Why western women are so masculine and difficult to be with.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a 65 year old viewer whose wife of 9 years left him for a younger man and took their children. A friend turned him onto my work and he now realizes what a beta male he has been all his life. He shares some epiphanies he’s had that many western men have noticed also. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hi, I’m Coach Corey Wayne and this is my Video Coaching Newsletter. And the topic of today’s Newsletter is going to be, “Why Western Women Are So Masculine & Difficult.”
Well, this emails from a guy who’s 65. His wife of nine years up and left him for a younger man and took their children with her. And he said a friend of his was the one that turned him on to my work. And after he started going through it and watching videos, he realized he’d been a beta male his whole life, as he says. But he thought, “Hey, I’m just being considerate.”
So he brings up some interesting points because, obviously, 65, he’s ten years older than me, and I imagine he’s probably seen the change in society over the course of his life, to one where masculinity was just dominant and then how it slowly slid to where everything was kind of feminized. Where the roles kind of flipped. I talk about this all the time. When you look at movies from like the 40s and the 50s, even the early 60s. Men acted like men. Women acted like women.
You didn’t have all these boss girl bitches bossing everybody around. And now what you see on movies, especially the TV shows, is the wife is stoic and she’s masculine, and the husband is like some bumbling fool and moron who needs her to basically be his mommy and tell him what to do. And the episodes always revolve around the guy, the dad did something stupid, and he lies to the wife. And then the whole episode is him trying to get out of the lie or not get the lie exposed, which it usually does.
And he’s got to apologize to his wife. And it just shows men are basically beat down little dogs, and we need women to be our mommies. And when you behave the way that you do in the TV shows. Because if you think about it, whatever you observe, you participate in, and if you’re constantly consuming this content, that as a man it teaches you to act more like a girl.
And as a woman, it teaches you to act more like a man. Well, that’s going to ruin the sexual polarity and the relationships. And what you have and what you end up with is a society that basically is brainwashed the men and women in it, into ways that are unnatural and the opposite of what our innate behavior is. So let’s go through his email.

Viewer Email:
Dear Corey,
It sucks to know I’ve been a beta Male and all the time I thought I was just being considerate.
Well, the idea is you got to be more masculine than the woman. Because if you’re not, they’re not going to feel safe. And unfortunately, in our society, when you come across a woman that is out of line, because you see this a lot in the Red Pill Community, they’re always going, “Who’s going to hold women accountable?” Well, if you got a penis, that’s your job. Men are supposed to set the boundaries and the guardrails, especially in relationships, especially the fathers. And I would say, probably 70, 80% of the people I talk to in phone sessions are coming to me because something went sideways in a relationship.
And most of the time, what you see is these guys are involved with women whose fathers just did a shitty job, basically. Didn’t teach them the right way to be, didn’t teach them what kind of guys they can trust, which guys they can’t. You see a lot of squishy fathers if the guy’s a squishy father and his daughters can walk all over him, the wife walks all over him. Well, that’s the way they expect. They grow up not respecting men in general. And then they get involved with men in their personal lives, and they don’t respect them either. And they’re extremely difficult because their fathers train them to be this way.
If the father was even around. It’s just I see the same patterns over and over and over and over again. And it’s guys that are having problems, most of the time it’s because they’re involved with a woman that’s got some kind of daddy issue going on, or the dad just did a shitty job. So it’s super important if you want to have a healthy, long term relationship and be with a woman who’s easy going, easy to get along with is you date a woman who loves her dad, who gets along with her father, who respects and admires and looks up to her father and respects his authority.
Because if he’s a pussy and she walks all over him and the mother walks all over him, not only does she not respect the dad, she’s not going to respect you either. And they’re gonna be extremely difficult to be with. The problem is, society is so full of these weak men that you set and enforce healthy boundaries, and then you boot the girl out of your life. There’s ten out of the beta males lining up that will basically put up with their crap. So all she does is get validation that her way is showing up in the world is legit. Plus, it’s exactly the way that you see on TV.

