Envy, inadequacies & insecurities are why men see themselves as studs but women as sluts if they sleep around. It’s kind of odd don’t you think that women get labeled as sluts when they sleep around, but when men do it it’s totally acceptable and okay and men are celebrated as studs? This is a double standard and I believe it originated with men in positions of power who were weak and did not understand women so they used labels, the law and shame as an attempt to control women to get what they want, or to keep from losing women they felt unable to keep interested in them. Many centuries ago it started with jealous and needy kings who were afraid of losing the women of their concubine to other men. Since the King was the supreme law of the land, he had the ability to make decrees to try to protect from losing what he feared losing to other men because of his own feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. I think marriage is a dying, dysfunctional and antiquated tradition that is dying a slow death. Look at the statistics. The divorce rate is over 50%. Only 3% of couples are really truly happy, in love and fulfilled. The other 47% simply are not miserable enough to leave. Most people who get married, should never get married in the first place. Most are simply doing it because all of their friends are, or they’ve been conditioned by society to believe they need to be married. It’s very rare, but magical to be around couples who have been together for several decades who still totally absolutely adore and love each other. Different strokes for different folks. I don’t believe marriage will go away completely, but I do believe over the next hundred years that fewer people will get married, but the ones that do will do it for the right reasons so it lasts. The following is an e-mail from a reader who is all bent out of shape over his girlfriends former lovers. If he does not clean up his behavior, she will dump him in the near future. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
This is my dilemma Corey,
I fell in love with a single woman of 45 years old, I’m 40. She says she loves me but doesn’t really express it as much as I do or communicates it unless I do. She says it’s the way she grew up with a strict dad. (I call bullshit on that excuse. The real reason you are doing all the chasing is because you have given her the power, which she does not want. She does not reach out to you because you act so needy and clingy that you chase her because you fear you don’t have her heart. Chasing women guarantees rejection. This is very important: women prefer to chase men!) I asked her about her past sex life and she’s been with 18 men total supposedly. Including a threesome with two guys fifteen years ago. She swears she doesn’t remember the details of the threesome. I asked her if she was drunk or something and said no. How the fuck can you forget something like that??? (Of course she remembers it. She just says that because she does not feel you can handle the truth in a mature manner without coming unglued and acting like a needy insecure jackass. So to avoid problems in your relationship, she says she does not remember.)
I remember my threesomes and a gang bang I was in detail by detail to this day, and I was 25 at the time. In the looks department she’s a 3 but her body is a fucking work of art running marathons and doing cross fit. Could she have done that threesome just to get attention due to her lackluster looks? (Like most women, she was experimenting with her sexuality at that age. It has nothing to do with you! This happened before she knew you. It’s none of your fucking business so get over it!) I can’t wrap my head around a woman who I love of course, letting herself get fucked like that, go figure. (You’re jealous she did it with them instead of you. This tells me you are really insecure about yourself and where you stand in your relationship. You fear losing her and therefore you get angry and butt-hurt over things that are not your concern or business.) What kind of fucking woman is this? (She sounds totally normal to me. You’re the one who is acting like a whinny little girl.) She never initiates shit or replies to text or phone calls unless I’m the one doing it. (You never give her the space to miss you and chase you. You must let women come to you at their own pace! Science has proven women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.) Her replies are always fucking short as hell. (That is a sign of low interest and that you should back off and stop texting her so much! You should let women do 70-80% of the initiating contact. It makes them see you as a challenge when they have to work to get you.)
So much shit about her is questionable but she’s also been upfront about her past. She says she loves me more them anything and swears she isn’t seeing anyone. (Dude! STOP THAT SHIT IMMEDIATELY!!! When you ask a woman if she is cheating on you, you communicate you are totally clueless with women and do not feel you are worthy to be with her. Eventually she will agree if you keep this weak ass behavior up!) Does her past sexual encounters reveal how she really is today? I just can’t get over a woman who let’s two guys cum inside her pussy without protection even if it was 15 years ago. (But it’s ok and totally cool for you to be a stud and be involved in a gang bang, but she’s a slut for sleeping with two men? You’re acting like a little bitch here. Not very attractive! Women like strong alpha male types, not feminized jealous pussies. You’re acting like a woman, that is why she has low interest.) From time to time she gives me shit about having a quickie and says she wants something more meaningful and concrete. (Translation: “You’re not satisfying me in bed because you are selfish and only seem to focus on what you need and want. My needs don’t seem to matter to you.” Here’s how you can fix that.) What the fuck?????? The first thing that goes thru my mind is “bitch you sure didn’t complain when you got two dicks slamming in you.” I’m thinking it’s an age thing. (No, you simply don’t understand women or what you have done to lower her attraction for you.) She’s trying to act proper and morally now that time has flown by for her. She has no kids and lives with a cat, for whatever that comment is worth. (You need to read my book ASAP or this girl is going to kick your ass to the curb in the very near future. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
Awaiting your wisdom Corey,
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
Gordon says
Hi Corey,
My buddy suggested I check out your material. Since then, I’ve purchase your book and watched many videos. I find your style, direct, personal, and uplifting.
I plan to donate to your cause.
Hope to get your coaching services too.