You must follow your heart, curiosity and intuition if you truly want to be happy, fulfilled and successful in life. I could not do what I do and be as successful at it as I am if I did not totally love what I do for a living. I’ve been up all night writing. I have not even slept yet and its 8:15 am in the morning. I was too jazzed, driven and excited to go to sleep. Work is not work for me. Its a labor of love. Love makes you make the effort even when it seems like your long overdue reward will never be yours. That is why you must choose the people you love, careers you work in, businesses you start, friends you socialize with, girlfriends you love, etc. based upon what your heart, curiosity and intuition resonates with… unless you want to be miserable and have enormous setbacks in life!
I got an email recently from a guy who just finished high school. He’s struggling with the issues everyone who has ever graduated high school struggles with. Letting go of everything you know and meeting new people, making new friends and even moving to a new city. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his email:
Hey Corey!
I know I have emailed you before but I first wanted to get this out of the way and tell you a little bit more about me. I am 18 years old, and I just graduated high school (Awesome! Congratulations!). I have been on a computer pretty much my whole life so I know a lot about them. I have built two computers my self all ready and I have taken some programming classes at school.
Well this job I got offered deals with computer programming. Its 5 days a week and would be during the summer only. It goes from 6 am to 4:30 P.M. The pay would be so much better than what I am working now (good job!) which is a little job in a restaurant.
The only problem I have is this.
My friends and I hang out every wed night. We go up to my one friend who lives about 40 minutes away from the city. This place is pretty much in the middle of no where. We call this place the “Man Cave.” We go up to hang out and chill and basically just get away from everything. We spend the night and come back the next day sometime, but its great to go and have a blast and sit by the fire.
Now this might seem like a dumb question but I just wanted your input. Since my dreams are to become a computer programmer but especially one for gaming, and so many people have told me that I should take the job because its going to be a great opportunity (sounds like it). Although my social life is going to suffer then (it will change, not suffer), and I will no longer be able to stay the night there. If anything I thought once and a while I would go up and visit and chill for the evening then come back home (that works-good creative problem solving).
They do not normally do anything on the weekends. The thing that sucks is that none of my friends really offer any feedback. In my opinion I think that I need to do what’s going to be best for my future (Yep. You already know what you should do. Ain’t nothin to it but to do it. What your friends, family, me and anyone else who has an opinion of what they think you should do with your life is irrelevant. The ONLY THING THAT MATTERS is what your heart and intuition compels you to do).
Although I will admit I am very scared of being lonely for the rest of my life (“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”-Dale Carnegie). I know I am not the most confident person in the world (Confidence comes from success. Success comes from trial and error and failing over and over again until you eventually figure something out) and I am working on that. I see a psychiatrist every week at the moment and I read a lot of self help books on getting my irrational beliefs out of my head. It’s a slow processes but one that I am definitely working on because I want to be the best that I can be (You’re speaking my language).
Any help of advice would be great. I think you so much for your advice epically since I am only 18.
Thank you!
In honor of your career path, I want you to watch the video below of Steve Jobs, Founder and CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation giving the most moving, encouraging and uplifting commencement speech I have ever seen. Prepare to be inspired, dream big:

Every time I watch that speech it blows me away. Steve Jobs is a Genius! Genius is the ability to simplify things we perceive as complicated. The guy gets it in so many ways other than just his business sense. He has a lot of wisdom from a lot of life experience.
Life is change, growth is optional. I know its hard to leave your friends and everything you know, to go out into the world to become the person you were meant to be. Over time you will make new friends. Friends that are into the same things you are… computers. When you get around people who have the same passion for computers/programming/gaming/etc. that you do, things will really get exciting. You will feed off each others energy and learn from one another. As you advance in your career and make more money, you get access to more choices on how you wish to spend the moments of your life. New “Man Cave’s” will be created. The unknown really is exciting. Your comfort zone is where you are most uncomfortable. So get outside of your comfort zone. Its the only way you can grow, advance and become more than you are now.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
Obstacles are the scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. Ships are safe in the harbor, but ships were not built to stay in the harbor.
Anisha says
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
Johnie says
I’m not wothry to be in the same forum. ROTFL