How becoming a centered, driven, masculine man is the key to attracting and keeping the kind of women you’ve always wanted.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a female viewer who details how my work helped her to learn what to look for in a man, and how to attract a really great guy who behaves the way my book teaches a man should be.
The second email is a success story from a guy who shares how my work helped him to transform his personal and professional life, and how it has helped him to attract and keep his wife. They are now expecting their first child together. He also describes how it helped him to identify women who were good, long-term relationship candidates and those who were not, and how that has contributed to the relationship with his wife being effortless. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the bodies of their emails.
First Viewer’s Email:
Dear Corey,
Can I just say how amazing it is to finally date, for the first time in my life, a truly centered, driven, masculine man who knows who and what he is and wants quality female company to complement his life.

(So in other words, you’re dating a guy who got his shit together. He got his career and life in order. He’s got his friendships, his peer group and his inner circle in order. He knows what he wants, and he knows where he’s going in life. That’s first and foremost.
Women will find that attractive, because you’re driven, you’re focused, you’re motivated and you know what you want. You’re going places. Guys that are going places are going on adventure, and women love to accompany guys who are going on a fun, exciting and compelling adventure. The adventure obviously being creating a cool life and lifestyle filled up with great, fun people to hang out with.)
I’m a 33 -year- old attractive woman who truly came into her own after leaving a long, unhappy marriage and pursuing what she really wants in life.
(You also did work on yourself. You were in an unhappy marriage, and you left. You focused on creating a great life and lifestyle for yourself so you could also a happy, whole, complete person to complement a man’s life — not some woman who’s looking for some dude to take care of her. You’re an equal, a teammate. These are ideally the kind of women you want to date.)
Since I left, I got in shape, started my PhD in a foreign country, taught myself three languages, and managed to get my depression under control.
(So obviously you had some shit to take care of on your own. You developed yourself to become a better catch for a man. That’s awesome. You didn’t do it because of a man. You did it because of yourself. You became the kind of person you wanted to attract in a man.)
But after the horrible breakup with my husband, a year-long ordeal in which he burned his life to the ground and lashed out at me, and then a failed rebound relationship with a weak man, I admit I was pretty damn sore at men.

(Yeah, we all tend to blame other people. Like Wayne Dyer used to say, “Wherever you are in life, your best thinking got you to where you are.” The reality is, the person you see in the mirror every day is the only person who can fix your life.)
That disappointment and resentment stewed in me to the point where I knew I had to redirect it somehow.
(You turned it around and used it as fuel. You asked yourself, “What can I do to make my life better? What can I do to attract better quality men into my life?” Then you set about the task of doing that.)
I decided, counter-intuitively, that one way to rework that anger towards dudes was to date a good one and come to understand what I want and what a quality man wants. I got into your work and I can attest to its power!
(Even if you think I’m totally fucking full of shit, if you apply the things I teach in both of my books, “How To Be A 3% Man” and “Mastering Yourself,” you will get results. What I teach works.)
I joined OkCupid, and yeah, it was pretty much like throwing chum in the water. Men who were waaay too eager to meet me were instantly rejected. Men who pushed for sex without seducing me properly were rejected. But I did meet a man, an engineer, who displayed masculine, yet respectful, confidence, didn’t feel the need to throw his resume at me, (so I could slowly discover his accomplishments, to my delight),
(As I talk about in my book, ask questions, be sincerely and authentically interested in the other person, and let her ask questions. Let her be the one that’s curious. Just like a cat. When cats are curious, they stick around. When they get bored, they leave),
and-most importantly, was PATIENT. He didn’t over-pursue. He chose where our dates would be, so I didn’t have to.
(He was direct, he was decisive and he got right to the fucking point. Men who are in their masculine energy just handle that stuff. Even though you’re successful in your own right, it allowed you as a woman to settle into your feminine energy and be totally cool with your man leading the way.)
He went for the kiss. He didn’t ask for intimacy, but instead simply invited me to his place and let things happen organically. Now, my high sex drive is not only reignited after years of dormancy, but utterly satisfied. He hasn’t asked for a relationship, but shows signs he wants one. I don’t feel rushed.

