25 reasons why Donald Trump won the US Presidential election based upon the principles taught in my book, “How To Be A 3% Man”.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss 25 reasons why Donald Trump won the US Presidential Election based upon the principles taught in my book. I discuss why I have been saying for the past year and a half since he announced his candidacy for President that I believed he would ultimately win.
I also discuss how he was able to overcome all of the opposition from the media, his own party and the Democratic Party to get his message directly to the voters. I share how you can use this leadership and self-reliance wisdom to accomplish your grandest goals and dreams, despite overwhelming odds stacked against you.
25 Reasons Why Donald Trump Won:
1) Donald Trump has a multi-decade track record of successful management and leadership experience of a multi-billion dollar company. You don’t become a billionaire by being a clown, or a fucking idiot or totally incompetent. If you’re any of those things, you go out of business and nobody knows who you are. Out of his approximate 500 companies, I think he has only closed down or bankrupted only two or three over the years. That’s a pretty fucking good track record. When you look at his company as a whole, he’s done a very good job of running it, and all the people who are working for him are from different ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientation. He strictly hires people based upon their competence, and when they suck and aren’t getting the job done, what is he known for? Your fired! That’s what a competent manager does. We’ve had basically three totally incompetent presidents over the last twenty years, and they fucking sucked. And if you look at their background, none of them had any successful management experience running anything. What I like about Trump versus Hillary Clinton is, at least he has business experience. He’s outcome focused. If the outcome isn’t being achieved, then you get fired, and somebody else gets brought in. If you look at his track record over many decades, he’s a very successful, savvy, smart business guy. He builds first class properties, and he does a first class job. He wants to do a good job. Give the dude a fucking chance.
2) Hillary Clinton has no successful track record of ever managing anything successfully. Even Colin Powell, a Bush administration official believed she was too incompetent and full of herself to run or manage anything successfully. We know this from the Wikileaks release of his emails, despite the fact he still endorsed her. The middle east is a fucking disaster. That’s what happens when you elect a president that has zero management experience. It was only when Iraq looked like it was going to implode and end in a mass genocide that he finally allowed the military to go back into the theater and stop the advance of Isis.3) Endorsements mean nothing. People don’t like those who endorse, then un-endorsed and then re-endorse. Floppy cocks. Whether it’s a celebrity, or a pundit or a politician, it really doesn’t matter who endorses who. We don’t fucking care, because if it would have mattered, with all of the celebrities that endorsed Hillary, she would have won in a landslide.
4) The mainstream media has totally lost credibility. People simply do not trust them, because they have been proven to be patently dishonest, incompetent propagandists instead of journalists. Journalism is dead. If your only source of news and information is CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC or The New York Times, you are absolutely ignorant. If that’s where you get all of your news and information, you have no clue what’s fucking going on in the world.
5) A leader communicates a clear vision, hires the right people to execute that vision and manages those people to ensure that vision is successfully executed. The stock market hit an all time high after Trump’s election. People feel safe and comfortable. It’s a “Happy days are here again” vibe. It’s just like what happened after Brexit. They said the sky was falling, “you can’t vote for that person!” The beauty is, with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, Trump was able to communicate directly to the people.
6) Donald Trump has a real relationship with his wife. They have a real, authentic relationship. He’s an authentic alpha male, totally in his masculine, and she’s an authentic alpha female. She speaks her mind and tells him like it is. Sometimes he listens to her, sometimes he disagrees with her. You can tell there’s a genuine, real relationship, unlike Hillary Clinton’s relationship with her husband.
7) Hillary Clinton’s relationship is a relationship of convenience. It’s not real or authentic. It’s a business relationship. Bill Clinton continues to cheat and have affairs like he has done for decades. It’s not real, and it’s not authentic. She doesn’t come off as being centered in her feminine energy. She vacillates back and forth. You very rarely see her in her feminine energy. Their relationship is basically a business relationship. It took Trump three marriages to get it right, but he’s been with Melania since the late 90’s, so fucking good for him. That’s an example we can all look at and see, because when women are happy in a relationship and they’re centered in their feminine energy, they tend to grow their hair out, they tend to stay in shape, they look feminine, they look sexy, and when they’re not, they tend to put on weight, they stop wearing makeup and they tend to cut all their hair off. It’s just the way it is.
8) Donald Trump’s kids are a tremendous success in their own right. They have successful relationships and families themselves. Obviously, they learned a lot from their own father’s difficulties he had in his previous relationships. I think that’s awesome.9) Chelsea Clinton has never done anything management wise or leadership wise that is comparable to Donald Trump’s kids. This reveals his superior parenting and business teaching skills. She got a job to work on a TV network, and she did three or four stories, but she just got that job because she was connected. The way she talked about money showed she was somebody who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth and who has no business knowledge or experience.
10) Donald Trump is authentic and real. Hillary Clinton is phony, has no empathy and is totally robotic and scripted. Everything she does is calculated, including random encounters while out walking her dog. She doesn’t fucking care. Everything is scripted. We’re fucking sick of that bullshit. Just be fucking real.
