Why women prefer alpha males to beta males, and why alphas always get the best women.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who has read my book eleven times. He’s in great shape, takes care of his body and embodies what I teach. He describes in detail how he met his current alpha female girlfriend.
He also shares why she chose him over the other thirsty beta males that were competing for her attention, including several of his guy friends the night they first met. It’s another great success story of what happens when you are prepared, and your dream woman walks into your life unexpectedly. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of his email.
Hi Coach,
I would just like to start-off by saying thank you. I cannot stress enough how right the information in your book is. I’ve got a little success story for you, so here we go.
I met her on my 11th read of your book.

Here it is once again. The best success stories always come from guys who follow instructions. Read it 10-15 times is what it says in the book. You want to read it so well, and you get to understand it to the point you could literally teach it yourself. And that’s my first book “How To Be A 3% Man.”
You followed instructions. You were not a lazy fuck who just cherry-picked information from videos, because you didn’t have the time to read a book. If you want to have a success story like this in your own life, you’re going to have to put the time in and you’re going to have to do the work. There is no shortcut to success. Somebody who has read my book eleven times, they are serious. They are tired of the way things are, and they are unwilling to continue living lives that are less than what they are capable of living.
My new roommates decided we should meet up with a friend of theirs. She has a boyfriend and is a total ten, however she brought a friend along with us, (I think you can see where this is going). My three roommates and I met up with them at a bar, and to my delight, I discovered that her friend was also a ten. She was short, had big boobs, a perfect ass, was confident, sexy, and successful—a total alpha female.
My friends were intimidated by both women, they held their drinks in front of their bodies,
They held their drinks over their emotional center. I did an article called “Body Language That Attracts Women.” Obviously you watched it and read it in my book. When you look around and you see somebody talking to someone, and they turn sideways, they don’t feel comfortable facing them, that’s when you realize, pretty much 99% of the people you encounter are a bunch of fucking beta males and beta females. That, in and of itself, builds your confidence, and especially when you display this body language that I talk about in the video. You see that it works. You’ll see how much more you get noticed.
slouched forward,
Which is a depressed physiology,
and were hammering both of them with information about their jobs, degrees, etc.
They were obviously trying too hard.
I remained mysterious, and this caused both women to become more interested in me. I held my drink at my side, exhibited the posture of an alpha male, bantered with both of them, and laughed when they tried to throw me off-center with their little woman comments. It wasn’t long before both girls were playing with their hair, feeling my arms, and saying “you’re so strong,” (I go to the gym five days a week and take excellent care of myself).
Notice, they’re trying to get your attention and validation, and you’re just awesome the way you are because you’re exhibiting the body language of an alpha male and the rest of the guys are all beta males. It’s like a magnet, like moths to a flame in the night.
As the night progressed, I remained confident. The single friend would come and go—I did not let this bother me. When she did this, I would simply join conversations with strangers, talk and joke with other women, etc.
In other words, you didn’t care one way or another. You could take it or leave it. Remember, “you must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” And right away, these women are getting the impression that you have enough of everything in your life. You have too much of everything in your life. You have an abundance of everything you want.
Meanwhile, my roommates would take turns following her around like dogs following someone with a treat.
Seeking approval, begging for attention. That’s the definition of the thirsty beta male.
I noticed that whenever she returned, she would get more and more physical with me. We bounced around to different bars, and again, she would get more physical. At one bar I grabbed her when she started touching me, and we began to dance. My roommates were still pursuing her, and eventually the friend that had a boyfriend grabbed the girl I was flirting with, moved her over to me and away from my roommates while saying “buy her a drink!”
Isn’t that interesting. The other woman who has boyfriend clam slams your friends and pushed her girlfriend over to the obvious alpha male. Women help you when they like you, even ones who aren’t available.
Eventually it was late, and we found ourselves at a bar for last call. The girl was sitting next to me, and I confidently asked for her number. She responded, “I don’t give out my number when I drink.” I shrugged my shoulders and said “fine,” in a centered way, turned to the women sitting next to me, and struck-up a conversation.
You were totally unfazed and didn’t give a fuck one way or another. You extended an invitation, she said nope, and you just turned to talk to somebody else, ignoring her.
A minute later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was her giving me her phone with an empty contact spot. I put my number in her phone, and she texted me.
We found ourselves outside of the bar. Her friend left, and we were alone. The girl said, “I don’t know where I’m supposed to be,” like a damsel in distress. I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close, and we started making out.
Women aren’t going to be direct and decisive. In other words, she’s like “Please be the man, take me and have your way with me. Be the leader that knows what to do.”
She looked shocked, but latched onto me like a monkey grabbing onto a branch. I took her home, and we ended the night in style.

We have been dating for a little over two months now, and she just became my girlfriend. Thank you for doing what you do Corey, I couldn’t have done this without your book. This never would’ve happened if I hadn’t read it ten times.
I know there’s a lot of guys out there who say they don’t have time to read a book, and they only have enough time to see a few videos. Okay, you don’t want to be successful as this guy. That’s fine. It’s your life and your choice. You must participate in your own rescue. That’s why this guy doesn’t have any competition.
I tell my roommates about you and your work, but they think I’m full of shit and refuse to give it a try.
That’s because they’re fucking weak-ass bitches. That’s the bottom line. And that’s why you’ve got a hot alpha female, and they’ve got nothing.
Joke is on them, I’m fucking an alpha female at least once a week while they are doing No Nut November.
With great thanks,
Thanks for being a great example and a great success story, even if your friends and roommates are too fucking weak to do anything about it. It just means more for guys like us. It’s like the 80/20 rule, twenty percent of the guys get eighty percent of the women. It’s pretty simple.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Alpha males win consistently, because they prepare for success ahead of time. They practice, learn from their mistakes and always look for easier and more efficient ways to achieve their outcomes in the shortest time possible. The best women prefer alpha males, because they have higher standards for themselves and are usually the most successful and desirable men in all areas of their lives. Beta males make excuses, live lives that are less than they are capable of living, shrink from challenges and often sabotage their own prospects for success. Alpha males envision success, expect to succeed and are not surprised when success happens.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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