Why there are no shortcuts to success, and why long-term success is the result of time, repetition, practice, patience, taking action and mastering the fundamentals of high-achievement.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is an update from a viewer whose previous email I answered in my video coaching newsletter tilted, “She Wants A Manly Man.” He shares how he was able to turn things around with a woman who was pushing him away. They had sex on the third date, and eight weeks after their first date, she asked him to be her boyfriend. Unfortunately, he didn’t listen to me, he discarded what made him successful and did not read the book 10-15 times as instructed. His success was attainable but not sustainable. Things are presently going sideways again, and he admits it’s his fault for not mastering the fundamentals.
The second email is a success story from a viewer who initially, after finding my work, started following a pickup artist, since he was focused on a quick fix to his romance problems. After he failed and got blown off, he shares how embracing my work fully and mastering the fundamentals has led to an unbroken streak of successes with beautiful young women and some older cougars for twelve straight months. These are two great emails that perfectly illustrate why cherry-picking information and looking for quick-fixes may initially lead to attainable short-term success, but the success is unsustainable in the long run without mastery of the fundamentals and principles taught in my book. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Hey Coach!
You created a video of my last email titled, “She Wants A Manly Man.” It was great to see where I was with this girl when the video was posted. We ended up having sex on the third date! I wasn’t surprised when exactly 8 weeks from our first date, she brought up the exclusivity subject. (If you’re following what’s in the book, usually around week seven, the woman brings up being exclusive and will ask you to be her boyfriend. If you follow things properly, you never have to worry about rejection.) Following your advice, we become exclusive. I continued to court her throughout the holidays and into the New Year. I was having a blast with a smoking hot girlfriend.I’ll admit I became pussy blind. We’re both young and insecure. We haven’t had sex for two weeks. She invited me to dinner the day after our last grinding session and paid. She texted me two days later, and I set the next date for the weekend. She got sick at work and we rescheduled to the next day. The date happened, but no sex because she was on her period. We’re both into alternative sex practices during that time of the month, so as we continued to kiss, I continued to make a move but was stopped, and she told me she was having cramps. (There are some times when you just need to chill. You want sex to be pleasant for her.) I feel I turned her off/made her uncomfortable. She then started texting and her friend called and needed a ride. Weird? (It sounds like her attraction level was going the wrong way, and she was trying to get away from you, because she wasn’t feeling safe and comfortable. Look at her actions. If she really wanted to be around you, even if she has cramps, she still would have wanted to hang out.)
School started the following day, and she texted me during her first class and apologized our night was cut short. She asked if I was free the next day before or after her night class. I agreed, but didn’t set a definite time. (You got sloppy.) I texted her the next day, but she didn’t respond for four hours, saying she dropped her phone in the toilet, and it was sitting in rice all day. Fair enough. She didn’t want to stay up late, because of a morning class the next day, so I said, “Okay, let me know when you’re free to get together next, and we’ll make plans.” (That’s what happens when you don’t follow the fundamentals, and you just leave things up in the air.) She texted me two days later, and we have a date set for the end of the weekend. We both had a busy schedule this weekend. I sent one final text asking about her new teacher and a comment about her dog, but she never replied. (I can tell you’re pursuing and fearful, and she’s jerking you around because she knows she’s got you. She’s taking you for granted, because she doesn’t value your presence as much as she did when she asked you to be her boyfriend.) It wasn’t so important of a message, but It’s been two days now. She mentioned a couple weeks ago she doesn’t like going more than a few days without texting. (At the end of the day, you have to look at what a woman does, not what she says. If you have a definite date, you shouldn’t have to worry about these things.) It makes her feel like we aren’t in a relationship. (Feminine energy is about bonding, connecting and opening up to receive love. When a woman is happy and in love with you, she wants your attention all of the time. If you refer the the table in my book, which is in the chapter called, “It’s All In The Numbers,” and look at the context of her behavior, I would say her attraction level is at a five or a six. She’s not in love with you at this point.)