And so what you really need is enough men in our society that are masculine that understand this, and when they see these bullshit TV shows come on, they’re like, this is nonsense. And they just flip off and they watch something else. They watch something else where there’s healthy archetypes or they’re just not going to watch it at all. They’ll watch a podcast or they’ll read a book or something that can improve their life, instead of some shit that just basically brainwashes you and your kids and your daughter, so they grow up and act dysfunctional as well.
After my Wife of 9 years and two Children left me for a young guy I was devastated. A friend of mine put me onto your videos. Fancy having that awakening at 65.
Well, better late than never. All it means is that if you’re still here, you still have a chance to get it right and do better. Plus, you should, like your wife, or ex-wife to be, you should be dating younger women, especially 15, 20 years younger. I just saw, Trumps, Press Secretary; very beautiful. I guess she ran for office. And her campaign manager, who is 59, I think she ended up losing, and she didn’t win her election.
But she works for Trump. She’s 27, just had a baby, her husband is 59. So people in the media are freaking out. “Oh. The age gap. Uh!” It’s like, hey, maybe the dude was a late bloomer. I mean, look at Coach Belichick. 72 years old, dating a 24 year old for the last couple of years. It’s like, God bless him, you know? If you act masculine, you get rewarded in society. Because there’s so many weak dudes.
My Mother was extremely dominant and my father a yes man, so I learned bad habits of pursuing Women and being a beta Male.
That’s exactly what I saw. But again, when you look at what’s on TV, what’s in the movies, that’s the archetype that’s presented to us. And when you see that thousands and thousands of times from the time you’re a little boy till you grow up and you become an adult over many decades, you become brainwashed. You think that that’s normal because you’ve seen it so many times. Even though it’s incredibly unhealthy, because it’s really kind of Cultural Marxism where you’re trying to make the sexes the same. When you do that, you ruin the sexual polarity.
When everybody acts the same they’re not really going to be attracted to one another. And they’re not going to mate. They’re not going to have families. There’s not going to be balanced. And obviously, if you listen to the global elites and Klaus Schwab and the rest of the World Economic Forum Jerkoffs, they want to reduce the population down to like $500 million. And so when you look at the things that they fund, and the things that they support, you go, oh, well, anything that weakens the family or causes kids or people not to grow up and have kids or families, it’s like they’re all for it. Because it reduces population, because they’re saving the planet. And then they can rule over the ashes.

Already, now I’m aware of it, I’m changing my interactions with females. Using the leading lines and pre-supposing agreement is a winner for me. Like, “We should”, or “You should”.
It’s such a nice way to steer and get agreement.
In other words, “Hey, we should get together for drinks sometime.” Or “Hey, we should get together for dinner sometime.” Or “Hey, we should get should get together and play a round of golf. Hey, we should go to top golf sometime. Hey, we should go see that band play sometime. What’s your schedule like?” In other words, if you’re used to getting what you want, you just talk as if, “Oh, well, of course it’s the obvious thing for us to get together and do something, because this is what always happens when I meet somebody and I click with them.”
Versus, “Hey, would you like to go on a date with me sometime? Do you think you’d like to go out with me? Eh.” Coming from a position of presupposing you’re going to get what you want is how guys that are used to getting what they want act. Guys that never get what they want are like, “Would you like to go out sometime?” I mean, that can work if the girl is really into you, but if she’s just borderline, and you ask her out like that, just the way you ask her out. The vibe is less masculine. It’s enough for her to go, “Eh, not feeling it.” But if you presuppose, “Hey, we should get together for a drink sometime.” The number one strength characteristic that women love in men is confidence. And so you’re behaving confidently.
As a previous student of hypnosis, I see a correlation of this type of phrasing, not to be used in an ugly way but in a loving way it’s all good.
Well, it’s masculine at the end of the day. I mean, you look at Zuckerberg, Zuck, The Cuck. If you saw the way he behaved in the last election, where he spent $450 million to get Joe Biden elected. And then he goes on Joe Rogan a few weeks ago and says, “Yeah, we need more masculinity.” And he’s doing away with the DEI stuff, and he’s doing away with all the cultural Marxism that’s infected. He’s firing all the Fact Checkers that basically we’re a bunch of leftists.
And so they would bend and twist the truth, and bend themselves into a pretzel to try to justify whatever Trump’s, or the Republicans position was, choosing the opposite. And explaining away why certain things were not factually accurate. When all they were really doing is lying by omission and nobody trusted the fact checkers anyways. Because, again, they were a bunch of radical leftists.

Thank you for your videos. It’s really changed my life in being aware and being the male energy in a strong gentle way. It seems many women are now acting and taking on the male energy role, so it’s up to men to be the men they need to be.
Yeah, it’s up to us. Because the more guys act masculine, the more guys set and enforce healthy boundaries, the less women come along with their boss girl pain in the ass energy is going to be tolerated. But you know, as it currently stands, there’s so many dudes in society that are brainwashed even if a hot girl is out of line and she gets booted out of somebody’s life, there’ll be ten other dudes that are lining up, getting on their knees, looking for her attention and validation, and they basically just validate that problem’s not her. She’s just fine.
She doesn’t need to change anything. But once it eventually gets to the point where it’s like it used to be in the old days, where just every guy’s acted masculine, and they didn’t put up with bullshit from women, and they put them in their place respectfully and lovingly. They don’t allow them to treat them like a doormat. I mean, you’re always going to have weak guys in society. I mean, even in the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, you see that. Which I think is a really good window into the way things were in the 40s, or even though there were some parts of the movie where Jimmy Stewart’s character acts like a fucking dork and he acts weak.
He’s still, at the end of the day, overall, was masculine, and the women were extremely effeminate. But there is a scene in the movie where the hot blonde that also lives in Bedford Falls, named Violet, is walking down the street and these three guys come up to her, “Hey, baby, can I let your cigarette for you? Hey, baby, can I take you somewhere? Hey, baby, can I buy something for you?” And those were beta males back then thinking, “Oh, if I do something for this woman, she’s going to like me.” And then George Bailey’s character, Jimmy Stewart’s character comes walking down the street. He’s going somewhere, and she sees him and she says, “Oh, just a minute, boys.” And then she goes over.
“Oh, George. George Bailey.” And she stops him and she’s trying to get his attention, and he’s not really paying attention to it, because eventually his goal is he wants to get out of Bedford Falls and go see the world and build his empire somewhere. But obviously, Donna Reed, Mary’s character, has other plans and designs. She always had a crush on George since they were kids. She always fantasized about growing up and having his babies. So. And there’s even a scene in the movie where she’s like, “I want my babies to look to look like you.” It’s really cute. It’s beautiful. It’s the way it’s supposed to be.

