A quick way to give yourself a positive attitude adjustment and turn your life around after a breakup, so you can regain your confidence and self-worth and get back to enjoying your life again.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares how my work helped him to get over breaking up with his girlfriend a few months ago. About a month after his breakup, he decided to force himself to get back into circulation to meet some new women, instead of sitting at home sulking and feeling sorry for himself. He shares how he was able to pickup on women who were interested in him when he was out with his friends. He describes what he did and said to start making out with a woman he just met after only ten seconds of knowing her at a nightclub.
He also shares a success story of how, about a week later, he saw a woman he had known for a little while giving him the same indicators of physical attraction. He details what he did and said to seduce her successfully that evening, even after she bluffed and walked away from him, saying she was not going to come near him again. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hey Corey,
I’m 19, I live in England and I’m just writing to say thank you. (It’s great you are learning this at the age of 19. You’re going to miss out on all of the bullshit I had to go through at your age.) My girlfriend and I broke up late October, and I found your work about 2 weeks prior to the breakup. Since then, I have watched your videos daily, usually 6-8 per day on average, but sometimes I binge watch your material, Lol. (You sound like a person who is serious about yourself and really wants to better yourself.) I still have a few reads of your book left, but it has helped so much. As far as girls go, rather than sulk about my breakup, about a month after we broke up, I decided to force myself to get out there again, as moaning gets you nowhere. (Good for you dude. It takes a lot of balls to do that, because when you feel bad, that’s the last thing you want to do. However, it’s really what you need to do.) I went on a night out with a few friends to a nightclub and spotted this girl looking at me, smiling, flipping her hair etc., whilst she was dancing close to me. (Women put themselves in your orbit when they notice you and like what they see. As I discuss in my video, “Improving Your Social Skills,” for those of you who are trying to overcome just talking to women, when you see things like this, it makes it really easy. You don’t have to worry about getting rejected. It’s not going to happen.) I smiled at her and waved her over to me, which fucking worked, because the signals were there. (That’s right out of my book dude. You know the material because you immersed yourself in it.) I grabbed her hand, brought her to my circle and started dancing with her. I would never normally do this, but I was in a target rich environment, and did what I feared in order to better myself. (You’re focused on the right things, and you have an I don’t give a fuck attitude. Women put the signals out when they are interested, and they hope you know what to do next. Women want to be in a love story. They don’t want to teach you how to be Mr. Right.) About 10 seconds later, we made out just like that. It was that simple. I did not go out with the intentions to hook up; I just focused on having fun. (That’s exactly what I teach in my article and video, “How To Get Women To Approach You First.”)We didn’t hook up that night, as I didn’t want to leave my friends, but about a week later, I went to a house party. (When you’re sulking over a break-up, you’re sad, you miss the girl you were with, and you’re focused on that. Then, when you go out with your buddies, you’re not going to notice the women around you that are interested in you, because of the vibe you’re giving off, even though you are surrounded by a sea of replacements.) This other girl who I had known for a while was at the party and she gave me all the signals. (You weren’t chasing or doing anything. You were just having fun, women were putting themselves in your orbit, and you were taking advantage of it. Why pursue when life can be effortless?) I kept my cool, threw some teasing banter her way every now and then and I proceeded to have fun with multiple people at the party. Later that night, she began testing me, i.e. we were holding hands. I made a joke, to which she let go of my hand and said, “Okay then, I won’t be coming near you again,” to which I replied, “Ahaha, okay. We’ll see. You’ll be back later. See you soon.” (Perfect fucking response.) And of course, she came back to me about a half hour later. (How can she say no to a guy like this. This is what happens when you’re a good student. You got great results, because you put the time in.) That night, we hooked up and had sex for hours on end. It was fucking awesome. (You had a take it or leave it attitude, and that’s why she came back. Most guys are chasing, pursuing and trying to force it, and they get nowhere.)
You have helped me discover my purpose in life. I am a law student who is more confident and sure of himself than ever before. I can’t express how happy I feel with myself in an email. I plan to come to America in the next couple of years traveling and would love to repay you with a drink, Lol. Thank you man, you’re like the brother I never had.
Take care of yourself,
Bob, (a very happy fucking customer)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“The reason why breakups are so hard to get over is, the longer you are with someone, the more your identity and social life become attached to, and associated with, being with that person. When they are suddenly gone from your life forever, you can literally go through withdrawals like a smoker, drug addict or alcoholic does when they quit cold turkey. You often may feel like you don’t know who you are anymore and have irrational fears you may never meet anyone else, or the next person will be worse. The best solution is to get back to the fun, interesting, whole and complete person you were before you met your ex. You should also focus on personal growth and becoming a better and more valuable version of yourself. As you become a better quality person, you will be able to attract better quality lovers. Why? Like attracts like. You must become what you want to attract. It’s a universal principle.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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