What women really want and how to give it to them in a way that creates and maintains attraction, so you can create the relationships and lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who is forty eight and got divorced after a sixteen year marriage. After the divorce, he started dating a woman he really liked and that he thought was perfect for him. He says he had not learned anything from his divorce and that his weak behavior chased her back into the arms of her ex-boyfriend. He came to the realization that the same pattern was always repeating itself when he started dating women he liked.
After a friend of his turned him onto my website and book, he read it ten times in one week and vowed to change his behavior for good. A year later he has dropped twenty five pounds and is in the best shape he’s been in over the past fifteen years, he is competing in triathlons again (he had given that up to please his wife when he was still with her), he left a job he hated and started his own business doing something he loved, and is dating three beautiful successful high-quality professional women. The woman who he chased back into the arms of her ex is also back in the picture now. He just needs to find room in his busy schedule for her.
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Paperback | $29.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
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Get the Book “Mastering Yourself”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Get the Book “Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Paperback | $49.99
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Hardcover | $99.99
*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“What do women really want in a man? A man who is unapologetically himself. A man who knows what he wants, why he wants it and is determined to get it despite the risks and potential for failure. A man who marches to the beat of his own drum. A man who is a gentleman, strong, charming, chivalrous, humorous, determined and respectful. A man who will choose walking away, vs. staying in a relationship that requires him to sacrifice his hopes, goals and dreams to make a woman happy. Relationships are not about compromising one’s principles, values, goals and wishes, but about finding a mutually beneficial way for both people to give to one another in such a way that they both can achieve their grandest goals and dreams, and reach their full potential together.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
David Louis says
“The future is waiting for you to write it.”
Best line I have heard in a long time.
Guys, you must work that gem into your conversations with women. Awesome!
Beats any pick up line. It’s under the radar.