How you can tell when women really like you, and how they make dating and seduction easy and effortless compared to women with low interest.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has been following my work for over six years now. He first found my work after he got divorced and resolved to never have that happen again.
He details how he met his current wife and how she went out of her way to seek his attention and validation and made it easy and effortless to be together. He shares how they met and what it’s like after being married for two years and together for five years. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
So I’ve done a lot of emails recently where a lot of guys are beating their heads against the wall, trying to get women who have low interest to like them more or to pay more attention to them, or guys who are just staying involved with women that just have low to no interest at all, and they’re not seeing it. They’re not recognizing it. So I thought a good contrast would be a success story.
And this particular guy, I’ve seen both him and his wife, because they’re they both studied my work and they oftentimes are commenting on my Facebook page. But these two, it’s just cute watching them interact with one another. They’ve been together for about six years now, they’ve been married for two years, and it seems like any time I do happen to go check out the Facebook page to see what’s there, they’re commenting on something, which is really cool.

So, the guy wrote a success story about how they met, and it’s a great contrast because you could see, just literally from the moment they met, she really liked him and she just made it super easy to be with her. And this is what you’re looking for, because the reality is, unfortunately, most of the women that you’re going to meet are not going to have this kind of interest in you. Like I often say, you get maybe one to three of these a decade, where everything clicks, it’s easy, it’s effortless, and the rest you’re dealing with low, to mediocre, to no interest in you.
Now, it’s true that you can raise interest if it’s really low, as long as there’s enough. In other words, on a scale of one to ten, at least if she sees you as a five, you can raise it, but you’ve got to do a lot more work, you’ve got to go out on a lot more dates, and it just takes a lot longer to get her to the point where this woman just started out from the get go.
And so, for me personally, when women really like you, when it’s like love at first sight and you’re used to that, it spoils you. And so, after you’ve had several of those kinds of relationships over the course of your life and you encounter the average hot, attractive woman who’s got low to mediocre interest, is not really making the effort, you’re just spoiled. You don’t want to waste your time with women like that, because you know that if you just wait long enough, eventually you’ll meet somebody else where that magic is just there from the moment you meet.
To me, those are soul connections to me, those are people that you’re supposed to meet, just like your closest friends. It’s like, you meet people, guy friends, and you just like each other. You like hanging out together, you have similar goals and similar values, and it’s just easy and effortless to be with them. And it’s very rare.
As you go through life, I’m now 51, you recognize that, man, there’s only a handful of people that you’re going to meet over the course of your life that are going to remain in your life and that you’re going to click with on that level, so it’s worth the wait. And just too many people are so desperate to find somebody, they settle. A lot of women marry guys they’re not even in love with, and the guys have no idea. And it’s just so sad.

Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach,
I started my success story with your Book in December 2014.
Obviously, he’s talking about “How To Be A 3% Man,” the first one. You can read it for free and UnderstandingRelationships.com. All you’ve got to do is subscribe to the email newsletter. And you can also read my second book, “Mastering Yourself.” And my quotes book is coming out soon, I’m hoping, weeks away. We’re still getting the covers right for the hardcover and the paperback, because they were a little messed up with some of the things, so we’ve got new proofs coming. And so as soon as those are good, then we’ll go ahead and publish it and upload the Audible.com version. And the second book of quotes is already done, by the way, so we’ll probably be releasing that one maybe later this year or early next year as well.
I was 31 back then, weak and had no clue about women at all. I got out of a divorce and never wanted that to happen again.
Yeah, divorces are not fun at all.
I had to change for good.
So, in other words, he hit the wall. He had a really painful experience, and he recognized, “Obviously, I’m not doing something right.” And so, that’s what led him to my work.
I started to work out, lost a ton of weight and changed my whole life.
One of the best things you can do for your dating prospecting is just getting in shape, because the reality is, at least in America, over 60% of the people are obese or overweight. And so, think about that. I mean, when you walk down the street, you can tell the people that actually go to the gym and are in shape and take care of themselves and other people that don’t.

And usually, even girls and guys that look good just because they had good genetics, by the time they hit 30, they’re overweight, they’re out of shape, they’re starting to get flabby and lose their looks. And most people just do nothing about it. So, if you can take care of yourself and be in relatively good shape, you’re going to look good for your age. You can look like a handsome devil like me at 51.
I focused on the letter to my future girlfriend and the important dos and don’ts from your book.
So, he’s talking about, there was an exercise in the first book, The Love Letter Exercise, where you write a love letter to your future girlfriend, telling her all the things that you love about her and what you love about spending time together. And it’s just one of the exercises to help you focus on what you want, because whatever you focus on in life will expand.
I noticed that I never knew what I wanted until then. In January 2016, I met this 10-years younger stunning hot woman. Black hair, sporty, blue-green eyes, Julia Roberts type. She was pretty flirty, and I started to apply what was in your book. I did not want a relationship, it was not a must have, but I gave it a try.
So, you notice his whole demeanor is like, “Hey, this is cool. Let’s see where it goes.” So now, instead of “I hope she likes me,” like most guys have the attitude, he’s like, “Hey, let’s see what happens.” Because that’s how most women are when they go out on a first date. They’re like, “Do I like this guy? Is he good for me?” That’s the attitude you want to have. But most guys go out on dates and they’re like, “What have I got to do to get this girl to like me? What I can do to get her?”
She asked me straight if I have time for a date and I told her, “Well, I am very busy with my work. I also have a lot of things to do during the week.”

