How do you discover what your true purpose and calling in life is? How do you know if you are truly working at being or becoming the person God designed you to be? I have learned that discovering your true purpose in life is a process for most people, including myself. A twitter follower sent me this:
how do u find your purpose in life…. 🙂 reply if You can , thanks 🙂
The most important starting point to discovering your true purpose in life is to listen to your heart. What kinds of things do you like to do more than anything else in life? What are your most favorite hobbies? What types of magazines do you read for fun? What kind of books do you normally read? If you are currently where you are supposed to be and living out your true purpose and calling in life, you would be doing something that literally overwhelms you with emotion and maybe even brings tears to your eyes when you really focus on it and think about it.
If you do not like what you are doing, you will never be very good at it. Your true purpose would be something that is extremely emotionally compelling to you. It will be something that you felt like you were born to do.
“I am not afraid, I was born to do this!”-Joan of Arc
The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask yourself. If you are unsure of what your true purpose is, or you have become aware that your purpose is actually evolving as you grow and expand as a human being, ask yourself questions such as: “What is my true purpose in life? I would love to discover what my true purpose in life is. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could discover what my true purpose and calling is?” Take out a pad of paper and write down everything that comes to mind. The key is to get in the flow and just write down things that you really love to do or would love to do as a full-time career or business if you could just figure out the right way to do it.
I spent almost 20 years of my life going to school for, working in and creating companies in the mortgage, real estate and construction industry. I have a bachelor of science in construction management. I still love real estate and construction even though it’s not my full-time focus anymore. My focus and purpose has evolved and grown as I have evolved and grown to become a better man.
I’ve always loved helping other people, but it wasn’t until six years ago that I realized I no longer had same internal enthusiasm for the real estate, mortgage and construction industry that I once had. When I took a step back and looked at what I did and how I created my companies, they were always built and staffed with people who not only would work and make money for me, but who would apply my wisdom and strategies for success in order to become more successful, happy and fulfilled themselves.
If you would’ve told me seven or eight years ago that I would be a full-time life coach and no longer in the real estate industry, I would have told you that you are out of your mind. As I became more successful and achieved all of my goals, it gave me time to look at and explore other things I was interested in. I remember watching Tony Robbins as he was doing a therapeutic intervention on one of my fellow platinum partners. In under an hour he completely transformed this person’s model of the world and their outlook on life. I said to myself, “I want to do that!” However, that moment transformed me internally just as much, if not more, than the person Tony was doing the therapeutic intervention with. That defining moment of my life was only possible because of all of my life experiences leading up to that moment. I was simply ready for my purpose to continue to grow and evolve to the next level.
If you think or even if you are certain of your true purpose and calling in life, then you should start exploring it. You should model the success of people and companies who are already successful at what you want to do in life. You don’t want to reinvent the wheel. That is why you study the success of other people. It will speed up your own success. However, you also want to take away the best things or aspects of what others are already doing successfully and put your own unique mark on it. Don’t try to be someone else’s clone, but instead incorporate the things you love most about other peoples business models in addition to your own unique take on things.
Working at being or becoming the person God created you to be requires a lot of trial and error, failure and things that don’t work. However, the only thing that matters is that you learn from your mistakes and get the lesson that life is trying to teach you so you can continue to move forward and get closer and closer to being able to one day say, “I am living my true purpose in life!” and be totally congruent with that statement.
Then sometime after you realize you are finally living out your true purpose in life, you will realize you have a desire to expand and become even more. What your life actually looks like when you arrive will usually not resemble what you thought it would look like when you started out. Why? Because right now you don’t know what you don’t know. And you have not learned and experienced the things you need to learn in order to one day become that person you dream of becoming. It’s about the journey. It’s about the process of achieving your goals and dreams, not actually achieving them. Why? Because if you can’t find a way to choose to be happy most of the time on a daily basis, you certainly won’t be happy for any extended period of time once you achieve your goals. Why? Realization of your goals, or the realization you have achieved your goals is simply one short moment in time. It’s just another day. The only thing you can do right now is to focus on this present moment and be grateful that right now, your actions are deciding who and what you will become the future. Choose wisely.
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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne
Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
“There is a point which you can only see so far. When you reach that point, you can see further. Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece.”–my buddy Alan from sixth grade (that was 1982 folks!)
Riches Monday says
Thank you so much for this article i’m really inspired and blessed