How to avoid failure with women, avoid rejection and ensure your future successes are effortless.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer whose previous email I discussed in my video newsletter tilted, “No Shortcuts To Success.” He discusses how he got cocky and full of himself. He didn’t read the book 10-15 times.
After he got burned a few times and got his heart broken, because he did not prepare properly, he says he has now read the book close to fifty times. He shares several seduction success stories, and how his dating and social life has become effortless and more exciting than ever before. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hi Coach,
I have written you before in 2015, which you used in a video newsletter titled “No Shortcuts To Success,” the second case discussed. I stopped reading your book and thought I had it all figured out. Yes, I was that guy.
Fast forward to November 2016, I met a girl who blew me away, but it didn’t last. This hit me hard, because the last person I dated that knocked my socks off was about 18 months prior.

(Well, you’ve probably heard me say before in the past, typically, I have found the type of woman that knocks your socks off, you click on every level with and feel a soul to soul connection, they come along every three to four years. Those really sting.
Let’s face it, beautiful women are a dime a dozen, but beautiful women you really click with and who really dig you from the start, those are really rare. You have to be prepared for when those happen, because when you fuck those up, that pain doesn’t go away in a couple of days.)
She got away because I had only read your book 3 times at that point, so didn’t know it well enough.
(As I’ve said many times over the years, your success might be attainable if you only read the book a couple of times and you cherry pick from the videos, but it’s not going to be sustainable. You need to learn pickup skills, dating skills and relationship skills, and if you’re missing one of the three, it’s just a matter of time before it goes sideways.)
After this incident, I got back to basics. I must have read it over 50 times, because I stopped counting last month at attempt 48!
(That’s somebody that’s determined. Why read it that many times? Because you got a lot of fucking pain from that experience. People will do more to avoid pain than they’ll do to gain pleasure, so if you have a bad pain of rejection from losing a really awesome woman like that, that’s the kind of thing that makes you go, “That’s it. Never fucking again.”)
In September 2017, at my brother’s wedding, I met a complete 10, and we exchanged numbers. She called me the next day, and two days later we went on our first date. We kissed on the first date, and she kept chasing subsequently while I set dates.
On the second date, she evaded heading to my place, which was no problem as I had a backup whom I called upon. This helped put me in check and prevent neediness. You’re spot on about having options. Unfortunately, it didn’t last beyond four dates, as I realized she was the type who wanted a man to take over her bills and high-class lifestyle, and held back sex until I did so, despite spending the night at my place on the third date. Trust me coach, I must have listened to the chapter on the gradual process of seduction countless times in a day alone.

(There are women out there who will do that. They will withhold sex and affection to get what they want. That’s how they negotiate. With time, that tends to decline. Their position of leverage tends to decline with age.)
Prior to meeting your work, I would have agreed to her terms, but after one more date, I said to myself, “Fuck it” and walked away.
(Good for you dude. A chick with a good attitude is easy going. She’s not going to pull that bullshit with you. Life is just too short. She probably learned that from her family, and you aren’t going to change her man.)
A month later, while at another wedding reception having fun, I posted videos of it. Little did I know that a hot girl whom I met online several months back, but never in person, messaged me because of the videos and asked where I was to come have some fun too.
(That’s non-attachment, putting out the invitation, then letting it go and forgetting about it. You never know what’s going on in a woman’s life and what guys happen to be in her life. If she’s in contact with you, just following you on Facebook or Instagram, and things change for her, she may see you and say, “Hey look at this guy, having all this fucking fun. I should get involved in some of that.” Then boom, she reaches out. That’s why you don’t burn a bridge, but just say “Give me a call if you change your mind.” Sometimes they do.)
I told her where I was and called her bluff just to get a call an hour later that she was around. I didn’t believe it.
(Well, it doesn’t surprise me one bit. You stacked the deck in your favor.)
We went to two other venues from there before heading to my place at midnight. We now see each other twice a month.
Funny, the same week she came, I already had 2 girls lined up to come spend the week between them at my place, but had to reschedule. I just had the best few nights ever with a girl whom I met online under a month ago. Surprisingly, it seems like every girl I meet gives me a better sexual experience than the previous.

(Or maybe you’re just getting better.)
I had my first threesome all-night with her and her female best friend, which was mind blowing! My penis got sore in the morning. I know, poor baby.
I finally started my business in October 2017 thanks to your guidance, as I thought it would take 6 months to commence just for it to end up taking exactly 2 years! Like you, I had to sleep on my dad’s couch for 2 years. I will keep on listening to your book on Audible weekly, even though I am having a great run, to ensure I don’t make the same mistakes as I once made, thinking I had it figured out after a breakthrough.
(Keep in mind, you’ve got a lot of experience in pickup and dating, but as far as the relationship stuff, you really haven’t had a lot of experience implementing those things. So keep that in mind as a potential blind spot. Even though you read the book 40-50 times, it’s only potential power. It actually becomes power when you’re applying it and using it. Just keep that in mind.)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance coach.
Thank You,
(Now you have choice. When you have choice that’s when you have the power. That puts you in an abundance mentality where you don’t feel worried about losing a particular woman, because there are so many other great, suitable choices. That’s true abundance. From a negotiation perspective, that’s the superior position of leverage you always, ideally want to be in.)
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Not everyone you like, want to associate with or give you what you want and need is going to feel the same way. Continuous circulation is the key to life and perpetual opportunity. Focus and action towards what you want to create provides knowledge, wisdom, skill refinement, ability enhancement, practice and results. Mastery of anything requires time and repetition, that’s why there’s no shortcuts to success.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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