Why most people settle for mediocrity in their relationships, friendships, careers, businesses, bodies and lives in general, and what you can do to avoid living a life of regret, and instead live a life of big dreams, excitement, success and passion.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a new client I am coaching. He is a couples therapist and helps people in relationships for a living. He is recently out of a long term relationship of several decades and is learning to stand up for himself, what he wants and become better with women in general. He got friend zoned by a woman he was dating and then walked away. She contacted him a few days later and they started dating and hooking up again.
He likes her, but he has noticed that she has several glaring deficiencies from his list of his ideal woman. She tends to drink too much and only tends to loosen up and become naturally affectionate after a few cocktails. He’s basically entertaining the thought of settling for less than what he really wants and deserves. I give him my take on things.
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
Paperback | $29.99
How to Be a 3% Man
Hardcover | $49.99
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Get the Book “Mastering Yourself”
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
Mastering Yourself
Paperback | $49.99
Mastering Yourself
Hardcover | $99.99
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Get the Book “Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations”
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*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Paperback | $49.99
Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
Hardcover | $99.99
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Life is too short to settle for a life that is less than what you are capable of living. We are all surrounded by people who are too weak to pursue their own dreams and goals. People who try to get everyone around them to settle for the same level of mediocrity so they don’t feel uncomfortable. The most successful people in life are successful because they have high standards for themselves, are unwilling to settle and spend their time plotting, planning and taking action to make their lives the way they want them to be. If they don’t know something or lack something, they seek it out and model those who do. You either are choosing to take the action required to make your dreams a reality, or you are creating the circumstances to one day come to the realization that you have spent your whole life playing it safe, not reaching your full potential and living someone else’s life, instead of a life of your own design.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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