(If a woman is always chasing you, she’s not dumping you.)
I admit, I’ve gently tested him to see if he would become needy and jealous.
(All women control to a degree. They want to see what you’re fucking made of. Are you a man? Are you going to laugh it off, or let it get under your skin? Are you going to lose your shit, get angry and start defending yourself? Because then she’s going to see you for the weak bitch that you are.)
I have already dealt with that in men, and it’s extremely unpleasant and a total attraction killer. But he has passed them all, so I am slowly opening my heart to him and showing him that he’s gaining my deeper affections and trust, all because he maintains self- control. I respect him.
(If a woman doesn’t respect you, she will never love you. Respect yourself first, treat others with respect and don’t tolerate fucking bullshit.)
Once my husband and the rebound lost my respect, they lost me. But my new man has his own shit going on, doesn’t demand all my attention, respects me and my freedom,
(Remember, “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh),
and will go for what he wants in life.
(In other words, he’s got his own shit going on. He has his own mission and purpose in life, and he’s pursuing it no matter what.)
Because he has all these elements, I am wildly attracted to him. He is showered with affection, which he seems to like. I can finally be a real woman!
Thank you for all you do!
(Congratulations to you and your man. It sure sounds like somebody who has come across my book.)
Second Viewer’s Email:
I just wanted to thank you for your videos, your book, and your knowledge. I struggled for a long time understanding the female species. I never really had a problem getting dates or “hanging out, having fun and hooking up,” but all of my long term relationships ultimately failed. I finally put the blame on myself, and in my search found your wisdom, along with a lot of other frauds who didn’t really understand women, just knew how to pick them up.
(What you’ll notice with people that only do pickup is, they tend to be pretty shallow. They have shallow, boring conversations with people that just mean nothing. To them, they get validation in their ability to pick up and seduce women, and the next weekend, they’re on to somebody else. They’re never satisfied. Because they don’t really value high quality relationships, they just simply don’t have high quality relationships.)
I watched hundreds of your videos, read your book multiple times, and it all made sense, but it truly took work to actually implement it.

(Absolutely true. You have to work for it. The stuff I teach works, but you have to show up, do your part and take action. You can study my books and read them 10-15 times, but if you don’t apply and practice this stuff, it’s really useless. Faith without action is meaningless.)
I even failed a couple more times in relationships, but each time I was able to look back and pinpoint my mistakes, make changes, and become a better person.
(Failure is your greatest teacher. What you’re really trying to overcome is your old programming, the old way society influenced you to be.)
The information I learned also goes further than intimate relationships, I literally apply the knowledge to my everyday life, my career, my friends, my family, etc. All of my relationships have improved, and in turn, I have a better life.
(Remember what Tony Robbins says, “The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the people you consistently spend your time with. And it’s also in direct proportion to the expectations of your peer group.”
If your relationships suck, the people are miserable, they have no goals and want nothing in life, they’re going to try to keep you at their level with everything they’ve got. People don’t like the truth. They don’t want to wake up to the fact that they’re actually responsible for their lives being the way they are. It’s much easier to blame other people.
Alphas take personal responsibility for their lives. Betas bitch, they whine and they fucking complain, pointing the finger at other people, when the actuality is they’re too fucking weak to do anything to help themselves. And that’s reality.)
Ultimately, I ended up meeting my wife. She’s my teammate, we’re expecting our first child, and it was just like you said it would be… an easy relationship that just flows well.

(Ideally, if you’re looking for a long-term relationship, when you date women who have great relationships with their mom and especially their dad, they’ve learned to trust men when they were little girls, so this is in their energy and in their vibe. Life is hard enough. When you have disagreements with a girl who had a dysfunctional family, and she never learned to communicate in a healthy way, often it’s impossible with somebody like that.
The best candidates are the ones who have a great relationship with their dad and their mom, and their parents are still together. They’re very rare, they’re worth the wait and they’re worth taking the time.)
Once you find that type of relationship, you know why all the others have failed, and it’s such a peace of mind.
So once again, thanks! I still watch your videos, and if there’s only one question I have, I would ask how to keep a long term marriage flowing, so it doesn’t fizzle out like so many do. I guess the easy answer is, just keep being a 3% man! Even knowing the rules, we get lazy at times. Always open to some quick tips!
(Considering the fact that pretty much 99% of the guys who come to me that are already having problems in their marriages, they’re already in marriage counseling or therapy, I see the same pattern over and over. There’s two reasons why the relationship doesn’t work out. The first one is, they stopped doing what caused their wives or girlfriend to fall in love with them. What you do to get her to fall in love is what you’re going to do to keep her in love. The courtship never ends. I have a whole chapter devoted in my first book to that topic. That’s the biggest thing. Guys stop dating and courting their women, because they get caught up in their careers and lives.
The other major reason why men struggle in their long-term relationships is they don’t understand how to communicate with women effectively. See my article, “How To Communicate With Women Effectively.” Men and women communicate differently, and when you understand the differences, as I explain in my book, then you can solve these things.)
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How to Be a 3% Man
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How to Be a 3% Man
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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Mastering Yourself
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“To know who you are, what you want and why you want it is the first step in the process of accomplishing your grandest goals and dreams and reaching your full potential. If you don’t know who you are and what you want, you won’t value yourself or your time. If you don’t value yourself or your time, you won’t do anything valuable with your life. If you don’t have emotionally compelling reasons why you want what you want, you’ll never have strong enough reasons to force yourself to take action with any real focus or consistency when you inevitably encounter challenges, setbacks or obstacles. If you are unable or unwilling to do what’s necessary to make yourself happy and get what you want in life, it will be almost impossible to attract and keep a good woman as a lover and teammate.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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