How To Be Cocky & Charming To Get Laid

Sep 28, 2011 by Coach Corey Wayne
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Here’s how you can be direct, cocky and charming to get laid by women who have a high level of interest in you to start out with. When a man is direct and asks a woman out for a definite date with a definite day and time for him to pick her up for the date, this communicates to her that he has enough self-confidence and enough self-worth to be worthy of her time. When a guy dithers around on this subject, or he is vague in his intentions, it communicates that he does not believe he is worthy to be with her.

Women want to go out with men who know how to create a fun filled romantic evening where there is an opportunity for sex to happen. When women go out on dates with men who know what they are doing, it allows women to be themselves. To laugh out loud and have a good time with guys who are not only attracted to them, but guys who find them interesting and fascinating.

How To Be Cocky & Charming To Get Laid

For women, guys who “get it” are easy to be with. They also like sleeping with these type of men shortly after meeting them. Why? Because things will never be awkward or weird with these guys. These guys don’t get all serious about dating, relationships or labels regarding what their status is in each other’s lives. These guys make love fun and playful; not to mention, drama and hassle-free. These guys will just allow things “to happen” between them without any expectations other than having an outrageously fantastic time together. To women, this is romance and how people fall in love.

For men who do not understand this, they get all hung up on the details of what he means to her and what she means to him moment by moment, instead of going with the flow, having fun and creating a simple romantic opportunity for sex to happen. These guys talk women right out of sleeping with them. Love is fun and playful, never serious. Girls just wanna have fun!

The following is an e-mail I got from one of my coaching clients. He has been having trouble the past few months with super hot women that he really wants. As the quality of women you date improves, you start to run up against your deepest and darkest fears. It therefore gets infinitely harder to do the right thing when you are interacting with women you feel are normally out of your league. My client has been beating around the bush instead of being direct and making definite plans with the goddesses he wants. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his email:

Coach Corey,

How goes it my brother? (Awesome!) Hope all is well on your end. Well I got a success story I wanted to share with you. (I love success stories) I had got a text message from this one gal I had been seeing off and on about a year ago, but I never sealed the deal with her (she kept your number handy as backup and you left the door open for her to come back). Keep in mind this was before your coaching, lol. Well, in her text she asked how I was and that she finally got a new job. I remember she had been having problems with her old job. Well, I told her I have been under the gun with school and work and congratulated her on her new job, and that this calls for a celebration. So I did like you said and was direct unlike I was with the “Model Chick” so I asked when she was free (perfect! textbook! good job!). She said she didn’t have any plans for Saturday evening. So I set the date and told her I would be there to pick her up at 7:30, and that I couldn’t wait to hear all about her new job. She replied with “great I’ll see you Saturday night then, you’re the best,” (that’s how you confirm definite plans! Good job!) so the week went on and I hadn’t heard from her at all (Her interest level was rising and you made a definite date. This gave her time to think about you and look forward to your date Saturday night. This was building sexual tension in her towards you and you were doing nothing for that! It’s like putting a cake in the oven and leaving it alone to bake.), so Saturday night came around and I picked her up like I said I would. Dude, Corey, she looked amazing! She had been hitting the gym and really taking care of herself (bonus!). She had looked good before, but not like that. Plus she had bleached her hair blond. So that rung my bell as well. LOL. (whatever floats your boat dude)

Well, the night went on and I was just asking questions, telling her to tell me more about all that was going on in her life (perfect! This makes a woman feel like you really care about and are interested in who she is as a woman. It makes her feel like “he gets me!” which also creates more sexual attraction in her towards you as the evening progresses), and dude, Corey, just like you say when you mention looking for the “hidden language”. She was moving closer and closer, touching my arm and all that good stuff (she could not help herself. Women help you when they like you. She makes it easy for you to slowly reciprocate affection). Well, I took her out to a local bar where they usually have live bands, and when we got there it was pretty cool. Corey, do you remember when I told you about when I went out with the “Model Chick” how when we walked into the place everybody turned and kinda zeroed in on us? (yep, everyone notices and feels when a hot alpha female and alpha male walk in together) Well, it was like a replay Saturday night. Same exact thing. Corey, when I was out dancing with her, other gals that were HOT were dancing right next to us making eye contact and smiling at me when she wasn’t looking (all those hot other women automatically assume you are fucking her and must be a catch because your date is hot and a catch also. These other women contemplate how they can get you for themselves). Of course I was a gentlemen and smiled back but not for long, and basically focused my attention on this hot gal that I was out on a date with (smart man, right out of the book).

Well, needless to say, I was able to seal the deal with this one (Score!). She said she was a bit drunk and wanted to go to my place to “lay down” (translation… “Ok, I’m ready for you to take me to your bed and beat up my pelvis. You passed all my tests so now I’m ready to fuck your brains out stud.”). So I said, “lets get the hell out of here then” (translation… “I’m gettin some pussy tonight!”). Well, when we got to my place, it was on like Donkey Kong brother! I got her squared away, lol (nice, shot a few into the cum dumpster).

This morning I made her breakfast with coffee and then took her home (hey, you run a FULL SERVICE bed and breakfast). She said that she had a really good time with me and that she really needed that (I’ll bet 😉 … Translation… “I really needed a real man to fuck my brains out! Most men are pussies! Thanks for creating a romantic opportunity for sex to happen and not talking me out of sleeping with you like most guys do!). I told her I had a great time as well. I told her that we need to do it again. She said she’ll let me know when she has time (perfect! Now just go about your life and keep creating as many opportunities for sex to happen with as many amazing beautiful women as you can find. Rinse… recycle… repeat. She will call you when she wants to get drilled again 🙂 Be ready to set the next definite date when she does. Be direct. You ain’t got no time to fuck around. You’re a busy guy whose social services are in high demand. She started this by chasing you. Let her continue. You simply don’t have time to chase because you already have too many women who want to see you now). So we kissed and off she went. So that was that Coach (You’re a fucking stud bro! I’m proud of you!). I got more details to tell you when we talk but that was the gist of it. So thanks again Corey for your guidance and wisdom brother. It would have been a lot harder if I didn’t have a badass coach in my corner. I’m slowly but surely grasping what you teach. Not yet a Jedi master, but Im working on it (inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter). Well look forward to hearing from you brother.

Tom (retired ground pounder… GO ARMY!!!)

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur

“The only easy day was yesterday…” Navy SEAL Motto

Published on September 28, 2011

Reader Interactions


  1. This one was a funny read. I loved the commentary, and each time I read these similar points from the book, it drives the point across. It’s definitely an expanded process to go through the articles as well.

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