When Women Compete For Your Attention You Win!

Mar 10, 2025 by Coach Corey Wayne
Photo by iStock.com/artiemedvedev

Why women will treat you better when they have to compete for your attention.

In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email success story from a viewer who shares how a woman he was dating wasn’t making much of an effort and was being disrespectful. She brought a male friend uninvited on their date. He decided to roll with it. They went line dancing. Another hot woman approached him and he spent most of the night kissing and have fun with her. His original date had a complete attitude change and is now all over him and canceling dates with other guys to be with him. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.

Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter in the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “When Women Compete For Your Attention You Win!”

So this particular email is a success story from a viewer who shares how a woman he was kind of seeing and dating wasn’t really making much of an effort. She was being disrespectful. One of their dates they had set up, she shows up and is bringing a friend. And then I guess this particular date that he writes in about, they were supposed to go dancing. She says, oh, I’m going to bring a friend. And the friend this time ends up being another dude. So he wasn’t happy about that.

And so he’s kind of like, “you know what? Well, I’m here, you get lemons, might as well make some lemonade.” And so, you know, they end up going line dancing. He thought they were going dancing, but it turned out to be line dancing. He was like, “oh, this initially kind of sucks. So this wasn’t what I was into.” And then so he’s like, fuck it, I’m here. Might as well have a good time. Hang out, have fun, hook up. Right? So he’s having a good time.

And then another girl who apparently is from Venezuela that he calls Miss Venezuela or Venezuela, comes over and starts dancing with him and approached him. And so he’s like this chick that he was on a date with brings another dude. And he’s like, well, fuck this. So he ends up hanging out with this Venezuelan girl all night and kissing her, and she’s all over him.

And because this girl is dating other guys, she’s got a lot of male orbiters. Probably not somebody he’s gonna get into a relationship with long term. It’s possible. But, you know, it’s not a good sign. You go to take a girl out. “Oh, hey, I brought my girlfriend along.”

And then the next time, “oh, hey, I’m bringing a friend.” He’s saying, oh, maybe another cute girl. Whatever. And then it turns out to be a dude. Obviously, most guys are not gonna be happy about that. And so he’s like, “oh, are you gonna bring another guy with us? Okay, well, I’m just going to go kiss another girl.” And has a complete metamorphosis in how she handles him.

And obviously, I won’t spoil the surprise, but it ends ever in his favor. Because, again, he’s not committed to her. She’s not committed to him. He’s just hanging out, having fun and hooking up and having the attitude of hey, may the best girl win.

Photo by iStock.com/Deagreez

Viewer Email:

I’m a big guy good shape. I am a contractor. Didn’t have many problems talking to chicks. But your book has helped immensely. I’m dating a chick name Rachel.

There’s a lot of names here in this so, I don’t know if it’s actually a Rachel. We’ll assume that he changed the names to protect the innocent.

She is 5’10, blonde, athletic.  I took her out 3 times, it was good. That was over a month ago.  She dates a lot, our dates were good nothing spectacular until I had her over for dinner. She brought a friend. What the fuck. 

So he invites her over for dinner, and she brings a friend.

What the fuck. Okay whatever roll with it. We set up a date for Friday to go to a dance. She invited her friend Melissa. 

Well, that’s what she tells him, I guess.

Friday night, I go pick them up, oh; she invited a younger guy from France.

France. Viva la France!

Whatever. We get to dancing and it’s line dancing. Yeah, fuck that. Whole night had gone to shit. I recognize a Venezuelan chick dancing I had talked to once. She recognizes me. She comes and talks to me doesn’t let me go the rest of the night. 

Well, when as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. And so most guys in this situation would have been like, “yeah, fuck this. I’m out of here.” But, you know, his attitude is probably, “okay. Well, she’s bringing some cute girlfriends. If it doesn’t work out with her, maybe I end up with one of her girlfriends. Or maybe I see somebody else there.” And he ends up seeing somebody else there.

3 hours we dance she is all over me. Awesome. I saw Rachel dancing with 4 or 5 guys. So I didn’t care. Cool. Had a blast. Venezuela kisses me.  She leaves. I find Rachel and her friends. She says, “Wow you had fun!” Yes, I did. She says, “That girl really liked you!” I had a huge smile. Yeah, I think she did. We get in car,  Rachel now sits in the back. Oh shit. Whatever. I didn’t care. We drive 45 minutes no one says a word. I felt bad. But I had a great time. 

Photo by iStock.com/Milan Markovic

You shouldn’t feel bad at all, dude. You made a date with her, and then now she’s bringing friends. And on top of that, she brings a dude. So obviously, on some level, she probably thought you were a chump. Or maybe she just wasn’t that into you. But this is where things start to change a little bit.

