You Must Be Free

Jun 23, 2016 by Coach Corey Wayne
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Why you must be free to be who you are by dating the kind of people you want, having the kind of career or business you dream of, having the kind of life and lifestyle you are proud of and having the kind of peer group that lifts you higher, to reach your full potential in life.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who shares how my work has changed his life and helped him to recover after his marriage ended in the summer of 2014. He is thirty-four and now dating a woman who is eleven years his junior and who is more beautiful, intelligent, giving, and compassionate than he ever thought he would have. The second email is from a guy who has been following my work for a few years now. He shares how my work has enabled him to see women for who they really are and screen out the toxic and unhealthy people some of them turn out to be, before getting too emotionally involved and attached. This has enabled him to avoid unnecessary heartbreak, since he has the skills and peace of mind that comes from knowing he can find and attract someone better. He talks about some great career opportunities that continually seem to fall into his lap and some of the beautiful women he is dating that make it easy and effortless. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.

You Must Be Free

First Viewer’s Email:

Coach Wayne,

I just needed to tell you that you have made a difference in my life! Thank you so much for all you put out there my man! I really can’t thank you enough for your book and ALL the awesome videos. I stumbled upon your videos in desperation to try and WIN my wife back in July of 2014. I was really sad and hopeless; I was out of my element as an ALPHA Male. Before my wife had left, I appeared to have it all; a beautiful wife, 2 amazing daughters, and the career of my dreams. The job I had wanted as a teenager was mine — teacher and head wrestling coach of my high school! So from the outside, it looked like I had it all! But, In the process of chasing my goals, I didn’t take care of my business as a husband and father. I had been so busy stuck on the treadmill of life and not realizing I needed to continue to do the things that won my wife, by continuing to date her. (99.9% of the guys I coach with marriage problems have stopped courting and dating their wife.)Stumbling upon your work has been a blessing to my life! I read your book 7 times and continue to read it. I know, I need to read it 15-20 time. (You need to step up your game.) I have watched hundreds of your videos and continue to go back, just to stay present. I think your books and videos have been my “bible” for the dating and relationships I have been in since my wife left. I am in a great place in my life, and you are one of the people to thank.

It was hard getting back in the dating game after being in relationship so long, but your work was my guidance. Long story short, I went out, dated a bunch, really figured out what I wanted, and upon fate/chance, a beautiful, much younger, woman popped into my life. Today, I sit here typing to you with a supreme confidence and hunger for continued happiness! Thank You! (You’re welcome. And thank you for being awesome, because now your daughters get to see a man taking care of his business so they know what to look for when they grow up.) I believe I deserve the best. My girlfriend is 23, 11 years younger than I, and more beautiful, intelligent, giving, and compassionate than I ever thought I would have. (That is so freeing.) I took your advice and wrote down all the qualities I wanted and deserved in a mate, and it is as if that person was put in my life! Wow!!! (You get what you focus on in life. When you get your brain focused on the kind of relationship you want to create, the Universe will conspire with you to bring them into your life. As long as you are prepared for that when they arrive, it will be easy and effortless.)

In conclusion, thank you! It is your work that was there for me during my darkest times. It is also what motivated me to look at myself, make lasting change, and ultimately is what attracted the woman of my dreams into my life. Thank you! I am a living testament to your work. My friends now ask me for advice on dating, (That is what is so awesome about this, because I can’t help every person that wants my help. I always say, the true measure of a leader is not by how many followers they have, but how many leaders they create), and I give your website and links to all of my friends and tell them, if they really want lasting change and a better relationship, this is what they need! (Those who are open to it and ready for it will embrace it, they’ll do it and they’ll get the same results.) You are the man! I appreciate you! (Thanks for the great success story, and thanks for being an awesome leader in your community and helping all the men and women you know to learn this stuff, so people don’t have to go through what we went through.)Sincerely,


Second Viewer’s Email:

Hey Corey,

I hope you’re doing well, coach. I just wanted to express thanks for the expertise you’ve catalogued. I’ve been following your work for a couple of years now, and have made tremendous headway in numerous aspects of my life since incorporating your knowledge. I was in a very low spot when I found your material… in a house I couldn’t afford, because the girlfriend of many years I was living with had just left me, and I was struggling to get by. It’s 2 years later now, and I own a sizeable chunk of a nicer home with lower expenses and a great roommate. (Awesome. The idea is to upgrade your life, your lifestyle and the people in it.)

I ended up getting involved with my ex again for a while, primarily because she reached out for help to get moved away from a heavily abusive marriage. She’s away and safe, luckily. We fooled around some, but it never went very far again. Gladly, I realized that despite how close we had been at times, and how many positive ways she influenced my life, she had made way too many significant missteps with me for there to be any hope of rekindling anything healthy. (The only way you can get to a place like that in your life, where you’re okay with letting somebody go, is when you know you have choice and know you can do better. You don’t feel trapped.)After we parted ways again, I met another woman, and had a brief but loving relationship for 3 months, until I noticed warning signs of many of the security/trust issues that my ex also had. (Isn’t that amazing? That’s how the universe works. It brought you another woman that had the same flaws to see if you were really getting it. But you got it, so you transcended it instead of staying in it, which you probably would have done if you were in a scarcity mindset and feeling like you couldn’t get anyone else.) Luckily, your work made me remain objective enough to put the incompatibilities we had in the proper perspective, and I was centered enough to have the courage to end something that was great, but not all of what I needed in someone to potentially share a long period of time living with. It hurt like hell to do, but it was the right move by both of us in the long run.

So I’m back to being happily single. It’s been a month since the breakup now, and I just met a few gorgeous women online who actually took the initiative to message me first. (Now you have choices.) I’m pretty happy with my options right now, and with how much more effortless it is as compared to in my past. (When you’re in a peaceful and relaxed state, and you have choice like this, your choices will tend to bring you more peace and more relaxation, versus stress.) I’ve also recently had multiple needed, unexpected, and relatively lucrative, flexible part time positions fall into my lap. (That’s what happens when you put that alpha vibe into the universe. Abundance comes to you in many forms, not just in your personal life.) I’m also in nearly the best shape I’ve ever been in, and unquestionably more emotionally centered than I’ve ever been. I can’t thank you enough for your work. It has been crucial to me in creating and maintaining a newfound sense of focus, center, and patient ambition. I’ll be sending a donation your way in the near future. (Donations are always appreciated.)Thanks again,


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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“Having the feeling of freedom in your heart enables you to move towards the things you want and the lifestyle you want to create with minimal internal resistance, instead of being too scared to take action like most people are. Freedom comes from knowing your worth and knowing how to go after and get what you want in life. When your choices and options are abundant, you will feel content, peaceful and relaxed. When you feel like your choices and options are limited and scarce, you will feel fearful, anxious and uneasy. Confidence comes from repeatedly practicing skills and techniques. The novice only becomes the master and the expert through time and repetition.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Published on June 23, 2016

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