The differences between the mindset of an alpha vs. a beta and how it shapes your destiny and what you’re willing to do to help yourself. How you can use the superior mindset of an alpha to achieve your grandest goals and dreams.
In this video-coaching newsletter I discuss a YouTube comment from a viewer who complains about my success and why he’ll never be successful and wealthy. I discuss why most people never reach their full potential and how their mindset and belief system determines their trajectory in life.
I also discuss the pain and pleasure principle originally discovered by Aristotle and how this affects what people are willing to do to help themselves move their lives forward, or not. Why mediocre people do not like high achievers and often attack them due to their own lack of success. My responses are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of these YouTube comments.
You can tell this guy is a little bitter and a little upset. If you’ve been watching me for awhile, you know I talk a lot about the people you surround yourself with. You can see the mindset of this guy is the typical, average, mediocre person. When you start going for the things that you want in life, these people you thought were your “friends” and on your team and really cared about you, this is how a lot of them are going to react. Then you’re going to realize who’s really on your team.
You can imagine, if your peer group is nothing but people like this, who think this way, the more you strive for what you want and the more successful you start to become, even when you’re making incremental, small progress, (because all progress is incremental), they are snickering and sneering at you behind your back.
Even the most successful person, myself included, has doubts. There are days when I get up and I don’t think I’ll get to where I want to be. If you’ve read my book, “Mastering Yourself,” then you know it took a lot longer to get to where I am from where I started out.
YouTube Comment #1:
I’m sorry but I really tune out when Corey starts talking about all of these fancy things and this lavish lifestyle he has. Translation: Corey please shut up because your success is a reminder of my lack of success. It does nothing for me. I get it, he found something that he was passionate about, and sure, through hard work, risk, and sacrifice, he became successful.
(So far, do you think this guy sounds like somebody who believes he can get from where he is to where he wants to be? No. So what’s he doing? He’s trying to bitch and he’s trying to label me, because this soothes his ego. It allows him to go, “It’s not my fault I’m not where I want to be.”)
But, there are a lot of people out there that are passionate about things that do NOT unfortunately pay as well as being a real estate mogul or a life coach. So, I feel very uncomfortable when Corey talks about living amongst the rich and stuff like that.
(Again, if you’ve read my book, then you know I went from being very successful, rich and well off to basically waiting tables for ten months and sleeping on my dad’s couch. In those several years, there were lots of people laughing at me and snickering about me, people that knew me back when I was really successful. And it made them feel good about the fact that I wasn’t doing so well at that particular point in time. Once I eventually succeeded again, now they’re like, “Hey dude, will you invest in this business with me?” They all want to hang out now and talk to me.
This is his story. This is not my story. If you’re having doubts in your life, you’ve got somebody saying things like this, and you’re not where you want to be yet, those types of things are going to affect your mindset.)
I mean, the thing(s) I’m passionate about are never going to lead to wealth on this kind of level, and so I’m finding it very difficult to make the connection.

(It’s easier to just give up and not do anything. He can’t even start. If that’s his belief, do you think he’s really going to look for somebody in his field or his industry that’s balling out?
When I started out, my book wasn’t selling really well, people were laughing at me, and I took a step back. There’s lots of people who have made a lot of money selling books for a living, but the reality is there’s only about 500 authors who sell over 100,000 books a year, even though there are millions and millions of books out there. You could look at it like, “Well, because Corey is so successful, if he did it, I know I can do it.” But that’s not how he’s looking at it.
Instead of him looking at me as somebody that’s made it and somebody to emulate, he’s looking at it as a reason to get butt hurt and upset and say, “Well, I’ll never be like that.” If he’s like that, he’ll never look for ways to make things happen. When your progress is really slow and incremental, it’s hard to motivate yourself. If you’re surrounded by people in your peer group that are like this, eventually you’re going to give up like him. That’s why it’s so critically important you monitor who you allow into your inner circle.
The reality is, when you want to achieve success, most people aren’t going to do what’s necessary. You want to model the success of other people. So who are the most successful people in your industry? Success and making money come as a result of adding value. As you learn to add value and you grow your skill set and your talent stack, as Scott Adams says, you become more valuable to potential employers. The more value you can add, the more your compensation is going to grow.
The mindset of this guy is a typical person. He learned a simple job and that’s it. He gets up, he goes to work, he gets his paycheck and he comes home. And that’s his lot in life.)
YouTube Comment #2:
Corey, some people just work crappy jobs and there is nothing they can do about it.
(You’re right. If that’s what you believe, you’re absolutely right. You can’t change your destiny and your trajectory. I worked crappy jobs in my life, and I still made it, because I was willing to do the things that most people are not.
Its like when it comes to health or juicing vegetables. I see people snickering and sneering at my book about the juicing recipe, making smoothies, eating healthy and exercising. People just won’t do those things. Why? It’s all about how we perceive ourselves, how much we love ourselves and how much we care about ourselves.

For me, it goes back to the pain and pleasure principle. Why do I do these things? Why am I, year in and year out for seventeen years, juicing vegetables and eating this way? I enjoy the health benefits, because I had a lot of health problems when I was younger. I don’t have any of those problems anymore. For me, when I get up and I do things that I really don’t feel like doing, I think about the pleasure I’m going to gain from those things and the pain I’m going to avoid.
For these particular guys, learning something new or thinking beyond their current job or next job, it’s pain. It’s uncomfortable. They think, “What if they reject me?” “What if they don’t like me?” “What if I apply to a hundred different jobs and they all tell me no?” The average person just gives up, and they stay in a mediocre lifestyle. Maybe it’s a hundred and one jobs you have to apply for. Maybe it’s two hundred. The bottom line is, you have to keep moving forward. You have to believe something is eventually going to pay off. You’ve got to keep grinding, you’ve got to keep moving forward.
If you’d like to learn about how I did it, you can read my book, “Mastering Yourself,” and if you’re kind of stuck and feel like you’ve hit the wall, and you want my help to figure out what your purpose is and help you really fine tune what yous should be focusing on, you can go to my website and click the Products tab and book a coaching option. I’m happy to help you get past your limiting beliefs, because a lot of people don’t realize how their self-talk is affecting them and getting in the way of them going from where they are to where they want to be.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Human beings need certainty about their future, and they also need variety to make life fun, exciting, compelling, interesting and worth living. Success and striving for one’s goals and ideals requires being uncertain for extended periods of time as you take the leap of faith that your efforts and actions will eventually result in victory and success at some unknown point in time in the future. This also requires mastery of our innate need to avoid pain and to gain pleasure. Mediocre people focus on the pleasure they will experience by not doing what they know they need to do, and the pain they will avoid by playing it safe and not taking risks that can potentially lead to rejection, pain and failure. Therefore, we must focus on the pleasure we will gain when doing what we know we need to do and the pain we will experience if we don’t. Ultimate victory and success requires embracing and looking forward to potential pain, rejection and failure, as simply an unavoidable part of the process of how you learn and get better.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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