Venezuela was hot and she liked me. This Rachel chick has kind of treated me like shit. So I don’t care.

It’s like, yeah.

I drop off her friends. She gets in front starts crying. I talked to her for like 45 minute hug her several times we almost kissed one or two times. I like her she is beautiful I care about her but I ain’t gonna let a chick treat me bad.

Well, if he’s hung out with all those times and never gone for the kiss or never made a move, it’s probably why she started bringing other girlfriends and another dude. Maybe she thought he was gay or wasn’t into her or whatever. Or he didn’t have the balls to make a move. But at the end of the day, he didn’t like how he was being treated and he had a happy go lucky, “You know what? I’ve decided ahead of time that I’m going to have a good time tonight despite what happens” attitude.

And obviously she brings another dude, so he’s not happy about that. He thinks they’re going dancing and turns out to be line dancing. He’d probably never done it before. He’s like, “well, this is bullshit.” And then, of course, he sees a cute girl there that he’s met before. Complete attitude change. Again, he’s just out participating in life. He’s making some lemonade when he gets served some lemons.

Two weeks later I text her sorry! That night didn’t turn out anything like I was thinking.

I wouldn’t have apologized.

I feel bad how I treated you. I hope you’re doing well! She calls within a couple minutes. We go out! Sparks fly. Spent a couple hot nights together was awesome, a few days later she is going out with some Clint guy.

Party girl. You [pumps fist.]

I don’t care. Cool. On accident I sent her a picture of me and Venezuela kissing. I didn’t even know I did. She tells me about it a week later. I just responded and laughed oh shit sorry I didn’t know I did that! Wow! I told her that was a dick move! I didn’t apologize just left it at that. She now is canceling the dates she has to be with me!

More than likely this girl’s got some daddy issues, but it sure is a fun story. It’s fun when things like that happen, you know, because he’s not liking the way this girl is treating him and he’s just like, “Well, fuck her. I’ll just dance with somebody else.” And so he does, and it gets her attention.

Photo by iStock.com/Deagreez

And somehow he sends her a picture of him kissing this Venezuela girl. Complete attitude change. Now she’s blowing off dates with other dudes. So even though they had hooked up, she’s hanging out with some guy. Clint, I think he said. And then he texted her the picture by accident. Complete attitude change.

Her attraction level towards me is a 9 or 10.

Ten means she’s in love with you, bro. I think you’re overrating her interest. I’d say maybe it’s a seven, maybe a six. You always want to underrate the interest. It’s always better.

And she is crazy about me. Those were kind of sick moves on my part! 

Whether they were intended or not. The important thing was when she didn’t treat you properly, you just. She didn’t want to dance with you. You just went and danced with another girl.

But when they test you, you just have to be centered and sure about yourself. I still can’t believe I sent her that picture, but it didn’t phase her. 

Well, it actually changed her attitude.

It’s crazy how easy your teachings make this dating and interactions. 

Thanks Coach!

Because what it really does is it just makes you adaptable. You know, you’re going out with the intention to have a good time to hang out and have fun and hook up. And so this girl, in essence, rubs another guy in your face, maybe because she misjudged you and kind of thought you were a bitch. And instead you just went and kissed and hung out with another girl instead of her. And on top of that, you accidentally rubbed it in her face and it’s like, look at the attitude change. But still, she’s got lots of dudes. Probably just a good party girl. Friends with benefits. Fuck buddy, sex playmate.

Probably not somebody you want to get into a relationship with. Just because, again, with all these dudes around and the fact she’s rubbing them in your face, again, he technically kind of rubbed another girl in her face, but it was, hey, it was innocent. What’s he supposed to do if the girl comes up to him and is into him? Was he supposed to say no and then sit there and sulk all night while she talks to other dudes? His attitude is like, no, I’m out. I might as well make the best of the evening. And it just leads to a series of events.

Photo by iStock.com/Carmen Ruiz alonso

And this girl completely changes her attitude and where it wasn’t really progressing. Now this girl is breaking dates with other guys to spend time with him. Again, it doesn’t mean he needs to have her as his girlfriend or get into a relationship with her. But at the end of the day, it turned her on and it made her come on to him. And now he’s hooking up with her and she’s really into him.

So. And so he has all the leverage. If she wants to get serious, he can say, “hey, I like you, but you know, I don’t want to be serious with anybody”, which will probably cause her to chase and pursue him even more. But it just goes to show, when you have a good attitude and you’re optimistic and you’re open, if one door closes, another one opens.

So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen on any page, and book a coaching session with yours truly.

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

Published on March 10, 2025

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