Why most women have easily slept with 20-30 men by the time they graduate college.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for about six years now. He says he’s read 3% Man six times so far. He’s been in a relationship with his girlfriend for 10 months. The only thing he has issue with is his girlfriend had slept with over 70 men by the time she graduated college. His girlfriend is a loving, caring, feminine woman who takes care of the house and is good to him.
He shares his concerns after coming across red pill content that says the odds are not in his favor because she has slept with so many men before him. He asks my opinion. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
I’m sure this video is going to probably upset some dudes. Usually the guys that get the most upset at this topic, especially when I talk about it, are guys that aren’t getting laid at all. They’re extremely jealous and upset at how easy it is for women to get laid, and they have this idea that only virgins and women with one or two boyfriends are women who have a relationship or women to marry.
I went to a Catholic high school. I grew up in the 70s and the 80s, and the Catholic high school that I went to, it’s the richest, most successful families in Fort Lauderdale, people that were billionaires, people that owned NFL football teams, people that I could mention their names and their companies. You’d be like, “Oh, I know who that is.” So I went to school with the creme de la creme of the wealthy elite of Fort Lauderdale and even some of the people that were in power in Congress. So I have a different perspective on these sayings.
I remember when we were growing up, we weren’t sitting there trying to count how many girls we slept with. We were trying to have a good time trying to find love. Especially you get in your 20s like, “Hey, did you hook up with that girl? Oh, really? Oh, she was hot. Nice job.” That’s about as far as it went. You’re like, “I slept with one girl last week and the week before I slept with two, so my body count so far is at the 45.” It’s like we never kept track of that shit. The only guys that are mouthing off about this are guys that ain’t getting laid enough and are pissed off about it. They’re pissed off. It’s so easy for beautiful women to get laid. This shit’s been going on forever and ever and ever.

I’ve got an email. This particular guy, he’s been following me for about six years. He read my book six times. He’s got nine more to go, and he’s been in a relationship with his girlfriend for about 10 months. He’s 27, he’s fit, he makes multiple six figures and he’s in sales. He says his girlfriend has a body count of over 70 from college, which is higher than normal. That’s about double what most girls the average girl is going to have. So he’s seen some of the red pill stuff and look at some of the stats. What’s interesting is the data that I’ve looked at, it looks at sexual partners.
What’s interesting is my generation, generation X, before and even into the early millennials, if you will, people that grew up in the 90s and stuff, the younger people that are like early 20s and stuff, you can look at the correlation and the older generation, the sexual partners, it really wasn’t that big a deal on whether or not they stayed together. The newer kids, they have the higher body count and they typically don’t stay together. So the red pill guys, their justification is like, the more women have slept with guys, the less likely they’re to stay married. I mean, the stats have been this way for decades, and divorce rates like 56%. How many of the rest of the people are just staying it for the kids, or they’re just not miserable enough to leave?
I saw a video. A divorce attorney was saying basically around at least 76% of the couples are just unhappy. My contention and from what I’ve learned, because I’ve been doing this over 20 years, is about 3% really have great healthy relationships, and the rest of them are just kind of living lives of quiet desperation. If you’re going to get married and you’re going to involve the state, there is basically like a 76% chance that it’s not going to work out or you’re going to be unhappy whether you stay together or not is like a 76% chance when you take into account the couples that stay together, at least 20% of them are just miserable, they’re not having sex.
I mean, just look around. Look at the couples walking around. Are they talking? Are they having a good time? Are they holding hands? Are they sweet? No. Most people are morbidly obese or severely overweight, and they look like they just can’t stand each other. You look at the kids. The kids are overweight, not in shape, the family sits around at dinner and the kids are on their phones and nobody’s really talking or having a good time, or the parents are kind of bickering to one another or ignoring each other. That ain’t fun. So it’s just not necessary to get married, especially to involve the government in your marriage to have a good, healthy relationship and lots of great love stories over the course of your life.
This guy, he has a great relationship and his girlfriend treats him amazing, but he’s like, “She slept with 70 dudes. The red pill guy say that’s bad.” At the end of the day, when it comes to women, you got two main issues: Number one is an attraction issue, and number two is character. Character is destiny. So if you’ve got the attraction handled and you know how to attract and keep a woman in your life, I can teach you what I attract and keep a woman in your life. What I can’t do is cause you to want to stay with the woman.