I haven’t said anything since my last text, and our date is tomorrow night. (Remember, “Dating Is Like Tennis.” You hit the ball over the net, and then wait for her to hit it back. You’ve been sloppy by making plans and leaving details up in the air, and so she’s jerking you around. Scarcity creates value, and you’re waiting for her to call.) I have a strange feeling I’ve fucked up too many times along the way. Not reading the book enough is something I am guilty of. (At the end of the day, you have to participate in your own rescue.) To any viewers, READ THE BOOK 10-15 TIMES!! She was hot, and it’ll sting if it’s truly the end, but I’m patting myself on the back. (You got to date this girl, so at the end of the day, it was still a victory, even though the relationship is potentially ending. If you have a date set up, see what happens. If you don’t hear from her, fuck it. If she doesn’t respond, that’s rude and disrespectful.)Bob
Second Viewer’s Email:
Hi Corey,
Your work has changed my life! Now I am as confident as a charging bull! I thought I would share my experience for someone who might be completely or partially going through what I went through to know that he/she aren’t alone, and total obedience to your teachings, not 99%, is the only way.
I could not control my emotions and loved constantly arguing with my ex. (Men who understand women never argue with them. When you apply the things in my book, within a few weeks you will see if you’re dealing with a woman who’s a good communicator, or someone who’s incredibly insecure and needy.) She spoke to me, but did not listen. She broke up after 5 months. This broke me and made me bedridden for three days, calling and texting her profusely, apologizing and begging her to come back. (It’s not that it broke you and made you bedridden. You chose to assign a negative meaning to those events. When we want reality to be other than it is, we will suffer.) I had many suicidal thoughts, because I didn’t think I could survive it. (You’ve got to feel it to heal it.) I committed virtually every post breakup childish act you can think of from insulting her, telling friends to beg her for me, sending her sweet lyrical texts, taking her out, spending loads to try to impress her, kneeling down to apologize to her, and worst of all, crying. Man, all my weaknesses came out! (You see all of those things in the movies, but if you do that in real life, she’ll think you’re a pussy.)
The next month, I came across both your work and that of a pickup artist, after searching online for ‘how to get an ex back.’ I watched a few videos from both of you, but initially opted to follow the pickup artist’s techniques, as they seemed easier and feasible to me then. (That stuff is never sustainable.) After failing woefully, you were my only option. I watched a lot of your videos, repeating the ones that closely related to my situation, and applied some of what I had learned. After a week of reading your work and obeying the never initiate contact rule, she reached out, I invited her to my place and we hooked up. (That’s really important. As I state in my article and video, “7 Principles To Get An Ex Back,” if a woman has broken up with you and pushed you away, she has to earn another chance with you, not the other way around. She has to come to your place for three dates in a row. These subtle things will help you take your power back. Don’t ever chase a woman who blew you off.) Boy was it the best sex we ever had. However, instead of me enjoying the moment, just having fun and continuing to hook up, I started talking about us getting back together. (That’s the last thing you should talk about. You need to hang out, have fun and hook up.) At this point, she told me bluntly that she thought I had grown up and left afterwards. (Since 97% of the guys out there don’t get it, eventually she will have enough negative emotional experience with other guys to realize, you were a great boyfriend.)
By January 2015, I had pushed her to such a state of no return, that I decided it was time to invest my money and time in your book and as many YouTube videos as possible with every spare time I had. (Whether it’s career or anything else you want to accomplish in life, people won’t change their belief system until it doesn’t work for them anymore. When you really got burned, it created a painful emotional anchor, and you wanted to move away from that as soon as possible. Up until the point where you got rejected and experienced all of that pain, you hadn’t decided to change your approach. You were looking for a quick fix.) After 4 months, I had finished your book 3 times, watched maybe b/w 50-70 YouTube videos and started practicing by talking to random girls, so as to re-build my confidence from the scratch, while at work in my side-job as a doorman. I failed a lot at first, but persisted, because I knew that the real failure is one who falls and doesn’t pick himself up. (That’s what it takes.) After a month trying and having mixed results, the time invested in your work started paying off! Every weekend, I hooked up with women of different age groups from cougars to hot teenagers. I can now see a girl I fancy and take action immediately day or night! I have never been rejected by any girl since June 2015. (That’s a great testament. When you follow the fundamentals, you can tell when a woman is into you or when she’s not.) Bob
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“When you’re trying to run from pain, potential pain, your problems, unpleasant emotions and trying to get them to stop, you’re in a fearful state and tend to make poor, emotionally irrational decisions. Your natural state is one of success, power, confidence, abundance and inner peace. It’s always best when you feel like losing your shit, to take a step back and do whatever is necessary to facilitate getting yourself back, emotionally and mentally, into a peaceful and relaxed state, before you take any action or make major decisions. Decisions made while you’re in a peaceful and relaxed state tend to manifest circumstances that keep you feeling this way. However, decisions made while you’re fearful, uncertain and unbalanced, tend to manifest more chaos and failure.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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