But how many guys get to experience that in society? Most guys overpursue because, what are the TV and the movies show? You got to stalk women. You got to annoy the hell out of them. And then eventually they’ll go, “Oh, how stupid of me. The love of my life was there all along. Let’s just live happily ever after.” That’s not how it works in the real world. You get a restraining order if you do that in the real world. But in TV and in movies, it’s real cute. But it doesn’t apply in real life.
I find the trend of men seeking Asian Women to be popular and now I see why. Asian Women in general are still feminine energy in stark contrast to the majority of Western Women.
Well, the more effeminate and girly the men of society are, the more masculine the women are going to be to make up for it. It’s just, it’s natural in any relationship, if the guy acts like a like a girl, the woman moves into her masculine, and obviously she resents it. She becomes bitchy. She doesn’t respect the man. So it’s pretty predictable.
But guys thinking, “Hey, I’ll go over and get myself an Asian wife who’s got a low body count. Or she’s a virgin.” Or at least they think she’s a virgin. And then they’ll bring her back to the United States and everything will be great. Well, if they bring her back to the United States and they start acting like a bitch, she’s going to leave them for the same reasons that the American women leave them.
I’ve done plenty of videos over the years on guys that did exactly that, “Oh, I went overseas and got myself an Asian wife because they were feminine and girly.” But then you bring her back into the society here, and then you turn into a bitch and she leaves you. Or she runs off with some other dude once she gets her green card. Or the guy’s so beta he can’t tell that the woman is just using him to get a green card and citizenship. And once they’ve once they’ve been together enough years, she’s like, “Hasta la vista, baby. Thanks for the green card.”
Asian Women in general are still feminine energy in stark contrast to the majority of Western Women.
Well, it really depends on the father, how good of a job the father did. And if you got a lot of weak men, you’re going to have a lot of masculine women that grew up to act like the dude in relationships, and they’re difficult to be with. And they’re not going to relax and be feminine and girly unless the guy is extremely masculine, and then they’ll throw in the towel. As long as they’re not too fucked up.
I’m betting that once a male acts as such consistently, Women will return back to their natural feminine state without even realizing it.

This is true. The reason women are so masculine and bitchy is because they don’t feel safe. Because overall the men in society are extremely weak. And so it forces them to become masculine, to make up for the fact that there’s hardly any masculinity around. And so it is up to us to lead. The word lead means to go first, after all. Guys sitting around waiting for women to hold themselves accountable, it’s again, this is our job as men is to set the standard. Is to be more masculine than the women are, so they can feel safe to be feminine and girly, and let us take the lead.
But again, if you act like a bitch, women will treat you like a bitch. Doesn’t matter how handsome you are or how good looking you are, or how much you really, really super duper like them. If you act like a bitch, women are going to treat you like that, and they’re going to walk all over you like a doormat and disrespect you, and often do nasty things to you. Because it’s disgusting and repulsive. So we’re moving in the right direction, but we still got a long, long way to way to go.
I just saw over the weekend that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are basically shutting down USAID, because it’s just all those billions and billions. I think there’s like over $100 billion that USAID gets every year, and most of it gets funneled through these NGOs that are giving it to, like that Priest (Bishop), that went viral a week or two ago, when she was lecturing Trump at the National Cathedral. Come to find out, her church gets $53 million a year to resettle illegal immigrants. So she’s getting paid off basically, to funnel all these people that are unvetted across the border and send them all over the country. They have $53 million.
Like she’s up there lecturing him, and all she’s really doing is trying to keep her fucking paycheck. I mean, you just look at the Priest (Bishop). Her hair is cut short. She doesn’t wear any fucking makeup. She’s very masculine. Probably because her husband is a total fucking pussy. There you have it. You got a fucking religious Karen now lecturing the president of the United States. It’s absurd.
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Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
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