I can’t make you feel something that you’re just naturally not inclined to feel. I can teach you what to do to get her and keep her. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been together 10 months or 10 years. Doesn’t matter if your boyfriend, girlfriend, or you’ve been together 10 years and you got kids. What you do to get a woman to fall in love with you is what you got to do and continue to do to keep her in love with you. A big part of my coaching practice is helping guys that are in relationships or that were in relationships re-attract their wife or their ex-girlfriend, or get out of friend zone with somebody that stuck them in friend zone. It’s the same thing. It be like, “Corey, you haven’t been married for to the same woman for 30 years. You haven’t been with the same woman for 30 years. Why should I listen to you?”
Attraction is attraction. What creates attraction and maintains it is going to be the same thing a thousand years from now. How we communicate may change different change because of the device, but at the end of the day, what causes a feminine woman to be attracted to a masculine man is what it is. It’s all detailed in the book and it’s never going to change. Women respond to what they respond to. It’s innate and all the bitching about how many guys they sleep with or who they sleep with, it really doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is character. I have women that I know that when they become single, in six months they can easily stack 20 bodies. That’s just meeting and sleeping with a guy, maybe, two or three a month.
So if you’re single for six months, seven months, and you’re pretty, you’re outgoing and you’re pretty easy to be with, girls I know that do that, they’re not just out giving their body weight. It’s like what Jennifer was saying. We did a video a couple of years ago with her and Gracie on body counts. Like, “Well, that guy didn’t work. That guy didn’t work.” For the most part, girls are looking for love and a good dude to have a relationship with.
Girls that I know, like I said, to my knowledge, she stacked a bunch of bodies in just a short period of time. She’s always been loyal and faithful to her boyfriends. She loves being in a relationship, she’s a great girlfriend, she loves being a girlfriend, she loves being in a relationship. She cooks, she cleans, she does everything and she has good character. She’s not going to lie. She’s not going to cheat. If she’s not happy, she’ll leave the relationship, but there are other women that sleep with guys left and right. Even when they’re in a relationship, they don’t fucking care. They’ll still cheat on him if she’s not happy or he pisses her off or whatever, just because they’re low character people.
The only thing that really matters is, character is destiny. This is not just with women that you date. This is also friends. Most of the human beings that you’re going to encounter in life, and most of the women that you’re going to date or try to date or want to date, they suck. They’re just not very good human beings. They have low character. I always say this all the time, how often do you meet a new best friend? That’s something that almost never happens. Maybe once or twice a decade. Maybe you meet somebody you really click with and just always going to be a great lifelong friend. So good people that are good to you, good for you and good for your soul are extremely rare. That’s just a fact of life.
It’s easy to find pretty girls that are hot and that will sleep with you and you can sleep with them, but is that somebody that when you’re not having sex, you’re actually going to want to hang out with, listen to and enjoy their company? No. That’s just reality. Just because she’s hot and somewhat fun, you might not like her. You might not like her family. She might be a blast, but you can’t stand her family, or you can’t stand her, or she sucks, but her family’s amazing. That’s just life, man.

You have to vet people. This guy is in the vetting process. Obviously he has some valid concerns here because he’s like, “Well she slept with 70 guys.” You know, giving her body away or nothing is like, how does it get that high? So let’s just look at it. I’ll go through some numbers with you on what I saw growing up. Again, I went to the best fucking school. I went to the best place that you could go. At the end of the day, there were girls.
There was one girl in particular. She had to have slept with over 100 guys by the time he graduated high school. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. She came from a very successful family. Her parents were very rich, very powerful, but she was mostly raised by the nannies because mom and dad, dad especially, were gone all the time. He was traveling for business or whatever. So the nannies, in essence, raised her and he wasn’t really around most of the the time to be a good dad for her, even though she had the nicest clothes, had a brand new car, nice expensive purses, nice expensive clothes.
She had everything. Yet she slept with half the football team and half of my high school buddies. I didn’t learn this until after we graduated. I was like, “Her? Really? I had no idea.” It happens. I don’t know what happened to her because she ended up moving away. There were other girls that slept with a lot of guys and eventually got married and stayed with the same dude forever and had a very happy family. So it’s all about character.
Typically what you see over and over again is the women that are loyal and faithful typically come from an environment where that was their value system, that was what was modeled for them by their parents. The more a girl comes from a broken home or she doesn’t respect her father, because a lot of times guys think, “Hey, the parents are together. They have a good marriage. OK well, tell me about their marriage.” Then you find out that the daughters and the mother don’t respect the father. They walk all over them, they condescend to them, they’re disrespectful. Then the same exact way that the mom and the sisters treat the dad is the exact same way that the girl treats the guy that I’m coaching or talking to or reading his email, because that’s what they learned.