11) Melania Trump is an alpha female. She is an equal and a teammate. She pursued him and asked for his number when they met. He was on a date with another woman when they met. Greta Van Susteren interviewed Melania Trump a few months ago, where Melania told the story about how she met Donald. He was on a date with another woman, she asked for his number, and he gave her all of his numbers. She called him a few days later, and they’ve been together ever since.
12) Donald Trump speaks honestly and openly about problems that everyone can see, but most are too afraid or politically correct to discuss. This is the only way real problems can be solved, by talking openly and honestly. I did a video after the Pulse nightclub shooting, called “Pulse Nightclub Terror Attack In Orlando,” where I discussed radical Islam. But when you talk about radical Islam, nobody can really talk about it, because people start throwing out “xenophobe” and “Islamophobe,” and that’s things the Muslim Brotherhood has come up with to silence people from talking about it. You can Google the Muslim Brotherhood and what their plans are. Their documents are out there on the internet. There’s a 50-100 year plan to turn the United States into the United States of Islamic America. That’s their goal. We have people openly engaging in sedition, and that’s not just in our country. It’s in every country in the West. They’ve got groups, they’ve infiltrated the government, and since nobody can talk about it, the problem just continues to fester and grow. And it’s designed to do that. Also, when you have $25 billion leaving the United States and going to Mexico for oil revenue and you have another $23-24 billion a year from Mexican people working here in the states and sending that money back home, that’s $50 billion a year that leaves our economy and goes back to Mexico. At the end of the day, what’s that wall going to cost, $80 billion? It’s all about negotiation. We have leverage. That’s the bottom line. When you have leverage, you have the upper hand. We’ve got to build a fucking wall. American workers are competing against illegal aliens. Our own people are getting totally fucked. When you have basically $1 trillion a year being sucked out of our economy through trade deficits and people working here and sending that money back home to other countries, the money’s got to come from somewhere. We’re talking 10% of our economy.
13) Donald Trump tells it like it is without sugarcoating. He is not intimidated by anyone. Even our enemies will respect us. Look at Russia and Syria saying they want a peaceful relationship with US. He doesn’t back down. He has a fucking spine. Putin doesn’t respect Obama at all.
14) Hillary tells people what they want to hear. She says whatever is politically expedient. She’ll say whatever she needs to say to get elected, and she won’t change a damn thing.
15) Thousands of people attended Trump rallies. His signs were everywhere. Hillary only had hundreds of people at her rallies, except when she has famous musicians giving free concerts. She was not an emotionally compelling candidate. People will not take time out of their busy day to vote for someone they have no enthusiasm for. Trump’s voters showed up to vote. Hillary’s stayed home. As I learned from Tony Robbins years ago, people will do more to avoid pain than they will do gain pleasure. And the bottom line is, unless you really love what you’re doing, you are really enthusiastic, you’re really excited and you have a really compelling reason why you want to do something, you won’t do it. Hillary had no emotionally compelling reason to vote for her. People are not going to move their ass unless they’re excited. People were excited about Trump.16) Dishonest polling that was designed to demoralize Trump’s voters and cause them not to show up on Election Day had the opposite effect. If you were looking at the polls, they were over-sampling Democrats at the polls.
17) It was obvious to voters that almost 100% of the media and pundits were in the tank for Clinton and constantly making up bullshit stories and scandals. 96% of all campaign contributions from members of the media were to Clinton’s campaign. How can you possibly expect to get honest news, when 96% of the people that are giving you the news are in the tank for her? I mean, come on, that’s common sense.
18) The email scandal revealed Clinton’s corruption, dishonesty and incompetence as a leader and manager. She continually lied about it and was busted on her lies every time. Clinton said there were no classified emails on her server, but the director of the FBI came out and said there were around 100 emails on there that were classified, and there were 10-12 that were classified above top secret. That’s not something a competent manager is going to do.
19) The rise of the new and alternative media has finally broken through and has the numbers and market penetration to overcome the dishonest mainstream media, which has destroyed its credibility as journalistic enterprises. Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, (I highly recommend his book, “Gorilla Mindset,” and he also released a book about two weeks before the election called, “MAGA Mindset: Making YOU and America Great Again,” where he talks about Trump’s mindset and why he’s done so well. It’s an excellent book), Stefan Molyneux, Bill Mitchell, etc. Twitter is the new mainstream media where anyone can build their audience by posting honest content that actually informs. Twitter really is the media. If you’re interested in news and information and media, then Twitter is the place to be. Anybody who has anything to say that you may potentially be interested in, that’s where people go. And then it gets spread to social media. We have completely circumvented the media. It’s beautiful.

20) Hillary has some really weird fucking people who participate in occult Spirit Cooking rituals in her inner circle. John Podesta, her campaign chairman had his emails exposed by Wikileaks. It sounds fucking ridiculous, but you see it in the emails and you can see videos on the internet of their participating. See the videos and see the pictures yourself, and make up your own mind. Truth tends to be stranger than fiction.
