It can be very difficult to tell when you have a date with a woman that went really well, and when going out with a particular woman is a waste of time because she has a low level of interest in you. You really have to become a bit of a detective to decipher and learn to tell the difference between a woman who likes you, and one who is only going out with you because its better than staying home and looking at the four walls.
This is a recent email from a coaching client of mine, my comments are (in bold brackets like this):
Coach Corey, how goes it my brother? Hope all is well.
Your very welcome for the donation. I will try to make another one when I get a chance brother. I know that you will not always have the extra time that you spend coaching me, that’s why I try to make extra donations over and above your hourly rate when I can just to let you know I really do appreciate your guidance and knowledge.
(Its always nice when my clients appreciate when I go above and beyond and spend a little extra time during a phone coaching session to ensure they get the concept I am trying to teach. I care about results and making sure you make the progress you are paying me to help you get. Successful clients who apply themselves and what they learn from me make good role models and leaders for others to follow).
Well on another note, this weekend went pretty well Corey. I had a date with this gal that I had met a while back. I shot her a text and made definite plans (awesome! Good Job!), picked her up and we went for ice cream, she was a bit on the offensive with me, like when I pick her up she asked me “are you gonna stalk me now that you know where I live?” she said it jokingly but I sensed she may have had trouble in the past with nut jobs (most women have because most men are fucked up in some way or another. They don’t get the hint when she has low interest level in them. They continue to call, text and email and can sometimes get pissed at her when she does not respond, instead of just walking away to find another. Its another reason why a woman is not going to tell you that you turned her off or that she does not find you attractive.) so I said “only if you want me to?” (good playful answer to diffuse with humor. Its a subtle test which you passed with the playful answer you gave). Then we laughed it off. Well when I dropped her off she told me to call her later that night. I told her I was going to be busy (awesome! Good job! Makes her wonder what you are going to be doing… or who you may be doing it with), she looked at me kinda weird, the next day she texted me saying ” thanks I had a good time yesterday” (that’s always a good sign that you did a good job on the date and caused her interest level to rise.) so I replied with “your welcome It was a pleasure” and that was it, so we’ll just see how it goes. (Missed opportunity bro. When a woman contacts you a day or two after a date, its a subtle clue that she likes you and probably wants to see you again. I would have texted back… “Me too! You’re a lot of fun! I’d like to see you again. What nights are you free next week?” Then let her answer. Lets assume she says she’s free Tuesday and Wednesday. Then you can text back… “How about Tuesday night? I’ll pick you up at 7 pm?” She’ll text back… “sounds good!” Then text back… “Great! Dress nice… I got a nice place I want to take you to. You’ll love it! See you Tuesday!” The idea is to set women up to start chasing you the entire relationship. Its impossible to get rejected by a woman who is constantly chasing and pursuing you. When you take advantage of her incoming text, call or email after a date and use it as an opportunity to make the next date 4-7 days out, it trains her to continue to contact you first after your dates. It also conditions her to feel rewarded when she contacts you. How? For her taking the time to reach out to you she gets another date. It makes her feel good every time she contacts you. When you wait a few days or a week and then contact her again even after she contacted you first after a date, it trains her to wait and expect you to contact her for a date. You want women to chase YOU! Not the other way around).
As for the other gal the “model chick”, I texted her on Tuesday saying “g’morning sweetness” she replied an hour later saying “good morning hon!” I asked her how was her weekend and she said “moving sucks, lol” so I replied with “well I hope you didn’t choke anybody, remember patience is a virtue babe :)” she replied with “I know sweetie and I have a few more days and I’m done, lets hope I can get thru this day with no problems, lmao.” so I replied with “well I’ll be thinking about you dear :)” she replied with “Ok sweetie me too! Have a good day today hon!” so I left it at that, I’m kinda sensing that I’m pushing a wet noodle, you know what I’m saying Corey, so I’m gonna back off for now, I already invited her to come up here. What do you think? (as I state in my book and audio CD’s… the phone, email, texting, etc. is for setting dates. Not giving out information or just calling to chit-chat. The only reason to contact her should have been to set a date. If you keep doing that you will only become her male girlfriend. This is what you should have said considering she lives two hours away back in your hometown. Hey hon… “I want to see you again, but I can’t make it back up there for a few weeks. What nights are you available say the weekend of the 17th or 23rd so we can make some definite plans?” Let her answer. Then set a definite date. This chick was all over you on your first date. Do you notice you are making definite dates with other women except her? I think, since most guys do this, that you are letting her beauty affect you. Ask for the order. Plan another DEFINITE DATE and then go see her. After a few more good dates and after you two engage in the Indoor Olympics ;), then make a definite date for her to come see you. You are being too vague and impotent with her. Treat her like any other woman until she has proven herself to you. Remember this girl has lots of guys that want her and therefore, has lots of choices).