Some women, you can set and enforce healthy boundaries and they’ll respect them. Other women won’t. You have to take it on a case-by-case basis. You can’t just make a blanket statement, “Oh, she’s not a virgin. She slept with 10 guys. She’s been with 30 guys. That’s it. There’s no way.” Again, the guys that are bitching the most about that are the guys that aren’t getting laid, don’t understand women and have no fucking clue what they’re doing. They’re just a bunch of incels projecting their fantasy onto humanity and they’re big mad that beautiful, hot girls are sleeping with plenty of guys. Again, the reality is the average woman, even when I was growing up, slept with 20 or 30 dudes by the time they graduated high school. It was common. It’s not a big deal, and it’s really easy to do. I’ll go through the numbers in a second.
Like I said, I was just discussing one I know in particular who was single for six months and fucked 20 different guys, not just going home with one random dude after another. These were guys that she was dating for a week or two at a time, and she was really hoping that they would turn into something. It’s part of the vetting process and you can make the argument, “Hey, you should have waited. You shouldn’t have slept with that guy. You should have made him wait a month or two.” You could say that, and that’s probably valid advice, because every time you have sex with somebody, you’re risking getting something. You’re risking getting pregnant or getting a gift that keeps on giving. So there’s always downside risk to everything.

Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach!
I’ve been following your work for six years now. Reading your book six times. Nine more to go!
Well, you need to step it up a little bit, bro. Six years. That means you’re reading the book one time per year.
I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 10 months. I followed your book and our initial meet up was electric, high interest it’s led to a loving and caring relationship filled with fun, play, and vulnerability.
I’m 27, I’m fit, make decent money, $100-200k in sales. I’m still learning and growing.
So he’s like in the 1%, if you will. I remember like 20 years ago, the stats were that one out of every, I think 250, people made over $100,000 a year. That’s a small percentage of Americans that are making really good money.
My girlfriend has a body count of 70+ (College). Red pill says the statistics is not in my favor.
Well, with the younger women in this generation. they typically you see that they’re not staying together. They typically don’t stay married. You say, “Oh, it’s no fault divorce.” Well, you can say that too, or you can say it’s feminism. “It’s the pill.” Those all contribute, but really what it is, is that people, because I’ve been doing this a long time, what I notice is most people settle and it’s not just in their relationships. They settle in every area of their life that’s important to them. They settle for a shitty job. They settle for a shitty group of friends. They give up on their dreams. Most people’s dreams are dead by the time they’re 27. They’ve given up and they’re just trying to survive and get through the week to get to the weekend.
If settling becomes part of your life, most people tend to major in minor things, so it’s not hard to understand why. Especially the divorce rates are like 56%. Then you take into account that at least another 20% of the people that are married are just fucking miserable, but they’re not miserable enough to leave, or they’re too scared to leave. So they stay in it in a loveless, sexless marriage where they’re basically roommates. That’s not a success. That’s a fucking failure.
If you have a 76% chance of ending up in a miserable marriage or relationship, it’s that’s not good for your health. If you’re not happy in your relationship or your career, you’re not going to work out. You’re not going to eat healthy, you’re not going to take care of yourself. You’re going to have a negative attitude, a negative mindset, and everything you’re communicating to your human organism and your internal terrain is basically you’re an organism seeking to die as quickly as possible. Your body will conform to that and it literally will eliminate you. It will switch on cancer genes and take you right out of the gene pool with a quickness.

Irregardless, “That’s not a word, Corey.” Irregardless of whether or not you had the clot shot, which the stats do not look good for that stuff, it looks like a lot of bad things are happening. Lots of cancers are happening. Lots of heart problems are happening. Especially in young people, and scientists are baffled. I see these headlines all the time in the media. Now scientists are baffled that cancer is skyrocketing among people under 25. “What? We don’t know what caused it.”
Moments where she might be closed off, move into her masculine, trauma etc. She knows her weaknesses and she’s actively grown into a beautiful open, feminine, caretaker in these last 10 months on her own accord and I’ve really appreciated her focus on growth. She takes care of the house, cleans, and loves the quality time we spend together.
Well, typically you need to date at least two years or more. If you’re one of those guys that’s crazy enough to get the government involved in your relationship and you want to get married, you got to date for at least two years or more before you even think about that, because you don’t know what you don’t know, because you’re going to go through some ups and downs in your life.
Maybe you have a couple of bad months or a couple of bad quarters where you’re not selling, you’re not doing as well, and that’s going to affect you. You’re probably not going to take your girl out and date as much. You’re not going to come home every day and go, “Hey babe, how was your day?” You just come home, turn the TV on, pop a beer, heat up some pizza from the night before and space out because you’re stressed out or whatever. Then your girl doesn’t feel heard and understood, and because she doesn’t feel heard and understood, the legs start to close. You don’t date and court her anymore because you’re trying to save money because you had a bad quarter. Then you don’t take her out on dates and you basically become roommates. You’re not having sex because you’re not in a good mood or you’re just not feeling it because it happens.
