Women are constantly gauging and testing a man’s strength. This includes men who they’re talking to for the first time, men they are dating, their boyfriends, their husbands and their male acquaintances. Why? They can’t help it.
Most men are totally clueless with women, as well as being clueless and unable to realize when a woman is testing them. Techniques and strategies can help you do the right things with women. However, being centered and confident in knowing yourself, who you are and what you stand for, is more important than techniques or strategies. Why? Using techniques and strategies requires use of your intellect. A woman can sense when you’re out of your heart, and in your head. In order to properly use humor and banter with women to create sexual attraction, you must be in the flow of the moment focused on having fun and being playful; as well as being a little mischievous.
Attraction happens based upon not what you say, but what your words and actions cause a woman to FEEL. Have you ever watched one of our lying ass politicians as they were trying to remember all the lies they had told previously, so as not to contradict themselves while answering a question? They tend to stutter and stammer, and the answer does not come out naturally… nor sound authentic. If you are stuck in your head any time you are interacting with a woman trying to think about what you should say next, you will sound like a lying inauthentic politician. This will get you rejected.
How many times have you heard women say when giving advice about approaching women you like, that men should “be themselves”? Women are dying to meet an authentic man who speaks from his heart without fear or worry about getting approval from women he may like, or other people in general. If people don’t like what he has to say, including the women he likes, he doesn’t care! He’s not going to change his opinion to match hers or anyone else’s. Why? Because alpha males do not compromise their principles, morals or who they are for anyone. If you say something outrageous to a woman you like, and she acts like she is displeased with your behavior or answer, then you should be even more outrageous because you recognize that she is testing the strength of your belief in what you just said. Women know that men who are centered in their masculine cores, will stand up for what they say and what they believe in even if it means the women they like will reject them. The more beautiful a woman is and the more desirable she is, the better she will be at bluffing and testing, and quickly rejecting men who fail her tests. Why? She has to be because she gets approached more than most women do. That is why if you want a total 10, you have to get yourself ready for her by becoming good at interacting with the women who are a 5 or 6. There is less margin for error with a high status alpha female.
Let me give you an example. I was bantering with a twitter follower recently. She was challenging me on some of the controversial things I had said in one of my articles. I was discussing the fact that women not only like to chase men, but they prefer it that way. She claimed that she never has chased a man in her life, ever. I knew this was BS. However, with women you simply have to ask the right questions to get to the real answers. I asked her if she ever went out of her way to let men know that she was romantically interested in them. At first she ignored my question by switching the subject or asking me a question, but when I stuck to my guns because I knew the real truth, she admitted that of course she would make sure she communicated her interest to guys she likes. She admitted she did things to get their attention. It’s a scientific fact that women can’t hide it. When a woman likes a guy, she will flick her hair, play with her hair, stick her neck out in a submissive way, etc. without even thinking about it. This particular woman also told me that she likes guys who call her constantly. I knew that was BS also. Don’t believe me? Blow up a woman’s phone you really like constantly, and see how fast she rejects you or reports you as a stalker. The point is, is that women will take positions that are opposed to your positions on certain topics, even though they know that their position is BS and indefensible, just to see if you change your opinion to match hers, or stand your ground. When you catch them testing you, call them out on it in a playful way!
The fact that women bluff to test and often will not give a straight answer to a guy who doesn’t get it, is a big reason why so many men are clueless and unaware that women test. This lack of awareness is a huge reason why most men get rejected by the women they really want. This is also why great scientific minds like Sigmund Freud, and the brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking are unable to understand women. They are trying to apply logic and reason to beings that are driven by their emotions and their desire to feel the strength of a masculine man who “gets it”. Testing and bluffing is the best way for women to judge a man’s strength and therefore, his worthiness as a mate. Women want the most dominant and masculine males. When a woman gives you dating advice, or tells you something about women that doesn’t ring true, you should take it with a grain of salt. Remember, treat them like the bratty little sister who is always messing with you, and who you mess with right back. Love is playful and fun, not serious. You should download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE for further detail on this topic.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“For a man to conquer himself is the first & noblest of all victories.” -Plato
Katlego says
Good day Coach , just wanted to say thank you for all the great work and keep it up my man. Your coaching is doing a world of good in my life man. I feel like I can do anything , every area of my life is rocking Coach. I have just started a new job , my relationship is in a great place and my confidence is sky high dude. I have found my inner Alpha male, I am the King of my kingdom. I am ready to conquer the world man.
Thanks a mill man.
Dick says
Question. If love is a passion, and it is supposed to be not be taken seriously, then how are we to distinguish between passions that one ought to take seriously, and those that one ought not? It seems to be the case that when one emancipates the passions from being taken seriously, then nothing can be taken seriously, and women are allowed to simply do anything they want whatsoever. But then, if this is true, one who does not take love seriously cannot be alpha.
Henry says
Mr. Wayne, You nail it when it come to your views on women. But what if a man doesn’t want the kind of women you are talking about. The kind of women you are talking about are insecure. I just got out of a relationship with one after 8 years. I finally opened up my eyes.
JB says
the minute I learned about “bitch tests” as they call them, my dating life changed. Throw in the ability to “lead” a date and take charge, and my success rate went from 25% to about 80% ( nothing is 100%). Sounds like rubbish but so was my midset and view point of women in my 20 & early 30’s.
Dont’ take my work for it – read a little info on the net and then try for yourself
A O says
Hey Wayne, I love your stuff. I think it may be a good idea to clarify that this is is better as a temporary in the beginning thing. To get the girl. I just got through 3 years of torture with a guy who wouldn’t stop treating me like a bratty little sister. Over time, it made me feel like he was weak and I started testing his strength a lot because it left me feeling insecure and unsafe. I dont think it’s healthy to do this long term, or when the person is wanting to be taken as serious. Its extremely frustrating, and can lead to the woman not getting a primary need met. Such as being heard. I understand what you mean about chasing. I think its more like tag though. If i’m left doing all the chasing, unfortunately that also translates as weak to me because eventually I realize I’m being conned, if there’s no chasing back. I don’t think a woman who knows her worth will stand by this for very long without it needing to be reciprocated. I find this type of behavior long term is disrespectful.
creditos personales banamex mexico says
Si te va, por favor comunicate… gracias.
Q Ortiz says
This article is freakin’ GOLD.
Supreme nuggets.
“knowing yourself, who you are and what you stand for, is more important than techniques or strategies.”
That’s just one huge one tossed in there.