How to redeem yourself after an epic failure on a date, bad sexual performance, getting rejected or getting dumped, and how to finally lose your virginity or end your dry spell, if your sex life has been non-existent for too long, so you date and seduce the kind of women you’ve always wanted.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who finally lost his virginity on the fourth date with a new woman he started dating, after he was unsuccessful at seducing a woman he wrote me about and I discussed in a previous video newsletter titled, “Epic Virgin Date?” He talks about how he contacted her first on Facebook, got her phone number and what he did and said that finally led to her tearing her clothes off and spreading her legs in submission to take her and have his way with her, because he did such a great job of taking his time and building sexual tension.
He feels amazing after finally losing his virginity at twenty-three and giving her an orgasm after about ten minutes of lovemaking. It’s a great turnaround and a great illustrative example of what to say and how to successfully apply the seduction and sexual tension building principles, techniques and strategies I teach in my book. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Epic Virgin Date: Redemption
Hello once again Corey,
This is Bob, the same Bob from the video you made called, “Epic Virgin Date?” I’m proud to say I am no longer a virgin, thanks to your help. (Congratulations dude.) When I look back and review that video, it is almost ridiculous how different my mindset and actions are compared to my latest date. As for your viewers, I appreciate the great feedback they gave in the comment section, and I’m only sending this email because I hope that what I’ve done will help them find success too. By the way, I never did hear back from that last girl, but that’s her loss. (Fuck it! There’s nothing you can really do about it. The right women will vote with their feet to be with you.) Ironically, my most recent date was somewhat similar to the last date, so it just goes to show how necessary it is to learn the fundamentals. As of now, I’ve read your book three times. Please title this video “Epic Virgin Date: Redemption,” in my honor.
It’s funny how life works out sometimes. I initially met this Mormon girl a few years ago in a college level biology class. At the time, I was laser focused on my education, so I never gave her the attention she wanted outside of class. In hindsight, she gave me all the signals that she was totally into me. (Now you will be able to see those cues.) One day I was thinking about all the people I’ve met in college so far, and she came to mind, so I added her on Facebook. Within hours, she initiated a conversation through the instant messaging application. (Obviously she has interest. When women really like you, they help you.) We both talked about what had changed in our lives, and she ended the conversation by giving me her phone number, which I forgot I already had on my phone.
I’ll just give a basic description of the previous dates, since the last date is the one that matters the most. Just to give some context, it wasn’t until after the second date that I considered her to be more than a friend. (There’s nothing wrong with becoming friends with attractive women. Attractive women have friends, and when they introduce you to their friends, you have social proof established, so they should feel safe and comfortable with you. It’s good to have beautiful allies in your dating life.) Anyway, on the first date, we met for a movie, talked in the parking lot after, and hugged. (It seems like you were strictly hanging out as friends.) On the second date, I picked her up like a gentleman and took her to an electronic music concert. She paid for her own ticket. During the concert, we held hands, grinded, and kissed. (At some point, if a woman likes you, you will notice it in her behavior.) For the third date, I once again picked her up, and we went out for dinner, bowling, and watched a movie at her house after. I intended to make a move during this date, but everyone was awake and knew I was in the house with her. (That’s where the logistics of sex come in. If you’re going to have sex, you need some privacy.) Instead, we cuddled during the movie and exchanged passionate kisses when the evening ended. The next day, she sent me a text asking, “What are we?” I responded, “I’d say we are more than friends.” (What a great comeback. She has shown a high attraction level from the get-go.) She was pleased with that vague answer and left it at that. In my head, I was thinking, we are seeing each other romantically, so we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. (That’s correct.)