Next thing you know, you’re having sex once or twice a month. Then most guys, when they don’t get the sex, they get rejected, they get pissed off, they start arguing with the girl, the doesn’t feel safe with you, she doesn’t feel heard and understood. The legs are going to close. That’s a fact of life.
You can bitch about it all you want because like one of the main red pill guys. I mentioned the other day in a video. There’s a video that Caroline and I are going to do a reaction to where this woman was talking about why women stop sleeping with their husbands and their boyfriends and everything I talk about, they don’t feel heard, they don’t feel understood, they don’t feel safe in their relationship. This one red pill douche-bag that’s supposed to be an expert on women is making this dumb ass comment about the reason that the girl doesn’t want to sleep with her husband is because she’s attracted to her personal trainer. What a fucking moron.

This is a guy who is supposed to understand women. He’s been in a miserable, unhappy marriage for a long time, and he’s settled. He’s pissed off because he never got the quality of the woman that he thought he deserved. He settled, he’s mad, he’s doing everything he can to absolve himself from the fact that he’s a fucking mediocre man. He’s a bitch. He bitched out on being a man. He’s not a happy guy. You look at his eyes, they’re all puffy, he’s got bags under them. He doesn’t look happy, he doesn’t look healthy. He’s fucking angry and he’s pissed off.
There’s lots of guys that are angry and pissed off and are frustrated, but due to their lack of success with women. So he wrote a whole book that all of them tend to read, and all of this is justification. Why? It’s not his fault that he couldn’t get the girl or quality woman he really wanted. “It’s modern women’s fault. It’s society’s fault for changing.” It’s not the fact that he’s a bitch, it’s because, “It’s the woman’s problem.” What women respond to, attraction wise, is innate. The creator made them this way.
You can bitch and complain about modern women in biology all you want, but women respond to what they respond to. If you act attractive or you act like a man and act like a leader, you’re going to make her pussy wet. If you don’t, you’re going to dry it up drier than the Sahara desert, and no amount of bitching, complaining or blaming it on modern women is going to fix that. That’s just a fact of life.
I don’t know how I should feel about this body count thing because red pill says this and that about body count. I love this girl as a lover and a friend and it’s great to grow with someone I can consider on my team.
Any insight/advice?
Keep doing what you’re doing. Make sure you keep reading the book. Keep vetting. Character is destiny. Simple as that. See how it goes. What happens when you go through a difficult time and you’re not on your game as much? You’re not making her feel as heard and understood as much, or you just slip up and the next thing you know, you realize you haven’t even taken her out on a date in the last two months because you’re trying to save money, and she’s probably bitching and complaining about that. What then? How does she behave then? Does she start inviting attention from other men? Does she call beta male orbiters? Is she giving out her number?
You know, some careers, which is interesting because it’s like I saw a video about this recently. I see it and it’s like, who cheats the most? Who has the most dodgy shit going on? People in law enforcement, nurses, doctors, the biggest scouters, bartenders, female bartenders. There was a video, like four or five of them, I coach a lot of people in law enforcement and I love them. They do a good job, but when it comes to their relationships, there’s a lot of ratchet shit going on, cops cheating on their spouses and boyfriends and girlfriends with other people in the department. It’s like all the way up and down, all the agencies, all the alphabet letters. It’s like, y’all are a bunch of fucking whores, plain and simple.
Most of you probably shouldn’t be married or in an exclusive relationship. Y’all should just basically be players, but a lot of them still get married and a lot of them come to me. Like I said, that’s the one thing I see is police officers, people in law enforcement, people in government, alphabet agencies. You ever saw like Peter Strzok, the former FBI agent? If you ever watch his testimony, that dude’s weird. He was the one that was hooking up with the lovely Lisa Page, who I think she worked for the justice department.

You look at people like that, he was married. She might have been married or had a relationship, I don’t remember, but I know he was married and he was cheating on his wife with her. He listened to that guy, and you think, “What a douche.” He’s like, whatever. He was in a position of authority and power, and she got turned on by that. Point being is ,character is destiny. If you are dating somebody that is in law enforcement or somebody that is a nurse or a doctor works in a hospital or a female bartender, typically, there’s a lot of cheating and a lot of deviousness just because there’s a lot of opportunity in there because of the stress of the job. I mean, you think about nurses and doctors, they’re dealing with death and bodily fluids and all kinds of nasty shit. All day long, people come into the emergency room with all kinds of shit stuck in their ass, and they have to do surgery.
