Why women don’t want control of the direction of a relationship & why they reject you if you let them have it. Women want men to handle making all of the plans and arrangements to get together for a date or a sexcapade. Women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit dominant alpha male behavior. They simply want to show up and have fun which easily and effortlessly leads to sex. Women want to be filled up by a man’s strength and presence physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Women always test a man’s strength and worthiness to see if they can get him to compromise his principles or give the power to them. Women can’t stand men who are indecisive or have a hard time making a decision. Never ask a woman what she wants to do on a date. If you do, 99.999% of all women will simply respond back with, “what do you want to do?” Women want to be with men who know what to do. Women love sex just as much as men do and yearn for a man who knows how to create an opportunity for sex to happen where she can just let go and receive him. Women are physically designed to receive a man. When you feel attraction for a woman and it’s obvious the feeling is mutual, she’s hoping it will lead to great sex and romance. Most men totally get in the way of allowing sex to happen by being too serious instead of just having fun. The following is an e-mail from a reader. He met a girl when he was really not interested in dating anyone and gave out his phone number without asking for hers. The next day she texted him and he set up a date. However, since he did not know about my work yet, he made a lot of mistakes that caused her to put him in friends zone. She still texts him and he wants to know the right way to respond so he can get what he wants. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
I stumbled upon your videos on your website the other day while searching for inspiration from clips from romantic movies no doubt – that’s how deep I was in. Over the past two days I’ve watched many of them and read your book. You really helped me snap out of it and I appreciate it.
It’s been a slow year girl wise because I started my own business last year and it ate away all my time and money. Now things are settled but I’m rusty. I started talking to a girl at a party of a mutual friend several months ago. At the time I was too busy to date so when I didn’t get the sense that I would go home with her that night. I just said goodnight and didn’t ask for her number. A couple weeks later our friend told me she had been asking about me, and I said sure set it up. So a couple weeks after that at our mutual friends party we met, clicked, left early to go on our own adventure and had a great little make out party. I didn’t even get her number. I gave her mine though and she texted me the next day saying how much fun she had. I made a definite date with her. We went out for a coffee date at 6 that ended at 3 AM.
First five dates I did more right then wrong. She definitely matched the high interest level requirements and we were having a lot of fun. The next five dates I started screwing up. I moved too fast, talked too much, confided too much, definitely lost my masculinity. She didn’t back up though so I was pretty convinced a relationship was going to start. (Stop that line of thinking. It’s the women who decide when they want a relationship.) We ended up in bed twice, but no sex went down, no reciprocation, kind of flat. So when she offered to cook me dinner for our 10th date, I really blew it by asking what was going on? (You basically started acting like a woman. Love is playful and fun, not serious.) We talked about it, she said she was in a bad place and didn’t know me well enough. (That is a total BS excuse. Translation: “You are trying to force me to do something I am not ready to do. You’re complicating things and this is making me lose interest in you.”)
I should point out that she is in a bad place. (That’s a total bullshit excuse and it’s completely irrelevant to her and you. You should have just kept making dates and hooking up and things would have been fine.) She works in child protection services and was in the middle of a nasty trial for one of her clients. But I don’t buy the “didn’t know me well enough” excuse. (Smart, because it was total bullshit.) Anyways, our next date I told her that I was looking for a romantic relationship, and wasn’t interested in being friends so we couldn’t see each other anymore. Then, several days later she texted me saying that she was disappointed we couldn’t hang out anymore, but she was only willing to be friends. I took the bait. (BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!!! You said you’re unwilling to be friends, she called to test you, and you caved like a pussy. Therefore, you failed her test and she feels she made the right decision putting you into friends zone. You communicated, “I’m taking the power back,” she said “really?” and then your response communicated… “not really, I’m sorry your highness, I’ll be a good little boy now… will you please love me?”) Without giving you all the details, we’ve been hanging out ever since and the only thing I’ve done right is to make sure I kiss her at the end of every night. (In other words, you agreed to be her little bitch, male girlfriend, butler, etc.) She kisses back, so I didn’t blow it 100%, but it has to be damn near 99%. (yep) The last time we hung out, we had fun, we kissed as usual but afterwards I felt weird. I realized I was totally emasculated. She called all the shots, controlled the whole thing. (You let her. You handed her all the power by starting to act like a dopey woman instead of a confident alpha male.) So I looked for answers, found your stuff and immediately deleted her contact info. It’s time to take two huge steps back. She texted me on Friday night on her way out of town in what felt like a feeler to see what I was up to. I ignored it and just deleted the text. (Smart for not answering her in the evening. Plus, she’s only offering friendship when you want more. Therefore, it’s no longer a priority for you to respond to her texts right away. Anytime a woman who is not your girlfriend texts you after 7 pm, always wait until the next day to respond. Why? She’ll wonder what you are doing. Especially when she says, “What did you do last night?” and you said, “I just hung with a friend.” She’ll assume it’s another woman and that you’re not waiting around on her. Science has proven women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear.)
I don’t know if making her chase will work or if its too late. (It’s the only thing that will work. Chasing women guarantees rejection.) The point is, it doesn’t matter. I feel like I’m in control now and since then I’ve met two girls, immediately got their numbers and set the ground work for a third that I run into regularly. (Don’t beat around the bush with women EVER!!! Be direct and get to the point immediately. Get her number and get on to the next one.) I do really care about the friend girl, but like you say, why put your interest in a place where it’s not reciprocated? The only thing I’m unsure of is when she gets back, how to respond to her texts. They will come, I’m sure of that. It’s been two months and we formerly texted daily. A question text I figure I’ll give a short answer. A statement text I’ll respond with, that’s cool, you should tell me more about that when I take you out next bla bla bla. (No more dates and wasted money on this girl. When she texts you, only do 3 or 4 texts max back and forth. If she does not bring up getting together by the 4th text, then text, “I suppose you want to get together?” Then, if she says “no” to that text or some other BS, say, “Hey, I gotta run, but keep in touch.” If she says, “sure” to getting together, then, ONLY invite her to your place for drinks by saying, “when are you free?” and wait for her to respond. Then say, “Drinks? My place Tuesday 7 pm? My address is… 123 oak street, etc.” or whatever day she’s available that you are also. Include your address if she does not have it. Wait for her response. If she tries to change the plans or get you to take her to dinner somewhere or meet out somewhere, then text back, “No thanks. I’m just in the mood to chill at my place. Let’s do it some other time then.” She’ll either change her tune and agree to come over, or say “ok.” This will be the ONLY WAY you respond to her from now on. If she comes over, make sure she does 70-80% of the talking by asking questions. Then, when she seems comfortable say, “I think you need to come over here and kiss me.” She’ll either do it or give an excuse. If you start making out, then just follow this plan to close the deal in the bedroom. If she brings up the friendship thing again instead of kissing you, say, “I’m not into that. I’m not looking for a relationship, I just want to have fun. If you’re not cool with that, then let’s just call it a night, I’m tired anyways.” and escort her to the door.) Otherwise, I have no way of texting her first (DON’T INITIATE ANY MORE CONTACT WITH THIS GIRL EVER!!! Only respond to her contacting you first.) and I’ll just concentrate on meeting other women. (By meeting more women to practice your skills on, you’ll get better and become a master of seducing women. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Your true Self which is your spirit, your soul, is immune to criticism, it is unfearful of any challenge and it feels beneath no one.” ~ Deepak Chopra
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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