21) The Democratic Party was exposed as being corrupt and in the tank for Hillary. They totally sandbagged the Bernie Sanders campaign. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was originally in charge of the DNC, when Wikileaks came out she resigned in disgrace. Then Donna Brazile, who was working for CNN, was sliding questions to Hillary for her debates with Bernie in advance. There’s no fucking honor in that. That’s not how honorable people behave. Why would you get off your ass to go vote for somebody that was on the ticket because of shit like that?22) The USA has had three straight incompetent presidents: Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama. People voted to give a blue-collar billionaire a chance to run our country and put our own people first. When Bush got elected I was excited but what a fucking disaster. He had no competent business management experience. He never ran a company for decades. You have to learn how to meet a payroll. You have to learn how to have a vision and to hire the right people. You keep the right people, you promote the right people, and you fire the people that aren’t getting the fucking job done. Obama had less experience than anybody. I mean, he’s never run a damn thing in his life.
23) Globalists and transnational business interests don’t care about the nation state. They believe they are superior to the rest of us and should be dictating to us how we should live our lives. People worldwide love their countries and their cultures and are not interested in losing them to heartless, corrupt and dishonest individuals. A lot of them are trust fund babies. Great grandpa got their money for them and they’ve got nothing to do but sit in their mansions, twiddle their thumbs and try to think of ways that they can manage the rest us. People voted to give the blue collar billionaire, Donald Trump, a chance to see what a guy who’s been a proven, competent business guy over many decades, can do.
24) Trump only apologized one time during the entire election, despite thousands of pundits calling for endless apologies for politically incorrect infractions. Therefore, his apology actually has value. Scarcity creates value. His apology actually meant something. The media lives for bullying people into apologizing for things. It gives them so much significance and a feeling of power over other people, that they can use their newspaper or their television network to try and bully people into saying sorry.
25) Freedom of the individual and liberty movements worldwide are spreading like wildfire as people take back their countries, governments and control over their own lives and destinies. The bottom line is, we all want to be left the fuck alone. We want to spend our money the way we want to spend it. We want to work in ways that are pleasing and appealing to us, and we want to date and be in the kind of relationships that we personally want to be in relationships with, with the kind of people that we want. We don’t want somebody that doesn’t fucking know us telling us how to dress, how to live, how to think, how to talk, who to hang out with, who not to hang out with, what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate. There’s 7.5 billion people on the planet, and there’s 7.5 billion different ways to live, be, think and be who you are. The whole purpose of life is to enjoy it, to make it a fucking masterpiece.
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How to Be a 3% Man
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Alpha masculine and feminine energy is the energy of leadership, certainty and competence. A man who is centered in his masculine energy with a vision and purpose is almost unstoppable. A man who is not centered in his masculine energy is too timid, weak and uncertain to overcome challenges and become what he needs to be to accomplish his goals and dreams. The same goes for a woman who is not centered in her feminine energy. Voters will always choose an authentic alpha male or alpha female over a phony and inauthentic man or woman who is not centered in their natural masculine or feminine energy respectively.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Steven Wilson says
i have been following your work for some time, i’ve read your book a few times, Donald Trump won the election by the Electoral Vote , Not the Popular vote which was won by Clinton, and if the DNC had not cheated, rigged the party vote for Hillary, Berny Sanders, won have got the Dem nomination, and he would have beat Trump in a Landslide, you talk about a 3 % man , try doing a story on Berny Sanders, Like it or not , Trump is , will be our President . i’m just not fully convinced he fits your description of the ideal man, because he is arrogant , narcissistic, self centered ego, out of control, with his finger on the button,
Winston says
How is it true? Ten year old girls, raped with their tongue nailed??
Come on man!
Kiria D says
Hi Corey!
1st of all, I true admired of your work and for all the knowledge and experience that you mostly freely share with your followers. I’m a black Latina female and I must say that your your audio book and videos have certainly changed my dating perspective. The results are out and we have an elect president like it or not, above all we got the senate and house mostly republican, nevertheless, I believe there is a system of check and balances. My only ordeal and concerned with elect president is that he has not shown his taxes (lack of transparency) basically having a free pass and not yet assigning his businesses into a blind trust, plus having his grown children serving as part of immediate advisory team – plus given the fact that they are also running his companies. That’s my two cents. I’m concerned with my women’s rights been tampered in any way. Coming back, to what I wanted you to say to you a while ago – can you address again especially for men above 40 — that again “Rinse, recycle and repeat” momentum is not an excuse not get or be tested and practice safe sex. Unfortunately, women have been shoved with the responsibilities to asking (you said that you are not a fan of structured women – which means being restrained by rules instead of just living in the moment) therefore then how we balance fun with just common sense? In order to protect our own well being, and to truly feel safe and comfortable – by just being sexually responsible without being a Debby-Downer or spoiler. I know that you have been very clear and advocate in your videos for people to have safe sex and to create a courtship – like you also said and I quote “Women wan to be part of a love story”, and talking about HIV, Zika, STD’s or STI’s is a conversation that every couple should have at one point, especially older men, it’s my impression some get easily offended – being a real alpha male is all about being confident – right? so why hesitate? Some men seem to still think that they’re immune and some a very willing to just stick-it – no questions asked! Looking forward to your embracing comments on You Tube! thanks
Sarah says
I wish i wrote this. It’s all the things in my head communicated wonderfully. It’s THAT good!!! Thank you