I got a friend of mine that I grew up with. She’s an emergency room doctor, and every time I get together with her, we’re always laughing our asses off because there’s always a new story about somebody that came into the hospital with something stuck in their ass, and you’re like, “What?” It’s ridiculous, but it’s funny, it’s entertaining. I would say you have cause for concern if your significant other is one of those four careers, law enforcement, alphabet agencies, bartender, nurses, doctors and hospitals. Y’all are a bunch of fucking whores, plain and simple.
When I’m in dealing with guys that are, and this includes people in the military, there’s a lot of infidelity. A lot of people that are just not loyal, especially people that are supposed to be high character men and women when it comes to their relationships. They’re just dirt-bags. What can I say? They’re not loyal. We laugh about it on the phone and I chastise them on the phone. As a coach, I’m there to serve them. I’m there to help them reach their full potential. This particular guy here, it’s like, you’re not going to know for sure until at least two years of being together and living together and going through a little bit of ups and downs. What happens when there’s pressure on the both of you and your relationship? Will she stay and communicate, or will she start inviting attention from other men? That’s where it really matters. Character is destiny.
I know I keep mentioning this, but I almost forgot to go to the body count thing. It’s like, “How is it, Corey, that you could say most women on average have slept with 20 or 30 dudes by the time they graduate college?” It’s pretty simple. Most girls typically are losing their virginity at 15, 16. I had friends I went to middle school with and they were fucking their girlfriends in 7th and 8th grade. If the average girl starts having sex with him when she’s a freshman in high school, maybe she dates a couple of guys, sleeps with them throughout the year, that’s two to three dudes a year.
So by just an average girl that maybe dates or hooks up with two or three different guys throughout the year, like football season, girl be dating somebody for three or four months, then it wouldn’t work out. Then basketball season would come around in spring, they’d be dating somebody two, three months, then it wouldn’t work out. Then that summer, they’d be dating somebody else and they would break up. Then in the fall, they’d be dating somebody else. So these girls are dating and sleeping with two to three guys a year.
If you figure, four years of high school, two to three a year, that’s what, 10, 12 dudes they have? You haven’t even graduated high school yet. Then you go off to college trying to gain a little knowledge. Even at the same pace, 24, 25 dudes right there they slept with, and then they graduate college. They come back home, they start dating. Women are settling down, usually 25 to 30. The average girl comes from a good family. It’s pretty easy to accumulate really big numbers in a short period of time. Now 70 men.
What did he say she is? She’s 20. He’s 27. He didn’t say how old, I just assumed she’s around around his age, or maybe she’s a few years younger, and she graduated college at 22, 23. So over the course of eight years, what is that, 10 a year? Maybe one a month? One every month and a half? Maybe she had a couple boyfriends here and there. Like I said, the girl is beautiful. She’s outgoing, she goes out. It’s so easy to stack a lot of guys for a woman.

I mean, we’re sexual beings. We all got here by sex. The only thing that really matters is, she a loyal and faithful girlfriend, or is she in one of the five or so careers? Law enforcement? Alphabet agency? Military? Doctor? Nurse? Bartender? Those are the most common. That where the cheating happens.
I mean, really, you can only go by. Plus, she was honest and she told you about that. You can say, “Oh, well you got to double that.” It’s possible, but admitting to sleeping with 70 guys, it’s a lot of guys, but it’s pretty easy. It’s pretty doable. Like I said, I got a few more friends that I know that in six months they easily stacked 20 guys. These are guys that they’re dating. They don’t have one night stands, or they’re hoping that these are going to turn into relationships. Again, like I said earlier, you can say, “Well, she shouldn’t have slept with them right away.” What she’s thinking and feeling, it’s going well in the first few weeks. It’s pretty easy for those numbers to happen. It’s just a fact of life. So get over it. Or if you don’t like it, become a monk or just don’t get married. I
Character is destiny. It’s the only thing that matters. Again, this goes for not only your personal relationships, but the people that you befriend or people that you decide to go into business with. You got to make sure you’re dealing with high character individuals. The reality is, the world has a small percentage of people that are high character individuals. People that are good to you, good for you, good for your soul, the rest of them, they want to fuck. So you got to keep it moving.
So, if you’ve got a question or a challenge and you’d like to get my help, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly. Until next time, I will talk to you soon.
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Corey Wayne
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L J says
The red pills recent obsession with body count is so damn stupid, the red pill as a whole is really one big idiotic circle jerk