Well I’ve been reading the book and its a trip because the more I read it the more I notice things that I’m may be doing wrong, that I didn’t catch from reading it previously (Human beings only retain about 10% of what they read and hear. That’s why you should read my book 10-15 times so you get to know the material so well you could give a seminar on it), and I’m like ahhh shit I cant believe I did or said that last time, lol.
On a different note the friend that I got the book for, him and I were talking and he was saying that the book has a lot of concepts in there that were “common sense” (its a lot of uncommon common sense) I told him that if the concepts were common sense then why don’t you apply them? He didn’t say anything, and I see him messing shit up all the time with the women he encounters. For some reason he’s always talking about some dude that calls himself “mystery” (the mystery method. You should definitely read his book. Good information. Mystery teaches a lot of routines and stories to memorize to use on women you meet out. It works for guys who just want to memorize and act a certain way to get laid. However, women can sense when a guy is not congruent with his words. He’s got a lot of great concepts and observations about women. I learned a few things I did not know before from his book. I like stuff that is easy and natural. I have been out in bars chatting with women and its surprising how many of them are aware of mystery’s book and what it teaches; they also laugh about how many guys approach them every time they are out and tell them the same stories right out of Mystery’s book. (Not very original). I just say whatever works for you bro. Also his main goal is just trying to get laid, that’s all he wants, I try telling him, dude there’s more to it than that, but he don’t listen, so I just figured I’ll let him run into the brick wall as many times as he wants (people don’t change their belief system until it no longer works for them and is proven invalid. You can download the Amazon Kindle version of my book to your Smartphone, PC, Mac or iPad in under 60 seconds for only $9.99 by CLICKING HERE to learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships.). As for me I’m tired of that shit, and the concepts that I learned from you coach Corey are unbelievable and they work from what I’ve seen, its like your book and your coaching is my secret weapon, anyways have a good rest of the week brother. I’ll be looking forward to your response.
Becoming really successful at pickup, dating and relationships means learning how and when to say yes to a woman. Women control where a relationship goes or does not go. If you can get out of her way and constantly put yourself in a position where she is coming to you… who risks the rejection? Its a much more powerful position to be in as a man. When women become predictable and you always know what to do in every situation, that skyrockets your confidence and success with women.
Think about it. As you meet and date different women over the course of several months and become good at the art of giving women what they really want by just saying yes when they approach or contact you, your whole lifestyle becomes one of just responding to and accepting the advances of the women you meet/know. Getting phone numbers and chasing women becomes too much work and takes too much of your valuable time. Ideally you want to be in a position where women are constantly texting, calling or emailing you to see what you are up to. So you are always the one deciding who to reject and who not to.
When a woman contacts you, it is a sign that you have made her feel really comfortable. Women want to be in a love story. Your job is to create an opportunity for sex to happen by being ready and knowing when to say yes to her advances. Beautiful women are attracted to men who project a dominant male energy. Dominant male energy is an energy of a leader of men (and women). The captain of the football team… the internet millionaire… the CEO… or the guy who tells great stories because he has an exciting life full of adventure. The same reasons why women will approach you first in bars, nightclubs, social events, public places, etc. are the same reasons why they will call, text, email and pursue you to convince you to be their boyfriend. Think about it. Women are designed to be physically appealing to men. If you can just back off enough, women will show you and try to convince you why you should be with them.
When you have a date that goes well, women may call, text, email, etc. you a day or two later to tell you what a great time they had with you. Usually this means they like you and want to see you again. Their contacting you is a way to prod you into making another date with them. If you don’t she may assume that you don’t like her. Women with high romantic interest in you will kiss you back when you go for the kiss after your first date (always go for the kiss at the end of a long date that seems to go well. Women who like you and don’t have social hang-ups will kiss you back. Those that are structured, control freaks or who have low interest in you will give you their cheek instead) or second date (if you only met up for a quick drink for your first date and the vibe was not right to go for the kiss).
Women who like you will also stand too close, bump into you as you walk down the street, want to hold your hand, touch your hand or arm as you are talking during dinner, ask you personal questions about yourself, be enthusiastic to talk to you and look into your eyes, bring up doing other things together in the future, make an effort to keep conversation going, etc.
You must always be alert and learn to look for and read ALL of the signs. When you call for the second date she will be glad you called. If she does not want to see you again, she will be busy and generally sound disinterested in talking to you or she may just ignore you altogether. Never try to keep someone who does not want to keep you.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”-John D. Rockefeller
Frenchy says
Haahhaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
Janet says
Woah nelly, how about them alppes!
A says
Hi Corey… love your material. One comment: Mystery is an idiot, narcissist, manipulator who knows crap about women. He is who should read your book 30-50 times.
Thanks for your book and videos. Keep it up!