How to determine where you are going wrong if things are not romantically progressing with women you are dating or want to date, and why women seem to never have very much time to spend with you ever after many months of casual dating.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss two different emails from two different viewers who are not getting the results they want in their dating lives. The first email is from a viewer who has been showing up at the same restaurant every week where a woman works who he likes. He contacted recently her on facebook, she asked for his number and then called him. They spoke on the phone for an hour and a half confessing all of their past dating and relationship mistakes to one another. A week later after he told her he was out with another woman, she asked him to dinner. They go to dinner and the signs are all there that she has interest, but he proceeds to make just about every rookie mistake he can make on a first date. The only problem is that even though she did not want the date to end initially, he never made a move. By the end of the night, judging from her actions, it appears that she realized he lacked confidence and started losing interest.
He tried to set a second date at the end of their first date and she was less than enthusiastic about planning another one telling him, “we’ll see.” He wonders what to do now. The second email is from a viewer who said he was applying everything I teach in my book with a woman he has been dating, but that it was not working. However, after reading through his email it’s obvious he does not know the fundamentals of what my book teaches. After hanging out, having fun and hooking up again, he continues making mistakes and her interest is stuck at a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1-10. He wants to see her more than 2-3 times per week and is frustrated that she does not want to spend more time with him after a year and a half of dating on and off. He asks my opinion on why he’s not getting anywhere near her falling in love with him and wanting to spend most of her days and nights with him.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Women are attracted to men who know what they want, why they want it and who have the confidence to go for what they want without concern for success or failure. They simply act like leaders and go for what they want despite the potential for failure or undesired consequences. Masculine energy is all about taking risks to get what you want. Masculine men who act like alpha males don’t sit around waiting for a woman to tell them what to do, give them instructions or waiting for women to volunteer permission to proceed with kissing, affection, etc. Women don’t want to teach guys what to do or how to be men. They want men who already know how to act like men. Not men who act like clueless needy insecure boys who still have not grown up.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
John Doe says
“ waiting for a woman to tell them what to do, give them instructions or waiting for women to volunteer permission to proceed with kissing, affection, etc “ that is true, but in today’s pc society that’s either sexual harassment or date rape.