So, she’s asking about a date. I mean, she really liked him. And this kind of experience is exactly what I wrote about, what I have experienced with some of the women in my own life. And they are completely different, like I said, one to three a decade. That’s what I’ve personally seen in my own life, and I see the same kind of numbers with people that follow me. They kind of see the same thing.
It’s just very rare that somebody that you really click with comes along, whether it’s personal life or professional life or just dudes you become friends with. And to me, I look at that and say that’s the universe’s way of saying, hey, you need to value this. Because if that happened every day, if love at first sight happened every day, you would totally take it for granted.
And so, really good people that are good for you, good to you and good for your soul. They hardly ever come along. And so, when they do come along, it’s obvious. You recognize it. And you’ll make the extra effort, you’ll reciprocate, because you want them to stick around. Because it’s so rare to come across somebody like that, where you kind of feel like your souls are aligned.
She looked at me and told me straight, “Well, whenever you have time, give me a call. Here is my number.” I did not react at all.
In other words, hey, they this kind of thing happens all the time. But if you’re selective and you have lots of choices and lots of options, you’re like, “Oh, this is an interesting prospect. Let’s see where this goes.” So he’s not like, “Oh my God, a woman!” Like, some guys, seeing or talking to a woman is like a zoo animal to them. It’s a big deal. Whereas he’s like, “Hey, it’s just another cute chick that likes me.”
I just told her thanks, took the paper and walked away. The week passed, and I did not called her at all. Interestingly enough she sent me a friend request on Facebook.

See the difference, she really likes him. And the fact that he’s in no rush, whereas probably most of the guys she meets are in a rush to make something happen. It’s a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. She already really liked him to start with, and now she’s liking him even more because he’s going really slow, slower than she is, which is the ideal speed.
She was in the same Facebook group about a TV Series from the 80s that I liked as well. I did not react. I kept her hanging on. I waited another week before I added her. She started to write me and asked me why I did not contact her. After 2 weeks, I told her I was busy, which was not even a lie, since I worked the late shift back then.
So, if you’ve studied Doc Love’s work — who has since passed away, by the way, but you can still get his book — one of the things he always used to say was five to nine days after you get a number. So, depending on when you’ve got the number, you would wait five to nine days, almost two weeks. People are like, “How can you do that?” Women who really like you, they’ll like you more. Women who have an attitude issue or who are insecure, it’ll piss them off. But she had a good attitude.
She asked me to call her, and I told her I have only 10 minutes.
Scarcity creates value.
When she was on the phone, I go for it as you wrote, “I have a free spot next Friday at 8:00 in the evening.” I told her the place we meet up and then I told her that I was busy having stuff to do. She was bubbly, but I told her, to save it all up for next week.
So in other words, she probably wanted to continue talking to him. He’s like, “Hey, I’ve got to run.” He’s nice, he’s respectful, but he’s just busy. And obviously, this is going to drive her crazy for him even more. Because she’s like, “What is with this guy?”

It is better, because then my mind is free for good talk. She was mixed up a bit but okay.
So, obviously, she was disappointed that he didn’t spend more time talking to her. Just like in show business, always leave them wanting more.
After that, I posted a status on Facebook later that week, that I have a date with a very special lady. The girl was asking me out of the blue who that lady was. I did not write her back. To be honest, I did this on purpose, because I was teasing. That special lady was my car, it needed work done. I never told her. From that moment on, her interest level started to rise even higher.
It was already high, probably like an eight to begin with. Maybe a seven right in there, seven or eight. On a scale of one to ten.
But no matter how much text, calls or whatever she got on me, I kept cool. We finally met up on the date and I gave her a great time. I did not talk a lot like you said in your book.
In other words, she did 70-80 % of the talking, and he just asked questions.
I wrote down quality questions before at home and let her do the talking.
He’s German, by the way, so his English is not perfect.
On the way back, she bumped into me all the time, and her arm touched me while walking next to me.
More indicators of interest. This is women, they touch you physically when they really like you. And yet he didn’t do anything. Like, “Hey, this happens all the time to me. I’m used to this.” So, in other words, he’s kind of skeptical and selective.
She was so much in her 90s…
In other words, nine out of ten.
…that she lighted up like a lightbulb. After I walked her to her car, she hugged me very tight with love. I thought about what James Bond would do and went for the first kiss. It was awesome.

During the next 90 days, we get into the relationship and the other guys fell out of competition. I never had competition at all.
Yeah, more than likely, she was way more into you than any of the other guys that she had met. And she had to work for you. She had to work for your attention and validation, and therefore, she liked you more and she made it even easier for you.
It was amazing to see how the media and songs messed up these guys. I was on the same page 2 years ago. It felt so good to be on the right side. My now girlfriend told me that nobody ever did what I did to her at all.
Cheers, bro. Welcome to the 3% Club. Well, he’s been in the 3% Club for several years now.
We got engaged after 1 year. I never got tired of her at all. Our sex is awesome, the love is always there. We work together as team on a great relationship. Now I sit here, and 5 years has passed. We’re now married this year 2 years.
Thank you for making a man out of me with your book.
Well, thanks for being a great student, you and your wife both. Because I know you guys both studied at least “How To Be A 3% Man,” I know, and I assume you’ve probably read “Mastering Yourself” as well. So here’s a toast to you guys and your relationship and your love. Thank you for sharing a great success story.
And so if you’d like to get my help personally with a personal or professional challenge that you’re having, go to UnderstandingRelationships.com, click the Products tab at the top of your screen, and book a coaching session with yours truly.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The best dating prospects have high romantic interest in you and they make being together easy and effortless. The worst dating prospects have low to mediocre romantic interest and they make being together difficult, challenging and too much work for the reward. People who don’t love, value and respect themselves enough will spend way too much time trying to date those who have low to mediocre interest. Why? It reinforces their belief that they don’t deserve to have what they really want by staying involved with those who hardly reciprocate any interest. Until you find someone who makes it easy and effortless to be with them, keep searching, because there’s nothing worse than being with someone who doesn’t care about you in the same way that you care about them.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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