My plan for the fourth date was to see a movie I knew we both wanted to see very badly. During the middle of the week, I sent her a text asking when she was free that weekend. She told me she was free Saturday, and I proceeded to set a definite date. She agreed by saying, “Yay.” I thought that a one-word response was not a good sign, but I shortly realized she was testing me. (You were expecting her to express a lot more excitement and interest. You started to perceive, based upon your old conditioning and programming, that she did not like you. When you have unreasonable expectations, and you expect things to be to be a certain way, you can overreact and talk yourself into doing and saying things that are not ideal.) Seeing the movie was what I felt like doing that particular weekend, and I was going to go with or without her. (I wouldn’t be going to the movies with her. You can’t talk and interact. Movies are something you do with someone you’ve been dating for awhile. They get in the way of the seduction process.) Plus, I threw down a lot of cash on our last date, (That’s definitely not what I teach in the book. You shouldn’t be doing extravagant dates), so I didn’t want to spend much this time. The old me would have called her out about the text, but I let it go and got radio silence until I actually showed up for the date. (Remember, it’s a scientific fact that women are attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. There’s no reason to call or verify that date. That will have an effect on her attraction level. By the time you show up for the date, she’s more excited to see you. Less really is more.) She was ready to go, as I expected, when I picked her up. We held a conversation as usual and really enjoyed the movie. When I took her home, I kept my mouth shut and just assumed she was going to invite me inside when unlocking the door. By shutting up, she just naturally broke the silence and invited me inside. (In a negotiation, ye who speaks first loses. If you give radio silence, she will start talking.) I’m glad I did not jump the gun by concluding the evening too soon. Once inside I said, “Let’s watch some T.V.” Then we sat on the couch, and I made a comment about her Nintendo Wii. Thereafter, she suggests we watch Netflix on it instead. I agreed, but took control of the situation by recommending that we watch Breaking Bad.
Photo by
Both of our thoughts started racing when Mrs. White from Breaking Bad started giving Walter a hand job. (How convenient.) By some twist of fate, the same exact situation unfolded as my last date story. That is, she placed my hand on her breasts. (Women help you when they like you.) This time, I manned the fuck up and went for it. She went wild, and practically ate my face off. I followed your advice and took my time with her. We ended up on the carpet in front of couch half dressed. Shortly after, she suggested we go to her room to have sex, (She’s making it really easy), so I agreed and followed her there. Her aunt was asleep and visiting at the time, so we had to be extra quiet. I intended to finish undressing her, but before I knew it she tore her own clothes off. She couldn’t wait any longer and spread her legs for me. I was tempted to just stick it in, (The over eager guy without any experience would do that, but an experienced man will take his time), but I took my time once again by kissing, touching all over, fingering, and then penetrating her. I thought for sure that I would be a quick shot since I was a virgin, but that was not the case. She ended up coming within 10 minutes and it got so tight that it kept slipping out of her. Unfortunately, she got fed up with the slippage and was already satisfied. After that, she put all her clothes back on and I got a half-assed hand job with the condom off. She was so weak that she could not finish me. Instead, I had her kneel before me and I finished myself off. I know, lame, but I think things will get better later on. (Dude, it was your first time. You got laid. It was better than my first time!) Anyway, she told me she wanted us to be “Facebook official” after, but I expressed that I need time to think. (Notice how she wanted to be official after you had sex for the first time. Guys who have choices and options will not be in a rush.) She did not push the issue any more after that. We watched some T.V. after and called it a night within 30 minutes. I kissed her goodbye passionately and told her, “Thanks for the good time.” The next day, I took a lot of time to think about what we’ve said and done together. Ultimately, I decided to start my first relationship as an adult with her, so we are now Facebook official. (That was pretty quick, but it’s your first experience, and it was her idea to get serious. At this point, you need to keep in mind how much you are pursuing versus how much she is pursuing. You’re at the point where women should start contacting you first. Then you can kick back, relax, wait to hear from her and then make the next date.)
Corey, although we may never meet, I would consider you a friend. You have truly touched my life, and I am so thankful for your help. Looking back, at almost every step of the way, I deviated somewhat from your teachings due to my inner weakness and arrogance, so ultimately I attracted what I feared most with women I’ve previously dated. What Corey teaches must be followed exactly if you want to be successful, and in this case, I believe I did a pretty good job. (You’ve only read the book three times so far, so don’t get cocky. Pride cometh before the fall.) Granted, using his knowledge won’t force every woman to fall head over heels in love with you, but you will reap the benefits of being a 3% man. Unfortunately, some women may use you along the way; so only give your time to those who deserve it. It took me 23 years on this planet for this one night! Don’t blow it by getting greedy and being needy. Just never give up, and let life happen guys. (Thanks for the great success story, and congratulations on losing your virginity and ending the pussy embargo.)
