The importance of respecting and understanding the fact that women fall in and out of love slowly, and why trying to rush a courtship and casual dating into a relationship is a quick way to get rejected or friend-zoned.
In this video coaching newsletter I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who was married for thirty years, many without sex. After deciding to divorce his wife, he met and started dating a woman whose husband had left her for another woman. He says that she seemed to be pinning after her estranged husband hoping he would come back even though he mistreated her, and his kids want nothing to do with him. After six months of dating, he got friend zoned. After three months he finally stood up to her and said he was done with being friends only. Three weeks later she contacted him and they have a date set up. He asks me how to handle the date and if confronting her about their relationship status is a good idea.
The second email is from a viewer who was in a long distance relationship for 3 years. On a vacation he asked her to marry him. She said yes. Three months later she dumped him after a petty argument. After not hearing from her for six months, she reached out to him. He asks me how to respond to what she said in her email.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Women fall in love slowly over time. They also fall out of love slowly over time. Many men make the mistake of trying to rush the courtship and casual dating into a relationship. This leads to being rejected or friend-zoned. Men who do this do not place a high value on themselves and what they have to offer. They therefore feel like they have to trick or lock a woman down to a commitment or relationship, out of their fear of rejection and an incessant need for validation that she still cares. If you act and think in ways that communicate that rejection and friends-zone is an imminent certainty, you will cause what you fear to become your reality. This makes women feel like being with you will result in a loss of their freedom. You MUST give a woman the time and space to come to you at her own pace and choose you, by simply being a great dater and planning fun dates free of any pressure or demands that she make up her mind. If you try and force a woman to choose you before she has come to that conclusion on her own, free of any pressure from you, she will most often reject or friend-zone you.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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