Here’s how to properly handle the ever increasing demand your woman places on your presence and time as she falls in love with you. Women are set up to receive the men they love emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. The more you make them feel safe and comfortable in your relationship, the more they will want of your attention and time. If you are a very busy successful alpha male, your time is usually taken up with a busy social life, in addition to your successful career/business. Finding time to date and have a relationship can be a challenge for a man who does not have a balanced life. However, sometimes a man’s purpose will get in the way of his spending time with his goddess. Women can often become bitchy and upset when you are unable to spend time with them. It’s always best to use humor and charm to get a woman to open up to you, and be sweet to you again when she is bitchy. The following is an e-mail from a reader who is very busy with school, work, martial arts and a busy social life. His girlfriend is bitchy and complains that he does not spend enough time with her. He’s given up his martial arts training in order to please her and make her happy by spending more time with her. However, she still complains it is not enough. Here’s what he can do to get her to be sweet and loving again, and also how he can start doing martial arts again without feeling guilty about it. He’s quitting things that are important to him in order to make her happy, which is a bad way to go, but it’s also causing him to become resentful when he gives up something that is so important to him. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:
Dear Corey,
I was referencing your book the other day & you spoke about a woman’s interest level rising results in many changes of behavior, including demanding more of the man’s time. (They want to become one with you the more safe and comfortable they feel around you, and the higher their romantic interest goes. Why? They want to be filled up with your love for them emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Women are set up to receive you. That’s why they’ll chase you and get your attention by looking hot and being charming. They know you can’t resist… they hope.) In reading this, I recognized an issue I’ve been having with my current girlfriend. She has been demanding more of my time while my availability has been diminishing. Between full time school, relocating across town, & now beginning work, my time is limited. While I have been telling her for the past two months about all my changes, she still gets upset if I can’t “hang out” on HER days off from work for hours at a time. (She gets full of fear with the possibility that she will have to miss you instead of being filled up by your love. That’s why she gets bitchy. Behind anger is always fear. Always respond with charm and humor when she’s bitchy. Say, “well baby, I want to see you too, but you know what? A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. It will make us both appreciate each other more when we are together next time, as well as while we look forward to seeing each other again soon. We may not be together physically, but my hearts with you baby. That’s the best I can do until Wednesday, next Thursday, tomorrow… etc. The thought of you sitting at home thinking about me and getting all wet, makes me so horny and hard, my dick could cut diamonds! You better be ready when we see each other, because you’re gonna get it… naughty girl.”) She wants to be around me all the time despite the fact we go out 3 days a week, and my giving up some of my martial art training to do so. (NEVER give up something that is essential to your balance, peace and harmony as a man. You must never give up your purpose for a woman just because she wants you to spend time with her. Obviously if she’s in the hospital, or your kids, you better be at her/their side, but under normal circumstances, men must live their purpose/dreams/career/business/etc., go off to war and die if necessary, etc. Why? Men must honor who they are. They must honor their duty and commitments as men. She will love you more if you do, even when she protests. You must stand up to her and not comprise who you are to fit yourself into a pretzel for her. You’ll resent her, and make yourself miserable in the process. You can’t become a pleaser and her butler if you want her to respect you and love you long term. If you are busy or won’t be home until late, tell her… “get your ass over to my place and make yourself all delicious and available to me, so when I come home late from school, work, etc. I can ravish you passionately upon first sight of your sexy and scantily clad Goddessness!” You don’t need to always take her out every night. Just have sleep overs if that’s all you can offer her most of the week. However, only do it when its convenient for you and you want to see her. You must stay focused on school and martial arts, etc. if you want to be happy, balanced and successful as a man long term. She’ll love you more if you do, BUT bitch at you more if you don’t. Why? Women become bitchy when you are weak, or demonstrate weak behavior as a man. She becomes fearful and wants your inner alpha male… ALWAYS!!!!) Is this a normal occurrence when women are demanding more of your time? (Yep, you can only offer the time that you can. It’s ok to compromise on things, but not to compromise who you are, your integrity as a man or your pursuit of your dreams. That means stand up for who you are and what you want, even if she threatens to walk. You must remain the happy, whole and complete man you were when she met and fell in love with you. Not become a guy who gives up all his friends, goals, dreams and hobbies because she says that’s what she wants. You do that, and she will never stop bitching at you.) If not, what can I DO to let her know that certain things need to get done? (Simple, in a loving and kind way, tell her what you can’t give up or live without anymore and find a way to spend extra time with her that fits into your schedule and allows you two to spend the extra time together she craves. It’s a good thing she is chasing you and demanding more of your time. It shows HIGH interest on her part. However, stop blowing off martial arts, etc. just to please her. That’s weak behavior. Don’t compromise who you are for ANYONE, ever. Men must ALWAYS HONOR who they are. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” ~ Robert McCloskey
You are here: Home/Relationships/ Women Want Your Attention… ALWAYS!
Published on March 30, 2012
About Coach Corey Wayne
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Nnamdi Nnannasays
Thank you for your advise on how to pay attention to women.
Great article Corey, first one I have read of yours. Validates how I act, even though feel guilty at times! Now I will be even more clear and have no guilt.
Even when you are living with them they crave constant attention.
When I try to do work at home it is difficult when they are around, with their constant interruptions in order to get attention. It is like they don’t understand that your work
is important to you but it is ultimately for them too.
Nnamdi Nnanna says
Thank you for your advise on how to pay attention to women.
John says
Yes they do demand constant attention. Which makes them annoying. Goodbye ladies; please leave me alone now.
Rob says
Great article Corey, first one I have read of yours. Validates how I act, even though feel guilty at times! Now I will be even more clear and have no guilt.
Even when you are living with them they crave constant attention.
When I try to do work at home it is difficult when they are around, with their constant interruptions in order to get attention. It is like they don’t understand that your work
is important to you but it is ultimately for them too.
Single&free says
I dumped my woman when she tried to take my purpose away from me.