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“Men who are used to getting and expect to get what they want, because they are used to being successful with women, take their time and practice infinite patience. They are never in a rush, because they know a successful seduction is in the bag and will happen eventually. Therefore, they are able to live in the present moment and enjoy every delicious second of seducing and making love to the women they desire. Only inexperienced and unsuccessful men try to rush things, because they are fearful, and because the kind of women they really want are scarce in their lives. Successful men have too many choices and are forced to be selective and take their time when deciding which woman or women to give the gift of their time to. If you behave in the same ways men who have an abundance of female choices in their lives do, women will see you as being desirable, sexy, valuable, rare, a catch and a man who’s worth the effort to make you theirs.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
Reader Interactions
Awesome news letter. I have purchased your book Corey, but I never read it. I have just been watching your newsletter video. I am African, 26 years old and I believe I am still a virgin despite my excessive jerking off.
I picked up this two hot girls on Halloween’s saturday night and offered to give them a ride home. While we were going I made up stories about girls hooking with me in my car all the time, and she was aroused by my sexual fairy-tail. When we arrived at her place I told her that I was hungry and I wanted to use her bathroom. She understood that I wanted to fuck her. She was going to drop her friend off at her house and she told me to followed her she and will give me food after. I followed her so excited to have sex with her. I droved behind her in this beautiful suburb with a lot of trees. It was liked Hollywood movie all farry-tailed. When we arrived at her friend house, her friend went in the house she was drunk.
On the driveway, this girl first tested me by telling me that she wanted to pissed and didn’t want me watching her but I said that I was going to watch her.
She started the seduction by pissing in front of me. While she was peeing, I grabbed her boot, took her to my car back seat but I blow up by going straight for penetration since I was a virgin and I wanted to lose it.
The girl realized that I didn’t have on condom and was discouraged. I started fingering her she was so horny she walked into her car naked and got me a condom from her bag. I was so eagled to penetrate her pussy in my car back seat I failed. I wore the condom and had her bouncing on my dick, but I didn’t penetrate her. I didn’t felt any sensation. After about 10 minutes struggling to penetrate her, this courageous blond skinning girl about 21 years old give up, pushed me with her feet and ran in her car. She left her panties in my car. I went to talked to her in her car, she said that I should give her panties she didn’t want to grab them from my car because she doesn’t want to have sex with me any more. I was frustrated I got in my car drove off with her panties and left her naked.
I blow up by being too desperate and I was because I was inexperience having sex. Congrats to this guy you talked about in this newsletter.
Sidd says
Awesome news letter. I have purchased your book Corey, but I never read it. I have just been watching your newsletter video. I am African, 26 years old and I believe I am still a virgin despite my excessive jerking off.
I picked up this two hot girls on Halloween’s saturday night and offered to give them a ride home. While we were going I made up stories about girls hooking with me in my car all the time, and she was aroused by my sexual fairy-tail. When we arrived at her place I told her that I was hungry and I wanted to use her bathroom. She understood that I wanted to fuck her. She was going to drop her friend off at her house and she told me to followed her she and will give me food after. I followed her so excited to have sex with her. I droved behind her in this beautiful suburb with a lot of trees. It was liked Hollywood movie all farry-tailed. When we arrived at her friend house, her friend went in the house she was drunk.
On the driveway, this girl first tested me by telling me that she wanted to pissed and didn’t want me watching her but I said that I was going to watch her.
She started the seduction by pissing in front of me. While she was peeing, I grabbed her boot, took her to my car back seat but I blow up by going straight for penetration since I was a virgin and I wanted to lose it.
The girl realized that I didn’t have on condom and was discouraged. I started fingering her she was so horny she walked into her car naked and got me a condom from her bag. I was so eagled to penetrate her pussy in my car back seat I failed. I wore the condom and had her bouncing on my dick, but I didn’t penetrate her. I didn’t felt any sensation. After about 10 minutes struggling to penetrate her, this courageous blond skinning girl about 21 years old give up, pushed me with her feet and ran in her car. She left her panties in my car. I went to talked to her in her car, she said that I should give her panties she didn’t want to grab them from my car because she doesn’t want to have sex with me any more. I was frustrated I got in my car drove off with her panties and left her naked.
I blow up by being too desperate and I was because I was inexperience having sex. Congrats to this guy you talked about in this newsletter.