shroud of Turin, it’s like some kind of energy beamed out from inside his body. So the spirit reanimated his body, and that energy, it burned the image in the Shroud of Turin, so I believe that’s legit and I believe that’s evidence of the fact that he did something pretty amazing.
Something else Jesus said was, “All that I have done, you shall do also and even greater acts than these.” I mean, there is a golden age that is predicted sometime in the future. We’re going to have a golden age where we have peace and brotherhood amongst humanity, and I believe that’ll be a great enlightenment. I think we’re moving there, especially if we can get good information. I think one of the greatest things Elon Musk has ever done is buying Twitter and enabling us to have these discussions and get the truth out there. It’s just appalling to see how incompetent, inept and dishonest the 99% of the media is. It’s so great that those old institutions are falling, they’re going bankrupt and people, for the most part, other than Democrats, don’t really pay attention to what they say anymore because of credible reporters are on Twitter. So you can go directly to the reporter and read their reporting. If you follow them for long enough, all of their reporting eventually gets fact checked. So you can tell the people that are consistently tweeting out and reporting hoaxes and the people that are consistently right.
I remember 20 years ago when I came across Alex Jones the first time, I was like, “Man, that’s….” Now if I look at his track record compared to the mainstream media, he’s right like 70% or 80% of the time, which is way more accurate than the mainstream media. I mean, he’s got some crazy things that are far out there, but as a whole, one last caveat that I want to throw in there is that I also believe that our planet is probably that we’re like an ant farm of all of these different alien races, I guess, that are inter-dimensional beings. I think, from what I’ve learned and what I’ve read, especially from people that worked in the government, it’s like some of them don’t have our best interests at heart. There’s some of them that are trying to help us, so it’s like a good vs evil. It’s like the light vs the darkness. It’s like ignorance vs wisdom.
Again, Confucius said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” If you are able to dominate the information that people are able to have access to, you can keep them ignorant, but now with the internet and especially with Twitter, with the door being cracked open on free speech and information, enough of the truth is able to get out to where enough people wake up to see what the real reality is. Just like it says in the back of all my books, “Enlighten the people generally in tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” So at some point, as long as we don’t blow ourselves to hell in a nuclear holocaust, I believe enough people on planet Earth will become enlightened and understand the truth in our history, and they’ll understand that there really is no need for all of us to be fighting.
When you look at the war that’s going on in Ukraine, really it’s a war of the Russian oligarchs and elite vs the Western elite, and the rest of us are kind of caught in the middle and we’re the cannon fodder in their wars. They say there’s only about 150 families that run the world. Well, if most of the world knows what’s going on, we surround them. They’re going to have a real problem in the very near future, is what I see. That’s a good thing because again, this is all prophesied. The light always scatters the darkness. That’s just a fact of life. So no matter what happens, it’s going to be interesting and it’s going to be exciting and I can’t wait to see what happens next. So I hope you guys have enjoyed my little miniature Ted Talk here in the Members Only content.
So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur