The type of women you should avoid in your personal life, so you can have drama free, effortless relationships.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a woman who is pissed off at her ex-boyfriend for using what I teach in my books, videos and articles. She says that she feels manipulated by an inauthentic man who did nothing but piss her off when he tried to communicate and generally have a good healthy relationship with her. She says she read a few pages here and there in my book, and it pissed her off.
I point out why her ex-boyfriend is smart and better off without her in his life. I also explain why my books, videos and articles worked as designed and brought out the absolute worst in this low quality, masculine nightmare of a woman, so you can avoid drama queens and difficult women like her, and instead, have a life of ease and delight. My comments are in bold italics like this below in the body of her email.
My now ex-boyfriend is obsessed with your book. I only recently found out he was reading it. After we broke up, I started informing myself about your book and reading a couple pages here and there.
Well, that’s a real fucking half-ass effort. Informing yourself about my book by looking through a couple of pages here and there, you’re not really serious. What you’re really looking for is reasons to get pissed off at my book. That’s the reality.
There are a lot of people in this world that go through life, and they do nothing but look for reasons and occasions to get offended. If you don’t believe me, just turn on the fucking news at night. Turn on all of the major news networks, and all it is is one person after another who is pissed off or upset about something that fucking happened in the world or society.
So you obviously go through life looking for reasons to be pissed off and upset. As I talked about in the quote, we have six human needs, and one of them is love and connection. And there are many people that learn a dysfunctional way, maybe they grew up in an argumentative environment with mom and dad or there was lots of drama around, so the way they relate to other people is to share their problems, share the things that didn’t go well, share the things they’re pissed off about, and then the other person goes, “Oh wow. It’s so tough for you. Man, I really feel bad for you. It really sucks that your life is that way.” They fulfill their need for love and connection by sharing their problems, complaining and bringing drama.

Those are not the kind of people that are going to make you feel uplifted, happy, good about yourself and when the shit’s hitting the fan, they’re going to say, “Hey man, don’t worry about it. You’ll get over it,” versus somebody like this. This is the kind of person that will go, “I told you that business idea was a stupid idea. You should’ve listened to me.” That’s the kind of shit you hear from people like this.
Some of what you are saying might be true, but for the most I was disgusted.
Well, as I often say, I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong. If you were really serious about “informing” yourself about my book, you would have gone to Amazon or to Audible or just googled my name. There’s all kinds of forums, all kinds of Reddit posts, thousands of comments on videos I’ve done, and videos people have done about my work, talking about it, giving commentary. If I was an absolute shithead and had no fucking idea what I was doing, you would be reading about it everywhere on the internet.
I get thousands of testimonials from all over the world, coming into my inbox telling me how my work has changed their life or saved somebody’s marriage, or improved their life in some shape or form. Its all out there if you actually want to do any real investigating. If I was giving away my work and letting everybody read it for free, and people thought it was bullshit, they would never buy anything from me. That’s the power of what I teach. I know it fucking works, because it worked in my own life, and I give plenty of examples.
I could not believe people would actually believe this BS.
Go look at the reviews on Amazon or Audible. I think I’m closing in on something like 7,000 reviews on Audible. If I was full of shit, it would be all over the fucking place. What I teach works.

How can you give a man a guide to get a woman?
Because I want people to be happy. I want people to learn things that I’ve learned, so they can have the kind of life that I get to enjoy now. I like helping other people. Human beings naturally want to help other people. And if other people can learn from the things that I’ve experienced in my life, from all of my fuck-ups and all the things that went sideways and didn’t work out, and they can save themselves all that trouble and avoid all that nonsense, to me, it makes it all worthwhile from all of the struggling I’ve been through.
I want to make the world a better place. What are you actually doing to make the world a better place, sweetheart? Anything? Are you writing any books? Are you doing anything nice? Are you going around the world sowing love and friendship and kindness and a good attitude? Or do you have a shit fucking attitude? Are you just one of the herd of miserable people? It sure looks like it.
You say women don’t want to decide. Well you are so wrong.
Women like a man who is masculine, who is direct, decisive, gets right to the point and who’s a leader. Women prefer that. It’s what creates attraction. It’s the difference between masculine energy and feminine energy. And obviously, you are totally in your masculine energy.
Have you been stuck in the years of 1950?
Well, quite frankly, if you look at the movies from the 1950’s, they actually present healthy archetypes of what a man and a woman’s masculine and feminine interaction is like. When men act the way they do in movies that you see today, which is basically teaching men to act like women, and women to act more like men, it ruins sexual polarity, and the guys get nowhere. They get friend-zoned all the time.
Women today are confident, strong and know what they want.
I agree with that. Not all women, but a lot of them are, and I think that’s very attractive — a woman who’s confident, who knows what she wants and goes for it, has a little drive, has a little ambition and does something for a living that she really loves and enjoys. That’s pretty sexy.
Chicks that act like men and shave all their fucking hair off and make it all kinds of different, crazy, fucking colors and get weird tattoos and piercings everywhere and grow their armpit hair and don’t shave their legs, and then get mad that no man wants to date them… sorry. We like feminine, easy-going, easy-to-get-along-with women. Not these fucking pissed off, man-hating, feminazis that you fucking see on TV all the time. They’ve got a fucking truckload of daddy issues, because they didn’t get hugs or enough strokes as a kid, they never learned to trust men, they never learned which men to trust, and therefore they’re suspicious of everything a man does.
I don’t need a man to make me feel safe, to decide for me or to take care of the money.
You’re in your masculine energy, so you’re going to be probably better suited to date some little bitch-ass beta male that’s got arms like spaghetti, that you can totally dominate. And you won’t feel any passion for him, but at least you’ll be able to control him.

And what I for sure don’t need in my life is a man that only acts the way he does because you told him so.
Well, this guy actually has big balls, because he’s trying to improve his life. He recognized that he was falling short in some areas of his life, and he sought out to improve it, because masculine energy is about purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, breaking through barriers, overcoming challenges, improving and refining your approach. Feminine energy is about opening up to receive love, bonding, connecting, nurturing, relationships, dating labels, things of that nature. That’s just the way it is.
And without a healthy balance of masculine energy and feminine energy, there’s no sexual polarity. That’s just reality. Does this woman sound like someone who’s easy to get along with, who has a good attitude, who’s kind of a jokester, who doesn’t take herself or life too seriously? Not to me it doesn’t. It sounds like she gets pissed off at the drop of a hat and is looking for reasons to get pissed off. And there’s a lot of women like this out there.
I was furious at my ex for being so fake.
You’re just not comfortable around a man who’s in his masculine energy. That’s the fucking bottom line. Because you’re in your masculine energy. It’s like, dating you is like dating a dude. It’s like, a dude with boobs.
Well, that’s your own damn fault for having a shit fucking attitude.
I never got to know the real person. It was frightening how strict he followed your guide.
Obviously, he was a good student, or trying to be a good student.
The funny thing is, all the things you told him to do upset me.
Good, because he acted like a fucking man. If a man acting like a man upset you, good fucking riddance. You are well on your way to become a cat lady. Congratulations.
He was joking on me all the time, on everything. Sure, it was funny every now and then, but with time it annoyed the shit out of me. Why should you treat the girl you like like your little sister and joke on her 80% of the time?
Actually, what I teach in the book is 90% of the time, you’re supposed to be the charming James Bond, and about 10% of the time, you treat her like the bratty little sister, joke around and be funny. What’s great about humor is, it brings out the best in the best really fast, and it brings out the worst in the worst. If you joke around at a few of the things that he said, then you start getting pissed off and butt-hurt, well, you just revealed yourself as being undateable.

Congratulations. You’re undatable and you’ve got a shit fucking attitude, and you should have never gotten past the first date. But obviously, he’s probably new to my work, and if he was joking around 80% of the time, yeah, that’s fucked up. He wasn’t doing it right. He should have only been doing that about 10% of the time. Because if a guy is joking around 80-90% of the time, he’s going to come off eventually as being insecure, like he’s making up for something. And that will come off as robotic. So if he was actually doing that, well he needs to read the book some more. That’s why I recommend 10-15 times. If he’s just cherry-picking and being lazy, then that’s his own fault. But then again, I can’t really trust that you’re being honest with me anyway.
Is it mocking around the dumb little girl to make yourself feel better?
It’s called having fun. It’s called not taking yourself too seriously, which obviously you do. It’s like you’ve got a permanent big, giant stick shoved up your ass, and you’re not happy about it. And you want everybody else to know how unhappy you are.
Eventually he started wondering what was wrong. I take a lot of time to trust someone and to open up my feelings.
It sounds like you’ve got a few trust issues there.
But still, he would sit in front of me and say, “Tell me what’s wrong, or otherwise I won’t leave.”
He’s trying to love and support you, communicate and find out what’s wrong, and you fucking stonewalled his ass. You stonewalled him, because that’s probably what you learned in your family. When you’re pissed off at somebody, you give them the silent treatment, or you go, “Oh, there’s nothing wrong. Everything’s just fine.” When a woman says shit’s fine, it ain’t fine. It means she’s pissed off, and she wants to know, “Do you really give a shit about what is bothering me? Do you have the fucking balls to find out? Can you fucking handle the truth as a man? I want to see.” Healthy women will give you a little initial resistance, because if a man cares about his woman, and he wants to know what’s upsetting her, maybe he can help or smooth it over because “No Drama Allowed.”

Safe to say, I was not at all feeling better after the talking.
Obviously it didn’t go anywhere because you stonewalled him and probably were being passive aggressive, punishing him because you’re fucking mad at him because he’s acting like a man. It doesn’t sound like you really know how to handle men who act like men. Maybe you’ve been hanging out with a bunch of feminized pussies.
If you want a man who acts like a man, you’re not going to be able to get away with this bullshit. A guy like me, I wouldn’t give you the fucking time of day. It’s not worth it. I know that’s fucking harsh, but you need to fucking learn, because otherwise, you’re on a fast track to a becoming a fucking miserable-ass cat lady. And if that’s what you want, that’s okay. Guys that are weak and don’t know any better will just put up with your bullshit, which is just going to enable your behavior and make you think that it’s okay.
It sounds like you were spoiled as a little girl, and your parents just let you do whatever the fuck you wanted, and so you feel entitled. Therefore, you’re being a bitch and an asshole all the time, especially to men. Most of us treat people in our personal lives exactly the way we learn in our own families.
After two months of dating, I felt more and more something was wrong, and I decided to end things. I am happy I did not waste more of my time on him. We broke up because he was acting like a complete idiot because of your book.
He was acting like a man, and the great thing is, now is that he is single, and he learned from the experience, he’s got a space in his life to meet somebody new who has their shit together. Hopefully he learned the lesson, so he can spot the shit behavior and move on.
So, do you really think you are giving advice for a healthy relationship here?
Absolutely, because I’ve got thousands and thousands of success stories and tens of thousands of great reviews all over the different platforms of my book. Guys are saying all kinds of things, how they met their wife, people send me pictures of their kids, telling me how long they’ve been together, how I saved their marriage, how I saved their relationship, how I helped them get their fiancee back, and how happy they are — whatever it happens to be. I get those all day long. So those are the people I really want to help, because they have a good attitude.

The bottom line is, you took the time to write in, so maybe there’s hope for you yet. Maybe you’ll be able to avoid becoming a cat lady. If I were you, I would eat a nice, big slice of humble pie and actually read my book, “How To Be A 3% Man,” cover to cover, because a lot of couples do that. They actually read my book together, so they can actually hold each other accountable and understand that. But that’s only going to work when a guy is with a woman with a great fucking attitude and only cares about having a great relationship and making it better, no matter what they’ve got to do. Women who have a shit attitude are going to get pissed off and butt-hurt about reading the book.
The idea is that 95% of your happiness or your misery is going to come from the one decision of who you choose to spend your life with. You need to choose wisely.
On that note, I have actually got a testimonial that I grabbed from Amazon, and this is from a woman. Here is what a woman had to say about my book:
As a woman reading this, I even learned more about the small nuances of how I communicate with men that I hadn’t considered and were pretty accurate. It also reminded me of my own worth, too; and that deep within myself, I don’t wish to settle for anything less than what I truly want to see in a man. I’d love to evangelize this book: It’s like a cure for that nasty co- and counter-dependency. It’d be really great to see more men out there who are truly themselves and comfortable doing it, centered, strong, and sure of themselves. (Sure and centered; not arrogant, narcissistic, or controlling). It’d make everyone better. I’ve missed expressing my feminine side with a man that I knew/felt it was totally safe to do so with. I’m positive that many other ladies feel the same.
I’d also love to see a woman’s version!Jessica
This is how men are naturally going to be. Women who behave like you get in the way of men being authentic and true to themselves. She actually read the book and got a lot out of it. She didn’t just read two or three pages and was just looking for a reason to get pissed off like you did, because she actually has an open mind.
Remember, you said you didn’t need a man to feel safe and comfortable. And when a man is in his masculine, it makes a woman feel safe to open up, to talk, to share her feelings, to be totally in her feminine energy, and be submissive and let him lead. You don’t feel comfortable doing that, and instead, you fight the guy for the leadership role, and then you do everything you can to emasculate him and make him feel like a shithead, so you can knock him down a few notches and control things. Eventually, when men realize they can’t make you happy, they’re going to give up, and they’re going to fucking leave. That’s the way it is.
Get the Book “How To Be A 3% Man”
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Life is too short to put up with people who do nothing to add any value to your life and more often than not, bring truckloads of unnecessary drama with them wherever they go that can make your life a living hell. Too many people have learned to fulfill their need for love and connection in toxic and dysfunctional ways by being argumentative, disagreeable, complaining and creating unnecessary drama. When you come across people like this in your life, give them the gift of missing you permanently. If you have people like this in your family that you can’t avoid, then like they say in Jiu-Jitsu, manage the distance between them and you. Only allow people into your inner circle who are easy going, easy to be around and fun.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Paul Lee says
Dude, I’ve watched tons of your videos and read 3% (12 times so far) and this is the BEST video yet! lmfao! Oh, and yea….100% Hillary supporter…
Tyler says
“You are well on your way to become a cat lady. Congratulations.” Lol ?
Tyler says
“You are well on your way to become a cat lady. Congratulations.” Lol ?
Lyndon says
Thanks as usual Corey. Took me years to escape, wish I had done it sooner. But hey, you rock. I bought your book for my 20 year old son too, so he doesn’t waste so many years.
Paul says
That was great
Greg says
I would like to start off with that I love that you posted this specific video coaching newsletter! I am sure you get more than enough negative letters in your inbox. Hearing/reading what you have to say about one of them is sometimes even a more positive and helpful part of your work than just reading the books. Also thought it was funny that both the pissed off woman and the testimonial woman had the same name, Jessica (split personality???) kidding of course.
God says
Well whatever you wrote in book I have experimented on 1000+ women in 3 continents. Even in my schooldays and uni I used rules which you wrote in book. I just didn’t knew how to teach like you did. Or how to say it in words like you did. Later I read a book A path of superior man. It has same rules but deeper about life. I’m lucky I read your book and well I taught these live for fun to some guys while traveling and staying in hostel and now they call me “GOD” 😉 Big Thanks Coach
God says
In School and Uni I just used it Subconsciously had no clue why girls liked me or even approached me or came out on date with me. When I read your book I knew what I was doing and I became like a Polished Diamond called “Kohinoor” 😉 Thanks Again. Already told guys to buy your book 😉
God says
Regarding this particular article I think this guy is really lucky he got out so fast from this Woman who is man with boobs or feminista 😉 It’s boring to even spend 1 minute with such women. They are social nuisance. I met such women last one I told her after 5 minutes that she should date a women or get a dog. Men are not for you 😉 hahah… Cheers Coach