Deepak Chopra says that, “We are the eyes of the universe looking at itself.” If you have ever studied quantum physics, then you know that our physical bodies and the physical world around us is blinking into and out of existence 60 million times a second. So you really could say that, you’re not really here… unless you are.
The Hopi, Maya and thousands of indigenous tribes from around the world describe this by saying there isn’t a planet, there isn’t a you, there isn’t a me, there isn’t a sky, etc. because everything is just consciousness.
Every spiritual tradition says that the creator created all of heaven, earth and the entire universe. They also talk about the connectedness of all life. The same force that grows your hair, your fingernails, beats your heart, etc. is growing my hair, my fingernails and beating my heart. Max Planck stated this as he was accepting the Nobel prize for quantum physics theory back in the early 1900’s:
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much. There is no matter as such. Matter doesn’t exist the way that we think it does. What we see as matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force and we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. This mind is what underlies the intelligence that we see as the world around us.”
Quantum theory Nobel prize-Max Planck 1918
Everyone has heard of the Mayan 2012 doomsday predictions and what they say from everyone except the Maya themselves. The Maya did not disappear when they were conquered by the Spanish. They did lose a lot of their written knowledge when they were conquered, but the tribes simply scattered all across Central America. There are still 440 tribes of the Maya around today. The really cool thing is, they’re actually starting to reveal their most sacred teachings to humanity after remaining relatively silent for almost 500 years. It’s not the doomsday nonsense you hear in the media. The period we are in is called the end of time according to the Maya. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. The Mayan calendar tracks the circular cycle of our galaxy over thousands and thousands of years.

The Maya, the Hopi and thousands of indigenous tribes from around the world have prophecies that are thousands of years old that speak of this time in human history. They say that human beings here on planet Earth have been quarantined and supervised by many extraterrestrial races for the past 13,000 years so the universe could experiment on a level known as “good versus evil” where anything and everything is allowed (except letting us annihilate one another and destroy the planet with nuclear weapons). Wars, raping, pillaging, genocide, etc.
The indigenous tribes and their most sacred prophecies, along with the Mayan calendar all are in unison and saying that this grand experiment of “good versus evil” is coming to an end. They also say that we currently occupy the lowest level of vibration and therefore disconnection and loss of awareness of our own divinity and our oneness with each other, the planet, the animals, the forest, etc. anywhere in the universe. Basically because of matter vibrating at such a slow frequency in our reality, we are disconnected from our hearts and totally lost in the tyranny and separation created by our minds. Our mind/our ego is the part of us that says: I am what I do. I am my reputation. I am my relationship. I am my credit report. I am my business. I am what I have, etc.

Since we have lost our awareness of our connection to the divine and each other, we do all kinds of things that violate the free choice and sovereignty of each other. We are all angels. We are all divine. We have always been divine. We will always be divine. You cannot not be divine. You are either a human being living in love, inner peace and awareness of your own oneness with all life, or you are at various levels of heart disconnection, disassociation and dysfunction. Those who are the most lost and disconnected commit the greatest sins against their fellow human beings. The mind rationalizes and OKs genocide, murder, rape, etc.
When your heart fully flowers and opens, you literally feel your connection to everyone else. You also will be able to pick up on how people feel about themselves inside. Only the mind can convince a human being to be cruel and do horrible things. The heart never does anything that is harmful to another or infringes on the free will and free choice of another. The heart always chooses a win-win or no deal. The mind rationalizes taking advantage of other people or in enacting unfair laws that give special treatment to well-connected special interests, etc.
When you’re in your heart, it is impossible to do things to purposefully harm another. Human beings instinctively love doing things for other human beings. Nothing can fulfill us more than contributing in meaningful ways to not only those we care about and who are close to us, but to total strangers. Giving is contagious. Look what happens every time there is a hurricane or big natural disaster. People drive from all over the country to bring food, ice, water, supplies, building materials, etc. People simply show up to help out just because they love being of service.
I have not really scratched the surface on this subject of science and the fact that it is starting to merge with spirituality. I could write a book on this topic alone. So what was my point in bringing up all of these seemingly unrelated topics? I want you to understand the connectedness of all life. Why? It will help you understand women better if you are a man. We are only here for a short time on this planet. Don’t spend your time trying to live someone else’s life, the life that people think you should live, or the life that you think you should live. What you really should do is to start following your heart, curiosity and intuition and see where it leads you. Follow your passion. Get off your ass and get involved in life. Get involved in activities, hobbies and things that are of interest to you. Turn your TV off! Stop filling your mind up with garbage.
Everything you want in life and that includes your ultimate dream sex goddess, you are already connected to from a perspective. Put your balls on the chopping block. Put yourself out there and go for it! Right now you currently exist in this world. Like Jesus said, “I am in this world, but not of this world.” There is going to come a point in time when you are no longer physically in this world. Everything you love, care about, want and hold dear is eventually going to dissolve into dust. You’re going to lose it all anyway. So you really have nothing left to lose. You’ve already lost it all. You had nothing before you came into this world, and there is nothing you can take with you. Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “you’re born and you came from… nowhere and you are… now here, and where are you going? Nowhere! You ain’t going nowhere!” The only thing you can do is give your life away and find a way to add value and be of service. What would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?
Steve Jobs used to get up every day and ask himself if “today were to be the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” He went on to say that when the answer had been no for too many days in a row, then he knew he needed to change something. You don’t know what you don’t know. Feed your mind with good information that is of interest to you. Surround yourself by like-minded people. You are going to lose your life and everything you love, and there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do is to decide how you are going to live in this moment. Are you going to ask that girl out? Are you going to start that business? Are you going to start thinking about changing your career? Get off your ass and get into the game of life and follow your passion!
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell
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